Rasha in traditional Sudanese Toub

venerdì 28 ottobre 2011

News of Sudan.

Deputy to the Blue Nile: the armed forces on the outskirts of the city of Kurmuk

Dr Ismail Adam earliest Deputy to the Blue Nile that the information received indicates that the armed forces on the outskirts of the city of Kurmuk, while the rebel forces fled from the area real estate.
This came in a meeting at his office yesterday a convoy of the joy of Eid functioning of the National Union state of the island.
The Deputy Governor convoy, pointing out that the island had been present since the beginning of the events represented by the Governor Prof. Al-Zubair Bashir Taha in convoys and in the support and backing of all of their localities, and civil society organizations.
For his part, Vice President of the National Youth state of the island that the reasons the island under a fuel, support and sustenance and support of religion and the nation and its armed forces, adding that the convoy aims to contribute to the joy of Eid for the citizens of the Blue Nile

Demonstration in Khartoum to support the "Syrian intifada"

About 350 people demonstrated on Friday in Khartoum to support the "Syrian intifada" against the government of President Bashar al-Assad.
A journalist from AFP that about 350 people came out of the largest mosques in the Sudanese capital in the center of the city, carrying banners of cloth reading "Muslim blood is forbidden for a Muslim."
And chanted "No Iran and Alawite Muslims in the field" and "God is greatest".
Demonstration and marched under the protection of police and riot control.
And gave a number of imams in the mosques of Khartoum speeches during the demonstration.
The Association of Sudan's semi-government scientists said in a statement Thursday that the government of Bashar Assad, the face of the demonstrators "against Islamic sharia law."
Sudan is a member of the Arab League committee which visited Damascus on Thursday, represented by the Minister of State Ali Karti.
There was still no official position by the Sudanese government about what is going on in Syria.

Sudan: subsistence farmers in the state of Blue Nile are forced to flee
18 / October / 2011

Villagers to fish in the river near Sally, and their families living in a nearby camp in the jungle after fleeing from their homes by bombing
Eve sits Gondi, aged 21 years on the solvency of outside temporary tents near the village of Sally, where she lives her family of eight members now on the one meal a day. Complained Eve, which is home to her daughter, Fatima, the age of four months, the other three children have died since the start of the conflict in Blue Nile State of Sudan in early September.

And explained the reason of death, saying: "fallen ill and could not give them the medicine they died," noting that Fatima is now infected with diarrhea and a fever at night. She added: "We heard the voice of Antonov [aircraft used by the Sudanese armed forces to drop bombs. We know very well," pointing to her village was bombed and Sally and her family were forced to leave it. "We have nothing to eat. Go to the bush and look at the old plantations on some corn that is still growing, Venktefha and prepare them porridge ... The clashes between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Sudan, Department of the north, too far from here, so I can not I understand that the reason for the flight of Antonov aircraft on our village and dumping bombs. "

The clashes between the two sides continues in Blue Nile state since September 2, when he forced the Sudanese armed forces of political opposition party, which turned into a group of rebels to leave Damazin, the capital of the state.

In the settlement of displaced people gathered near where the others, the inversion of 'Arafah al-Bashir and some of the soup pot made of okra, which will be used in addition to what has been collected from the abandoned farms of high corn to feed 10 people crowded around the tent.

And repeat these scenes of misery all over the area of conflict because of the people fled from their villages for fear of aerial bombardment.

In this context, it was the High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to 27 500 people fled the conflict in Blue Nile State to the State of neighboring Ethiopia since early September. The Commission is scheduled to open second camp, 200 kilometers of the border can accommodate up to 3,000 people, while continuing the fighting and aerial bombardments by the Sudanese armed forces.

In spite of that the family of Gondi did not flee away from agricultural areas, but the corn available to them and those with it will be implemented soon, their livelihoods will be affected as well. Eve pointed out that the Antonov plane came a few days ago and bombed the river where you are looking for gold to sell in Kurmuk, a town near the Ethiopian border, an hour's drive away.

Call the FAO

Fighters of the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Sudan, Department of the North, standing next to a car coated with mud for the rebels in Blue Nile State
Launched by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) last week appealed for $ 3.5 million to assist 235,000 people facing food shortages in both states trouble spots of the war, which are considered also the largest U.S. producer of sorghum (sorghum) in the Sudan, the two states of the Nile Blue and South Kordofan.

The lack of regularity of rainfall and forced tens of thousands of people to leave their farms to double the price of corn bag capacity of 90 kg this year to 140 Sudanese pounds (52 dollars). And expects the Food and Agriculture, said that prices continue to rise due to the worsening shortage of production, but says that access to information about the real situation in Blue Nile State is difficult because of the ban imposed by the Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir to aid organizations.

For his part, believes Ivan Atar, MD, the only remaining hospital in Kurmuk, the only one in the region that separates the Damazin, under the control of the Sudanese armed forces, the State of Ethiopia, the widespread lack of food has become imminent. Came in saying: "I think that next month will be very difficult, because people will not reap anything. They fled and there is no sponsoring their farms for fear of bombing."

He also warned Uttar from near the end of your inventory movement Sudan People's Liberation, Department of the North, in the town of Kurmuk, which is considered a stronghold for the rebels a 10-minute walk from the Ethiopian border, and within three months.

No longer the town, which had previously been a booming market, contain only a few huts and stalls open selling cigarettes, okra, sorghum and essential household items.

Escape to the forest

Said Siham Colva of temporary shelter in the jungle about two hours drive north of Kurmuk: "We left everything, and we had only cooking utensils," noting that her family left the village two weeks ago and the three children completed the little food that was available during the flight. She added: "There is no food here. We are forced to go to the forest to search for any thing we can eat it with corn and Nkhalth found in the abandoned farms."

In the village of Mayas, where more than 3,500 people, said village chief Khader Abu Sitta, a bomb dropped by an Antonov plane recently caused the deaths of six people, adding: "We do not get to eat only of these small farms and very near our homes, because we have not been able this year to go to our farms in the valley. there are only a few of the food which is limited to corn. " He pointed out that there is no medicine in the village and the market is located in the neighboring village of larger sells only coffee and cigarettes, lentils and flour.

Food Force

Said Malik Agar, governor of Blue Nile State, the former leader of the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Sudan, Department of the North, it may be to hose the upper hand in terms of air power, but the group of his fight with all weapons owned, including land mines, and accused President Bashir of using food as a weapon.

Came in saying: "The strategy] attackers [is to break the will of our fighters, Civilians and their wives are their mothers and loved ones, and the shelling would cause dispersed throughout the region." He noted that the previous season for the harvest "in the origin of the free food" in Blue Nile State, adding: "We ask the United Nations to open up humanitarian corridors" and push for a tripartite agreement to allow access for humanitarian aid.

He also noted that up to half the population of Blue Nile state's 1.2 million people had started to leave. Can not verify these numbers by independent sources.

For its part, said Alexandra Matedej_, coordinator contacted the International Committee of the Red Cross in Khartoum and working in cooperation with the Sudanese Red Crescent in the north of the state, which attracted thousands of displaced people: "We have provided services to nearly 18,000 people in nine different areas of the Blue Nile State Damazin in the vicinity of the city "to provide shelter, water, clothing, food and washing materials.

martedì 18 ottobre 2011

Students give headache to Bashir so he sends them home!!

Closure of the University of Omdurman after the civil tensionbetween the students of supporters and opponents of the government
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University administration has suspended the civil Omdurmanyesterday the first study, all the colleges indefinitely, she said in a statement Monday that the step was taken in the wake of the escalation of events on campus, and students in order to preservethe lives and property of the university.
The university was witnessed violence last week between the National Congress cadres of students and other opposition forces. However, police intervened to resolution, but clashesbroke out again yesterday, what I called the police to surround theheadquarters of the League from all directions.
The sources of student events that broke out against the background of the university's administration graduate studentsfrom the university and the abolition of lectures, contact the Department of rescue operations and clashes with hands andarms white corner during the talk on campus.

giovedì 13 ottobre 2011


Sono del Blue Nile Province la provincia che rebella contro il Generale Bashir io nativo di quella terra e si non combatto con il fucile combatto con la mia penna e blog.................................VIVA IL POPOLO DEL FUNJ...............azim.
The population of the Blue Nile live in fear of air raids

Sat Satdam ANIMA scared as he watched a doctor sews the rest of the skin of his left arm, in the Blue Nile State of Sudan where heavy fighting doctor confirms Ivan Attar's only a remote hospital was no longer able to care for the wounded streaming.
He said a doctor at a hospital Kurmuk, a rebel stronghold on the Ethiopian border, said he had 7 Operations legs of the fighting since the start of a month ago between the Sudanese army and the guerrillas in the northern wing of the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Sudan, the former rebel movement, which is now in control of southern Sudan.
The doctor said, "I am about to break our stock. We went here and there to re-fill. But now no longer have a place of equipping us his materials," saying it had received 600 wounded were wounded by shrapnel shells.
Hospital is the only one of the largest city in Ethiopia, Blue Nile Damazzin controlled by the Sudanese army lacks cotton, bandages and sterile serum depleted stocks where the composer of six months in the month of fierce fighting.
In the event did not reach any help before the end of the week will fall short for dealing with Attar the many victims of the conflict. This risk is already in place due to the prevention of Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir of humanitarian agencies from entering the states of Blue Nile and South Kordofan, neighboring other conflict-ridden since June / June
On the hospital bed Othman tells Elton (65 years) injured in the back and arm by shrapnel How was the bombing of his home town Sally, about an hour north of Kurmuk.
"I look for sorghum flour of two wives and a crude reached (planes) and Antonov Qceftna."
Mayas in the far north Antonov raids led to the deaths of six people, according to the leader of the town Khider Abusseta. "The Antonov planes yesterday flew over our heads Toa hours. Mrtobein we were."
The leader of the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Sudan - North Malik Agar, who was elected before replacing Khartoum Vijtbi near Kurmuk. He killed 63 bomb on the city where the Antonov raids led to the deaths of 74 people and wounding about 100 civilians.
He added that this indiscriminate bombing designed to "break the will of the fighters," the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Sudan - North, which has long been an ally of the South won independence in the atrium July 9 after the civil war (1983 to 2005 led to two million people).
Agar said that "civilians are women and mothers and relatives of the" fighters accused the Sudanese army forcing 1.2 million people, half of the agricultural population of the state from their homes.
It is impossible to confirm the information with independent sources as to prevent Khartoum access to the areas concerned.
The UNHCR said the refugees a week before the resorting of 27,500 people from the Blue Nile State to Ethiopia and open a new camp adjacent to the Sudanese border to receive the new arrivals.
It requested the UN Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) on Wednesday, $ 3.5 million to avoid a humanitarian crisis and food may reach 235 000 people in the Blue Nile and South Kordofan.
Agar said Tan catastrophic humanitarian situation in the region, which is now an urgent need to intervene "for the UN, adding that the harvest was lost and the lack of food has become a motivation for migration of many.
But al-Bashir has already warned that Sudan will not negotiate at all, "under the supervision of the UN," vowing to crush the rebellion in the Blue Nile.


La popolazione del Nilo Azzurro vivono nel timore di raid aerei

Sab ANIMA Satdam paura, mentre guardava un medico cuce il resto della pelle del braccio sinistro, nello Stato del Nilo Azzurro in Sudan, dove il medico pesanti combattimenti conferma Ivan Attar è solo un remoto ospedale non era più in grado di cura per lo streaming feriti.
Ha detto un medico in uno Kurmuk ospedale, una roccaforte dei ribelli al confine con l'Etiopia, ha detto che aveva le gambe 7 Operazioni dei combattimenti dall'inizio di un mese fa tra l'esercito sudanese ei guerriglieri nell'ala settentrionale del Movimento Popolare per la Liberazione del Sudan, il movimento ex ribelle, che ora è in controllo del Sudan meridionale.
Il dottore disse: "Io sto per rompere il nostro magazzino. Siamo andati qui e là per ri-riempire. Ma ora non hanno più un luogo di dotare noi i suoi materiali", dicendo di aver ricevuto 600 feriti sono stati feriti da proiettili shrapnel.
Ospedale è l'unico della città più grande in Etiopia, Blue Nile Damazzin controllati dall'esercito sudanese manca di cotone, bende e sterili le scorte di siero impoverito, dove il compositore di sei mesi, nel mese di aspri combattimenti.
Nel caso in cui non ha raggiunto alcun aiuto prima della fine della settimana cadrà a breve per affrontare Attar le numerose vittime del conflitto. Questo rischio è già in atto per la prevenzione del presidente sudanese Omar al-Bashir di agenzie umanitarie di entrare negli Stati del Nilo Azzurro e del Sud Kordofan, vicini conflittuale dal giugno / Giugno
Sul letto d'ospedale Othman racconta Elton (65 anni) ferito alla schiena e al braccio dalle schegge Come è stato il bombardamento della sua città natale di Sally, a circa un'ora a nord di Kurmuk.
"Cerco di farina di sorgo due mogli e un greggio ha raggiunto (aerei) e Antonov Qceftna".
Maya nel nord Antonov raid ha portato alla morte di sei persone, secondo il leader della Khider città Abusseta. "Gli aerei Antonov ieri ha volato sopra le nostre teste ore Toa. Mrtobein eravamo."
Il leader del Movimento Popolare per la Liberazione del Sudan - Nord Agar Malik, che è stato eletto prima di sostituire Khartoum Vijtbi vicino Kurmuk. Ha ucciso 63 bomba sulla città dove le incursioni Antonov ha portato alla morte di 74 persone e ferendone circa 100 civili.
Ha aggiunto che questo bombardamenti indiscriminati progettato per "spezzare la volontà dei combattenti", il Movimento Popolare per la Liberazione del Sudan - Nord, che è stato a lungo un alleato del Sud conquistò l'indipendenza nel luglio nell'atrio 9 dopo la guerra civile (dal 1983 al 2005 ha portato a due milioni di persone).
Agar ha detto che "i civili sono donne e madri e parenti dei" combattenti accusato l'esercito sudanese costringendo 1,2 milioni di persone, la metà della popolazione agricola dello stato dalle loro case.
E 'impossibile confermare le informazioni con fonti indipendenti per impedire l'accesso Khartoum per le zone interessate.
L'UNHCR ha dichiarato ai rifugiati una settimana prima il ricorso di 27.500 persone da parte dello Stato Nilo Azzurro in Etiopia e aprire un nuovo campo adiacente al confine con il Sudan per ricevere i nuovi arrivati.
Ha chiesto alla Food and Agriculture Organization delle Nazioni Unite (FAO) il Mercoledì, $ 3,5 milioni a evitare una crisi umanitaria e gli alimenti possono raggiungere 235 000 persone nel Nilo Azzurro e il Sud Kordofan.
Agar, ha detto Tan catastrofica situazione umanitaria nella regione, che ora è urgente intervenire "per le Nazioni Unite, aggiungendo che il raccolto è andato perduto e la mancanza di cibo è diventato una motivazione per la migrazione di molti.
Ma al-Bashir ha già avvertito che il Sudan non negoziare, a tutti ", sotto la supervisione delle Nazioni Unite," promettendo di schiacciare la ribellione nel Nilo Azzurro.

lunedì 10 ottobre 2011

News of Sudan.

News of Sudan.
Minister of Presidency of the Council of Ministers in the government of South Deng Alor confirms that the South would not hand over the hose Arman.
. . Minister of Presidency of the Council of Ministers in the government of South Deng Alor, said his government will not provide aid to the Northern Sector in the SPLM after the invitation of the Secretary General of the Movement, Yasser Arman, to overthrow President Omar al-Bashir in Khartoum

Alor stressed in an interview with the "last moment", published on Sunday that will not help Arman Juba in the heart of the system of government, but at the same time will not extradite the man to Khartoum, and Alor was responding to a question about the demand to hand over Khartoum to Juba, Arman

And without a just peace platform, which is led by free-Tayeb Mustafa, Sudanese President tip criminal before the State Security Prosecution in Khartoum in the face of Arman, for undermining the constitutional order and dealing with an enemy country as well as to call for opposition to public authority Awalqoh criminal violence and the dissemination of false news.

And Arman has asked the UN Security Council recently on a tour during which he visited Western Europe and the United States to impose an air embargo against Sudan and the opening of safe corridors for humanitarian aid to the Blue Nile and South Kordofan. He also suggested Arman Alliance opposition forces to topple the Bashir government.

And lead the popular movement in the north of Sudan armed confrontations against the armed forces in the provinces of South Kordofan and Blue Nile, after the rejection of the results of the election of the governor of Kordofan and differences with the ruling National Congress Party on the implementation of the popular consultation

il ministro della Presidenza del Consiglio dei ministri nel governo del Sud Deng Alor conferma che il Sud non intenda cedere il tubo Arman.
. . Ministro della Presidenza del Consiglio dei ministri nel governo del Sud Deng Alor, ha detto che il suo governo non fornirà aiuti al settore settentrionale del SPLM dopo l'invito del segretario generale del Movimento, Yasser Arman, di rovesciare il Presidente Omar al-Bashir a Khartoum

Alor ha sottolineato in un'intervista al "all'ultimo momento", pubblicato il Domenica che non aiuterà Arman Juba, nel cuore del sistema di governo, ma al tempo stesso non estradare l'uomo a Khartoum, e Alor stava rispondendo ad una domanda circa la richiesta di consegnare Khartoum a Juba, Arman

E senza una piattaforma di pace giusta, che è guidata da free-Tayeb Mustafa, il presidente sudanese penale dinanzi alla Procura di sicurezza dello Stato di Khartoum di fronte Arman, per minare l'ordine costituzionale e di fronte ad un paese nemico, come pure a chiedere opposizione alla pubblica violenza autorità Awalqoh penale e la diffusione di notizie false punta.

E Arman ha chiesto al Consiglio di sicurezza dell'ONU ha recentemente in un tour durante il quale visitò l'Europa occidentale e negli Stati Uniti di imporre un embargo aereo contro il Sudan e l'apertura di corridoi di sicurezza per gli aiuti umanitari per il Nilo Azzurro e del Sud Kordofan. Ha anche suggerito Arman forze di opposizione Alleanza per rovesciare il governo di Bashir.

E guidare il movimento popolare nel nord del Sudan, scontri armati contro le forze armate nelle province del Sud Kordofan e Blue Nile, dopo il rifiuto dei risultati delle elezioni del governatore del Kordofan e le differenze con il Partito del congresso nazionale sull'attuazione della consultazione popolare

Sudan:Kiir a Bashir,risolveremo problemi
Primo incontro diplomatico tra nord e sud su petrolio e Abyei
09 ottobre, 18:31

(ANSA) - KHARTOUM, 9 OTT - Si sono conclusi i primi colloqui diplomatici nella storia tra il Sudan e il Sud Sudan, da quando tre mesi fa Giuba ha ottenuto l'indipendenza da Khartoum: l'obiettivo, risolvere le dispute tra i due Paesi sul petrolio e sulle tensioni nelle zone di confine, in particolare nella regione-cuscinetto di Abyei. ''Il mio governo e' pronto a discutere per trovare soluzioni alle importanti questioni - ha affermato Kiir - Vi assicuro che troveremo soluzioni ai problemi''.

venerdì 7 ottobre 2011

News of divided Sudan.

Ban warns of «serious conflict» in Abyei and recommends a UN mandated force monitoring the border
Friday, October 7, 2011
New York - «life»
Warned the Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon of renewed «serious conflict» in the disputed area of Abyei between the Sudan and South Sudan. He recommended the Security Council adjusted the mandate of United Nations Interim Force in Abyei «Onesfa» to include border control, calling to encourage Khartoum and Juba, the progress in negotiations to resolve their differences regarding Abyei.

He demanded to extend the power of «Onesfa» air capabilities «is 4 helicopters and a plane» to be able to fulfill its mandate «to enable them to support the mechanism of the international border». Ban said in a report to the Security Council that the Governments of the two countries «to accelerate the withdrawal of the armed forces out of Abyei because the stabilization depends on the withdrawal of security forces to enable the displaced to return». He warned that the onset of migration of Arab tribes Misseriya in Abyei to the south end of this month may contribute to increased tensions between them and the Dinka - Ngok. He said that immigration will become a source of serious conflict «If you are unable to displaced people from the Dinka to return before the end of the field planting season which has already begun».

He urged the Security Council to encourage the parties to engage in negotiations and the establishment of a new managerial authority in Abyei «to take urgent steps for the establishment of the police». He announced that the 1800 component of forces «Onesfa» deployed in Abyei and began operations mandate the Security Council, adding that «the force will be able to prevent conflict and to facilitate the implementation by the parties, security arrangements, joint management». He pointed out that «the second phase of the deployment of 900 troops began as of last September the past». He stressed that the only solution is negotiations between the Governments of Sudan and Southern Sudan to reach a permanent solution regarding Abyei. The Security Council established the force of Ethiopian soldiers in June last year.


Ban avverte di «grave conflitto» ad Abyei e raccomanda una forza delle Nazioni Unite incaricata di monitoraggio del confine
Venerdì 7 Ottobre 2011
New York - «la vita»
Ha avvertito il segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite Ban Ki-moon di una rinnovata «serio conflitto» nella zona contesa di Abyei tra il Sudan e Sud Sudan. Egli ha raccomandato al Consiglio di Sicurezza regolato il mandato della Forza interinale delle Nazioni Unite ad Abyei «Onesfa» per includere il controllo delle frontiere, chiamando per incoraggiare Khartoum e Juba, i progressi dei negoziati per risolvere le loro differenze per quanto riguarda Abyei.

Ha chiesto di estendere il potere di «Onesfa» capacità aeree «è di 4 elicotteri e un aereo» per essere in grado di assolvere il suo mandato "per permettere loro di sostenere il meccanismo del confine internazionale». Ban ha detto in un rapporto al Consiglio di sicurezza che i governi dei due Paesi «per accelerare il ritiro delle forze armate di Abyei, perché la stabilizzazione dipende dal ritiro delle forze di sicurezza per permettere agli sfollati di ritornare». Egli ha avvertito che l'inizio della migrazione delle tribù arabe Misseriya ad Abyei alla fine sud di questo mese può contribuire ad aggravare le tensioni tra loro e il Dinka - Ngok. Ha detto che l'immigrazione diventerà una fonte di grave conflitto «Se non si riesce a sfollati dalla Dinka per tornare prima della fine della stagione della semina campo che è già cominciata».

Egli ha esortato il Consiglio di Sicurezza per incoraggiare le parti a impegnarsi nei negoziati e la creazione di una nuova autorità di gestione ad Abyei «di adottare misure urgenti per l'istituzione della polizia». Ha annunciato che dal 1800 componente delle forze «Onesfa» implementato in Abyei e ha iniziato le operazioni di mandato del Consiglio di sicurezza, aggiungendo che «la forza sarà in grado di prevenire i conflitti e per facilitare l'attuazione delle parti, le misure di sicurezza, gestione comune». Egli ha sottolineato che «la seconda fase del dispiegamento di 900 soldati iniziarono a partire dal settembre scorso al passato». Egli ha sottolineato che l'unica soluzione è negoziati tra i governi del Sudan e Sud Sudan per raggiungere una soluzione permanente per quanto riguarda Abyei. Il Consiglio di sicurezza istituito la forza dei soldati etiopi nel giugno dello scorso anno.

giovedì 6 ottobre 2011

Sudan news .

Sudan news

Protests continue in Khartoum and the Assistant to the President accused the Communist Party support

Protests continued in the Sudanese capital Khartoum for the fifth consecutive day because of high prices and economic decline, and saw the revival of sporadic demonstrations, acting police fired tear gas as members used batons to disperse the angry crowds, activists said that the demonstrations were renewed yesterday in the neighborhood of "wild" and extended to the neighborhood "along the Nasser, "east of the capital
According to eyewitnesses, the protests spilled into the neighborhood of Riyadh, which is a high-end neighborhoods of Khartoum, but the police responded with tear gas
And vice president accused ruling National Congress Party to party affairs and his assistant in the presidency, Nafie Ali Nafie, the Sudanese Communist Party of being behind the demonstrations sweeping the capital, Khartoum, denouncing Balglae and corruption, and said when he addressed the Conference of the women sector Friday evening that a wealthy Communist Party is funded demonstrations.
The protests flared up last Tuesday from the district of "wild" in Khartoum crane slogans denouncing Balglae and poverty, then moved to other neighborhoods of the capital and went out protests Alalh in the areas of land and Alhamdap and Gabra in Khartoum and the revolution in Omdurman and Alaelfon in Khartoum anger on the wave of rising prices, which have dominated the markets During the last few days. The demonstrators chanted slogans against the government of «the people hungry, but cowardly» and »the revolution ... Revolution until victory ».
The police pushed the demonstrators, using tear Ghaz and batons, forcing protesters to resort to side roads amid the living.
The authorities arrested the demonstrators and the imam of a mosque in Alaelfon called for a protest. And received daily newspapers Anmart of the security authorities not to publish any news about the demonstrations

SPLA Army OF THE SOUTH Kordofan enters the local Abuajabiha in the Republic of Sudan.
. . The Deputy Chairman of the Federation of Farmers Sudan drowning Camball scores of farmers have been in Chrdém in areas Lhalov and chordal term of the local Abu Ajabiha and areas of good governance and the landfill and the red and Almtimr and again, after the SPLA forces of the State of South Sudan on Tuesday to those areas mechanisms and military hardware from the Kaka commercial Wood Kuna southern Sudan.

Campbell said that the presence of those forces terrorized people abandoning agricultural projects, noting that they had told the Sudanese parliament deputies and the National Conference and the Sudanese Government of such developments.

United States calls on the southern and northern Sudan to share oil.
. .
Called the first ambassador appointed by President Barack Obama Wednesday in southern Sudan, the new state quickly to negotiate with the North on the sharing of oil revenues.

Said Susan Paige during the confirmation hearing on her appointment to the U.S. Senate "that the two sides are now allowed to continue to produce and export oil, but in the absence (agreement) solid soon, countries will face serious economic difficulties."

And raise the issue of sharing oil revenues, a problem between the independent South Sudan since the ninth of July, which owns the bulk of oil reserves, and Sudan, where the infrastructure to transport oil and the only outlet to the sea.

The key issue because 98% of the revenues of southern Sudan and 60% of Sudan's oil-related revenues. Khartoum and lost about 36% of its oil revenues as a result of this sharing.

Paige said "It is necessary to encourage partners to resume negotiations," stressing that "regarding the oil revenues must be shared and quickly reaching agreements on oil."

Washington is trying to convince the governors of central banks in the north-south cooperation in this file, it says.

She said that "prices are rising in the north, and people began to feel the effects of the loss of one third of the country and the trade fell through the border."

And the Senate to prove that Paige in her position in the coming weeks. Paige and the estimated annual oil revenue for the south at between 4 to 5 billion dollars. She told senators that one of the main tasks will be to help the new state to manage its oil wealth in the best way.