April 23, 2010, 5:22 AM EDT
More From Businessweek
By Jeffrey Donovan
April 23 (Bloomberg) -- Northern League leader Umberto Bossi said divisions with ruling coalition ally Gianfranco Fini are likely to bring down the Italian government, Ansa news agency reported, citing an interview Bossi gave to his party’s newspaper.
“We are facing the vertical collapse of the government and probably of the alliance between People of Liberty party and the League,” Bossi was quoted as saying in Padania, according to Ansa. “Fini, invidious and rancorous over our repeated victors, had reneged on the original pact and has done nothing but continously erode everything we had built.”
Bossi said Silvio Berlusconi, who yesterday called for Fini’s resignation as Chamber of Deputies speaker, said the prime minister should have kicked Fini out of the party. Fini has criticized Berlusconi’s handling of issues including changes to the judicial system, economic policy and Berlusconi’s ruling style.
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Jeffrey Donovan at jdonovan26@bloomberg.net
Italian to Italian translation Show romanization
ItalyBossi Says It’s Likely End of Italy Ruling Coalition, Ansa SaysApril 23, 2010, 5:22 AM EDT More From BusinessweekBy Jeffrey DonovanApril 23 (Bloomberg) -- Northern League leader Umberto Bossi said divisions with ruling coalition ally Gianfranco Fini are likely to bring down the Italian government, Ansa news agency reported, citing an interview Bossi gave to his party’s newspaper.“We are facing the vertical collapse of the government and probably of the alliance between People of Liberty party and the League,” Bossi was quoted as saying in Padania, according to Ansa. “Fini, invidious and rancorous over our repeated victors, had reneged on the original pact and has done nothing but continously erode everything we had built.”Bossi said Silvio Berlusconi, who yesterday called for Fini’s resignation as Chamber of Deputies speaker, said the prime minister should have kicked Fini out of the party. Fini has criticized Berlusconi’s handling of issues including changes to the judicial system, economic policy and Berlusconi’s ruling style.To contact the editor responsible for this story: Jeffrey Donovan at jdonovan26@bloomberg.net
Italy PM's Shouting Match With Ally Puts Coalition At Risk
ROME (MF-Dow Jones)--A shouting match between Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and a key political ally put the ruling coalition government in jeopardy Thursday as it heightened the prospect of the ally abandoning the coalition.
Berlusconi had called a meeting of his PDL party to discuss a threat made by Gianfranco Fini to create a splinter group over his dissatisfaction with what he called the growing entitlements of another party within the coalition.
At the meeting, Berlusconi demanded that Fini step down as head of the Chamber of Deputies if he were to keep criticizing the government.
"You want to play politics? Come back to the party," he said to the applause of PDL party members.
Fini remained defiant. At one point, he stood up from his front-row seat to reply to Berlusconi but his words were drowned by the applause of Berlusconi's supporters.
Images of the row were broadcast on local television.
Fini was later quoted by local news outlets including ANSA that he would keep saying what he thinks.
Should Fini make good on his threats, he would create a new parliamentary group, which would split off from the PDL party.
The move would weaken the government by forcing it to seek Fini's support on several issues.
The row threatens the balance of power of the ruling coalition in parliament and raises the prospect of a return to a general election.
The next elections are scheduled for 2012.
Berlusconi and the Northern League, given their strong showing in recent regional elections, are likely to win any snap election.
Fini, who headed the National Alliance before it merged with Berlusconi's Forza Italia to create the People of Freedom party, known as PDL, had accused the Northern League of getting too many concessions.
The Northern League made a strong showing in mid-term regional elections in late March, winning control of two northern regions. Since then, it had grabbed the initiative in setting the government's agenda.
Its leader Umberto Bossi also called this week for more representation in the not-for-profit foundations that control some of Italy's largest banks.
Traduzione da Inglese verso ItalianoVisualizza caratteri romani
Match Gridare PM Italia con Ally Mette A Rischio CoalizioneROMA (MF-Dow Jones) - Un incontro gridando tra il premier italiano Silvio Berlusconi e un alleato politico fondamentale mettere il governo di coalizione di governo in pericolo Giovedi, come ha elevato la prospettiva di abbandonare l'alleato della coalizione.Berlusconi aveva convocato una riunione del suo partito PDL per discutere di una minaccia fatta da Gianfranco Fini di creare un gruppo scissionista sopra la sua insoddisfazione per quello che lui chiamava i diritti crescente di un altro partito all'interno della coalizione.Nel corso della riunione, Berlusconi ha chiesto che Fini dimettersi come capo della Camera dei deputati se fosse per mantenere criticare il governo."Vuoi giocare politica? Ritorno al partito", ha detto tra gli applausi dei membri del partito PDL.Fini è rimasto di sfida. A un certo punto, si alzò dal suo posto in prima fila per rispondere a Berlusconi, ma le sue parole è annegata fra gli applausi dei sostenitori di Berlusconi.Le immagini della fila sono stati trasmessi dalla televisione locale.Fini ha poi citato da organi di stampa locali, tra cui ANSA che avrebbe continuare a dire ciò che pensa.Fini dovrebbe risarcire le sue minacce, si sarebbe creare un nuovo gruppo parlamentare, che si separò dal partito PDL.La mossa indebolirebbe il governo, costringendola a cercare l'appoggio di Fini su varie questioni.La riga minaccia l'equilibrio di potere della coalizione di governo in Parlamento e suscita la prospettiva di un ritorno a una elezione generale.Le prossime elezioni sono previste per il 2012.Berlusconi e la Lega Nord, vista la loro per la forte nelle ultime elezioni regionali, rischiano di vincere elezioni anticipate.Fini, che era a capo di Alleanza Nazionale prima della sua fusione con Forza Italia di Berlusconi di creare il Popolo della Libertà partito, noto come PDL, aveva accusato la Lega Nord di avere troppe concessioni.La Lega Nord fatto una mostra forte alle elezioni regionali di medio termine a fine marzo, vincendo il controllo delle due regioni del nord. Da allora, aveva preso l'iniziativa di istituire l'agenda del governo.Il suo leader Umberto Bossi, detto anche questa settimana per avere una rappresentazione del non-profit per le fondazioni che controllano alcune delle più grandi banche d'Italia.
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ItalyBossi Says It’s Likely End of Italy Ruling Coalition, Ansa Says
April 23, 2010, 5:22 AM EDT
More From Businessweek
By Jeffrey Donovan
April 23 (Bloomberg) -- Northern League leader Umberto Bossi said divisions with ruling coalition ally Gianfranco Fini are likely to bring down the Italian government, Ansa news agency reported, citing an interview Bossi gave to his party’s newspaper.
“We are facing the vertical collapse of the government and probably of the alliance between People of Liberty party and the League,” Bossi was quoted as saying in Padania, according to Ansa. “Fini, invidious and rancorous over our repeated victors, had reneged on the original pact and has done nothing but continously erode everything we had built.”
Bossi said Silvio Berlusconi, who yesterday called for Fini’s resignation as Chamber of Deputies speaker, said the prime minister should have kicked Fini out of the party. Fini has criticized Berlusconi’s handling of issues including changes to the judicial system, economic policy and Berlusconi’s ruling style.
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Jeffrey Donovan at jdonovan26@bloomberg.net
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