Rasha in traditional Sudanese Toub

giovedì 21 giugno 2012

Rivoluzione in corso .. riprese presso l'Università di Khartoum, e 80 feriti.

06-21-2012 02:38 AM
Londra: Imam Muhammad Mustafa, l'imam  Siri

La polizia antisommossa si sono scontrati con gli studenti con i manganelli i manifestanti sudanesi a Khartoum ieri, e hanno gettato lacrimogeni in un quarto giorno di manifestazioni contro il governo del Sudan. Gruppi di studenti e dimostrazioni di piombo a Khartoum contro i piani del governo di aumentare il sostegno del governo per ridurre la spesa del carburante, provocando aumenti dei prezzi nelle materie prime essenziali. Il Sudan ha assistito ad un aumento dei prezzi alimentari e una diminuzione del valore della moneta dal momento che la secessione del Sud Sudan un anno fa, e tagliatela a circa tre quarti della produzione petrolifera del paese, che svolge un ruolo fondamentale nell'economia.

Ha detto che gli attivisti e testimoni detto che la polizia anti-sommossa che trasportano bastoni ieri chiuso una strada principale e inseguito decine di studenti nelle strade circostanti l'Università di Khartoum. Sospeso in aria e l'odore di gas lacrimogeni. I testimoni hanno detto che gli studenti che protestavano cantando applausi «la gente vuole rovesciare il regime» e lanciato pietre contro la polizia.

Presidente sudanese Omar al-Bashir Lunedì detto che il governo abolire gradualmente le sovvenzioni sul carburante, e ridurre il numero dei dipendenti del settore pubblico, e aumentare le tasse sui beni di consumo, banche e le importazioni per soddisfare il deficit di bilancio.

, L'agenzia ha detto che la stampa francese che le autorità hanno rilasciato ieri, attraverso il suo dopo essere stato detenuto presso l'Università di Khartoum. L'agenzia ha detto che il suo corrispondente Simon Martelli, un cittadino britannico, è stato arrestato al momento intorno a mezzogiorno di ieri mentre stava scattando foto e parlare con gli studenti all'università. Ha detto che è stato trattenuto per più di 12 ore senza carica.

Revolution .. shooting at the University of Khartoum, and 80 injured.

06-21-2012 02:38 AM
London: Imam Muhammad Mustafa, the imam and a secret

Riot police clashed with students with batons Sudanese protesters in Khartoum yesterday, and they threw tear gas in a fourth day of demonstrations against the government of Sudan. Student groups and lead demonstrations in Khartoum against the government's plans to increase government support for fuel to reduce spending, causing price rises in essential commodities. Sudan has witnessed a rise in food prices and a decline in the value of the currency since the secession of southern Sudan a year ago, and cut it about three-quarters of the country's oil production, which plays a vital role in the economy.

He said activists and witnesses said riot police carrying sticks yesterday closed a main road and chased scores of students in the streets surrounding the University of Khartoum. Suspended in the air and the smell of tear gas. The witnesses said that the protesting students chanting cheers «people want to topple the regime» and threw stones at police.

Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir Monday said the government would abolish gradually subsidies on fuel, and reduce the number of public sector employees, and increase taxes on consumer goods, banking and imports to meet the budget deficit.

, The agency said the French press that the authorities released yesterday via her after being detained at the University of Khartoum. The agency said that its correspondent Simon Martelli, a British national, was detained at the time around noon yesterday while he was taking pictures and talking with students at the university. She said that he was held for more than 12 hours without charge.

Revolution .. shooting at the University of Khartoum, and 80 injured.

06-21-2012 02:38 AM
London: Imam Muhammad Mustafa, the imam and a secret

Riot police clashed with students with batons Sudanese protesters in Khartoum yesterday, and they threw tear gas in a fourth day of demonstrations against the government of Sudan. Student groups and lead demonstrations in Khartoum against the government's plans to increase government support for fuel to reduce spending, causing price rises in essential commodities. Sudan has witnessed a rise in food prices and a decline in the value of the currency since the secession of southern Sudan a year ago, and cut it about three-quarters of the country's oil production, which plays a vital role in the economy.

He said activists and witnesses said riot police carrying sticks yesterday closed a main road and chased scores of students in the streets surrounding the University of Khartoum. Suspended in the air and the smell of tear gas. The witnesses said that the protesting students chanting cheers «people want to topple the regime» and threw stones at police.

Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir Monday said the government would abolish gradually subsidies on fuel, and reduce the number of public sector employees, and increase taxes on consumer goods, banking and imports to meet the budget deficit.

, The agency said the French press that the authorities released yesterday via her after being detained at the University of Khartoum. The agency said that its correspondent Simon Martelli, a British national, was detained at the time around noon yesterday while he was taking pictures and talking with students at the university. She said that he was held for more than 12 hours without charge.

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