Crime news: Sudanese bride accuses her husband of fraud by
Bride husband accused of fraud by taking Aysha gold worth (007,2) c Vdont communications in the face of the police who have arrested the husband and asked him prosecutors have charged with fraud and to transmit the communication to the criminal court or mane (Saturday). She stated that the accused took her jewelery, two months after their wedding, and sold to the introduction of revenue in trade, after the amount of disappeared a long time and when they contacted him by telephone he had insulted her, prompting them to identify the communication at the police station. When the questioning of the accused recalled that amount and take him Headquarters confirmed that she had given him the amount of their own will and subject of the communication was not intended to defraud them and therefore court set another hearing for further proceedings.
اخبار الجريمة: عروس سودانية تتهم زوجها بالاحتيال عليها
اتهمت عروس زوجها بالاحتيال عليها وأخذ مصوغاتها الذهبية التي تبلغ قيمتها (007،2) ج فدونت بلاغا في مواجهته بالشرطة التي القت القبض على الزوج ووجهت له النيابة تهمة الاحتيال وأحيل البلاغ إلى محكمة جنايات ام بدة (أمس). وقالت الشاكية إن المتهم اخذ مصوغاتها بعد زواجهما بشهرين فقط وقام ببيعها بغرض إدخال عائدها في التجارة وبعد المبلغ اختفى فترة طويلة وعندما إتصلت به تلفونياً قام بالإساءة إليها مما دفعها لتدوين بلاغ بقسم الشرطة. وعند استجواب المتهم ذكر بأنه مقر بأخذه المبلغ وأكد أنها اعطته المبلغ موضوع البلاغ بإرادتها وأنه لم يقصد أن يحتال عليها وعليه حددت المحكمة جلسة أخرى لمواصلة إجراءاتها
Cronaca nera: sposa sudanese accusa il marito di frode da parte
Sposa accusato di frode da parte del marito e ha preso i suoi gioielli d'oro del valore di (007,2) c comunicazioni Vdont di fronte la polizia che ha arrestato il marito e gli ha chiesto un procedimento giudiziario per frode e di trasmettere la comunicazione al giudice penale o criniera (ieri). Ha infatti dichiarato che l'imputato ha avuto i suoi gioielli, due mesi dopo il matrimonio, e venduto per l'introduzione dei fondi per l'importo di commercio e scomparve dopo molto tempo e quando lo ha contattato per telefono l'aveva insultato, spingendoli a identificare la comunicazione alla stazione di polizia. Interrogata dal imputato ha ricordato che la sede della quantità e portarlo confermato che gli ha dato la somma oggetto della comunicazione volentieri e non era destinato a frodare loro e dal giudice fissato un'altra udienza per il procedimento.
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