Differences hit the political bureau of the movement and accused of Pagan and Alor derail negotiations
06-11-2012 07:54 AM
Intensified conflicts and disputes between members of the Political Bureau of the SPLM State of the south between two trends: on the head stream Pagan Amum and Deng Alor, and another on the head of the late widow d. John Garang, Rebecca d. Riek Machar against the backdrop of the collapse of negotiations in Addis Ababa, and Cal second stream accusations violent Pagan and Alor to cause the failure of the negotiations Brfhma the ceilings bargaining and not to show any flexibility in negotiating at the expense of the aspirations of the people of the south who wants to return to pump oil through the Sudan to make a breakthrough to economic conditions experienced by the poor South. In the meantime, proceeded to deputies in the legislative south, including deputies in the opposition bloc and the SPLM in the collection of signatures to push a note through the presidency of the Legislative Council to the President of the Government of the South for the detection of the «75» charge of a southerner. Who accused them of looting «4» billions of dollars, and Osamuhm b «eaters money of the people ». The official spokesman for the rebels of the South Col. Fawzi Cypraal for «Alintibaha» The differences hit the Political Bureau of the People's Movement because of the collapse of the negotiations, said that the current political office, Download Pagan Amum and the delegation of the south negotiating responsibility for the collapse of the negotiation, Fawzi said that the anger of this trend on the delegation negotiating because of pressures faced by the movement for failing to manage the economic situation in the south following the cessation of pumping oil through the north, and has shown that views many Western reneged on the provision of «3» billions of dollars had been promised by the government of the south, and confirmed Cypraal that the situation in the south threatens the establishment of a popular uprising on the Government Movement popular because of price rises and grinding famine that hit large parts of the south.
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