Rasha in traditional Sudanese Toub

lunedì 31 dicembre 2012

1st Jan 1956

Full details of the day 1/1 1956 /

12-31-2012 01:13 AM

Report of: Fatima Ahmdon:

Saw 1/1/1956 generator Sudan and convergence bilateral scientific judgment who remained Arverwan in our country since the third of September 1898 after the defeat of the army of Mahdia in repeat and raise the flag of Sudan on 1/1/1956 in a formal ceremony inside the Saraya unprecedented, and a popular concert in the field of Kitchener did not witness history has ever seen in that great day was heroic Sudanese people repeated firmly: raise the banner of independence day ... And lined generator history of our people ... My brethren sang for us ..

Previously generator state Sudan Independent lot of important events of the agreement between Britain and Egypt in 1953 and which states that decide Sudan determination by an elected Constituent Assembly to choose between full independence and the link with Egypt and the Sudanese government transition to provide air neutral free to self-determination, and demonstrated Psodna jobs, which was occupied by British and Egyptian officials, in addition to the evacuation of British and Egyptian troops that have been stationed since 1898.

Days passed, and implemented the Convention strictly implemented, and August 16, 1955 Parliament adopted a resolution requesting the evacuation of foreign troops from Sudan and plans to self-determination through a referendum instead of a Constituent Assembly as stipulated agreement Sudan, and this was the decision was taken under the guidance of Mr. Ali Mirghani leader Khatmiyya and blessed Mr. Abdul Rahman al-Mahdi, leader Ansar sect, and shortly after the agreement published today news that sent the reporter (Thames) in Cairo that the new agreement authorizes the International Committee to cancel the self-determination process or delay also gives states of the Condominium right not تعترفا will Sudanese only after negotiating with representatives of the Sudanese parliament on ending the rule of bilateral and so were the States of bilateral government had already provided the idea of self-determination in the existing parliament and took the Sudanese parties will hold meetings in order to form the transitional government.

The resignation of the Governor-General

In the meantime, the State Department announced that the British governor-general of Sudan Sir Knox so had decided to resign from his post for personal reasons and that Britain is not about to appoint Governor-General and it was negotiating with the Egyptian government has benefited our parties at the time of this position and declared all presidents and party leaders about their desire to full independence.

Instant recognition

In historic day 1/1/1956 At (53) stop Prime Minister Ismail Al-Azhari and asked permission to read the letters that he received from each delegate from the British government and the Egyptian.

Abdel Nasser's speech Azhari

Mr. Prime Minister of the Government of Sudan

Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings

The Egyptian government pursuant intentions by avowing them and sense that struggled for him to achieve the freedom of the Sudanese people immediately declare recognition Sudan an independent sovereign state, has issued the Egyptian government for this attached declaration adopted behalf of Mr. Alomerlaa Staff Abdel Fattah Hassan, I am honored on behalf of myself and turn for the Egyptian government to extend to you my sincere congratulations to this immortal day in the history of Sudan and pray to God to repay his footsteps in the present and the future.

Yours sincere affection and respect

Gamal Abdel Nasser - the Prime Minister of the Government of Egypt

Also followed leader Ismail Azhari attached declaration with the speech, which was read as follows:

(In response to the decision taken by the Sudanese parliament on 19 December 1955 in which he declared that the Sudan an independent sovereign state with effect from the date of the first of January 1956.

The hopes of the Republic of Egypt in the time recognizing the independence of Sudan, to continue care conventions and held by the two States Department of bilateral and agreed to be applied to Sudan and would be pleased to support the Sudanese government, also requests the Republic of Egypt to cooperate with the Sudanese government in all steps necessary to liquidation of bilateral Sudan).


Gamal Abdel Nasser

Also followed leader Ismail Azhari British speech recognition, which reads as follows:

(His Excellency Mr. Ismail Al-Azhari

Received Government of the Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Parliament resolution Sudanese has become an independent state and for which the states of the Condominium to admit it immediately and answer to this demand has authorized me the UK government that inform you that we recognize today's date that Sudan could become a free, independent, sovereign, While advance this proposal trust in the United Kingdom that the Government of Sudan will continue to implement the conventions and treaties concluded behalf by and applied to the Sudan by my own judgment duo also hopes the British government to cooperate with the Government of Sudan in all the steps required to liquidate the judgment duo - with sincere appreciation and respect) .

Signed: Selwyn Lloyd

After that followed leader Azhari this recognition and speech Abdel Nasser said (I would like the Council and the public to suspend simple what I read now is from the end of this session and begin to exercise the special powers in foreign affairs and that was by virtue of the provisions of the constitution and autonomy previous previous conditions of jurisdiction of the Governor-General, and will extend to the British and Egyptian governments request to identify those treaties and conventions to which he referred in a speech recognition before we give our commitment and we will esteemed Council statement).

Science Sudan flutters

In the ninth hour and the second minute of Sunday morning the first in January 1956 began note governance bilateral landing of Sarathma for the last time in fully ninth fourth minute of the same day Al-settled science Sudan at the top of communicable flying alone, was jointly sedan Ismail Azhari and Mohamed Ahmed Mahgoub in Sudanese flag.

Voices of Representatives

In sharp eleventh hour and quarter voices of Representatives in force and vigor and esteem declare the independence of Sudan when asked President proposal to a vote, I went out the word yes strong Dawih recorded beginning a new history and the birth of a free nation shattered odds and emerged victorious from the battle of liberation and reverberated balconies applause Subscribe where everyone even foreigners, while the Council Chamber abuzz with joy began defender abroad send missiles and resounds like thunder in front of the defense force has turned the masses of people around cheering and clapping and shouting and then present a proposal the composition of the committee five to exercise powers of the head of State, Vogiz proposal unanimously and passed the proposal by the Constituent Assembly The meeting adjourned at twelve o'clock and accept Parliament the government and opposition to greet each other, and accept visitors, led by foreign exchange congratulations and then everyone mingled with MPs in Parliament Square in the festival of joy and elation.

Historic procession

The session ended historical and walked the procession from Parliament House to Saraya Governor General and enrolled members of the government and the opposition and government ministers and supporters behind them and are met on the other side and ministers shadow and opposition supporters in the gardens Serail stop Messrs. Ali Mirghani and Abdul Rahman al-Mahdi and senior civil servants are viewing celebrate the Sudanese people per day historical and how down police scientific states bilateral judgment and Slmoheme to delegates from the two countries.

Tears men

Between independence slogans and public acclaim tears overflowed Mr. Abdul Rahman al-Mahdi joy after the check Sudan's full independence and sovereignty advocated by the leader of Ansar head of the Umma Party, and the situation was the size of the tears and shared many tears as an expression of joy and how much is men's tears expensive.

mercoledì 7 novembre 2012

Peace no war.

                               Congratulations Mr. President,  

 please solve the problems of etnic war and may peace rigne over the world.

lunedì 15 ottobre 2012

Thieves are the Khalifa of Sudan.

بعثرة الاطار الزمني للأحداث : الخرطوم في 1995

هنا الخرطوم....قلعة الخلافة الاسلامية الاستوائية المصدقة لهوس الرائد يونس محمود (إن البشير جاء ليلقي القميص على وجه السودان فيرتد بصيراً) ! فمنذ 1989 سكن جن نمرود مخيلة حكامها فأوهمهم ان الشعارات بمقدورها جعل النملة خرتيتا !

هنا الخرطوم ...المتنكبة دروب التحدي ومط اللسان امام الكل . فأمريكا دنا عذابها ، وروسيا في مهلة استتابة ، وشعب السودان ممنوع من "بغم" والا أريقت منه كل الدماء . تناوب مطلوبو الانتربول بلحاهم المخضبة علي مايكروفونات قاعاتنا متوعدين أنظمتهم بالويل والثبور وعظائم الأمور ! وفي بيوت الاشباح سجل جهاز نافع براءات اختراع في التعذيب والتنكيل بالخصوم . فحشر الناس في بيوتهم من الغسق الي الغسق التالي وأفرغت دواوين الخدمة المدنية ودور المعرفة والمؤسسات القومية من شهادات الكفاءة ودال أمرها لأناس التمكين.فشهقت الحياة بصرخة الموت !

هنا الخرطوم ... مدينة الهجرة 45 سنتقريد ، مقر الشيخ اسامة بن لادن ومجاهديه من العرب الافغان . وصلنا في أواخر 1991 وتدفق مقاتلوه بالباصات المظللة الي حزام المزارع والليل لباسا ! حل الاغراب في بلادنا لتنفيذ أشياء لا نعرفها. قالوا انهم سيرتبون العالم وفق مرئياتهم ، انطلاقا من أرضنا ! مزارعنا وقد كانت تطعم صغارنا حليبا ، ونعاجنا برسيما ، تمردت وحملت السلاح . خاصموا البيئة ، فشنقوا مثمر أشجارها وجففوا جداولها وطمروا آبارها . حلت الشواخص الخشبية والهمبول الطارد للطير علي تلالها ، فانقطع الخير اذ اصفرت السنابل وماتت قناديل أبو سبعين فجاعت العصافير ونفقت الأنعام . غدت المزارع حقولا للالغام ، والطوابير وفرقعات البارود ودروات الرماية والتصويب واقع الحال . اشتروا وئامنا وهدوءنا بحر مالهم فأحاطوا بنا من كل جانب: في الجريفات ، الحلفاية ، سوبا والمرخيات بل وتمددوا حتي الدمازين والقاش ، ونالوا رضا أمير المؤمنين بما أودعوا جيبه.

أصبحنا دار حرب !

ان تمشوا خارج أوكارهم ، عرفناهم بسحنات هي مزجة "بلندر " العصائر :جامعة عربية +مؤتمر اسلامي +سمرة أفريقيا وكثير من لون آسيا+ أردو وبشتو .. بشرات وحنك بكامل لونيات اللوحة.

هنا الخرطوم ...دنيا ملالي قم الجديدة . وقد أفصح المكتشف يازدي بأن مهمة الحرس الثوري بالسودان هي ( نشر رسالة الخميني ) .زادت لجنة التحقيق البرلمانية الامريكية في احداث 11 سبتمبر فأوردت ان ارسال ايران سفيرها السابق بلبنان ، ماجد كمال ، هدفه الباطن هو الاشراف العام علي عملياتها بالسودان . فأحضر معه مدربين من الحرس الثوري وتعلمجية من حزب الله لتعليم الانقاذيين صناعة القنابل وتفخيخ سيارات !

أولئك اشتروا المزارع ، وهؤلاء اشتروا شرف رعاية الدولة السنية بحرسهم الثوري

تحت عنوان " مثلث الحب القاتل ، لماذا تعشق ايران وحماس ديكتاتور التطهير العرقي بدارفور ؟" كتب جوناثان شانزر في 6 أغسطس2008 بصحيفة " ذا ويكلي ستاندارد " قائلا ان زيارة الرئيس علي اكبر هاشمي رافسنجاني في ديسمبر 1991 أرست الاساس لمحور الخرطوم –طهران بوفد قوامه 150 مسؤولا .أعلن رافسنجاني: ( الثورة الاسلامية في السودان الي جانب ثورة ايران الرائدة بامكانهما ، وبلا أدني شك ، ان تكونا مصدرا للحركات والثورة في كل العالم الاسلامي ) منحهم 17 مليون دولار كمساعدة مالية وسدد 300 مليون دولار لمشتروات اسلحة صينية . فاتحه الانقاذيون برغبتهم في الحصول على مساعدات لإستخراج النفط وطلبوا اقراضهم 200 مليون دولار . لم يتحمس لكنه وعدهم بتأمين حاجاتهم النفطية .وفي وقت لاحق تعهد بمليون طن من البترول كل عام ! ارسلت ايران 2 الف من حرسها الثوري لتأمين دولة الخلافة الاستوائية فزارنا وزير الدفاع ،علي أكبر توركان ، للمزيد - فولد الدفاع الشعبي في 1992 والتوي لسان العقيدة العسكرية السودانية لينطق بلسان فارسي أعجمي حيث تولي الحرس الثوري التدريب وانتصب المصحف في الطابور رافعا التمام ، آية أخري! رصدت المخابرات الغربية وجود 10 معسكرات تدريب بلغي مختلفة وسحنات متفرقة من الجهاد الارتيري ، حماس الفلسطينية ، الجماعات المصرية وغيرهم . تسيد هذه الامم المتفرقة اسامه بن لادن . وبالنتيجة ، أعلنت الخارجية الأمريكية في 1993 السودان ملاذا دوليا للأرهاب . في نوفمبر التالي زارهم ملالي طهران لمدهم بالمزيد . وما أن عادوا حتي أصبحت سوح ميناء بورتسودان ومرابط افراغ البضائع معرضا صينيا خالصا للمقتنيات العسكرية. في مايو 1996 جاء الايرانيون لتوسيع التعاون العسكري بتركيز علي التصنيع والتدريب.

من بواكير 1992 ، بدأ المحور الايراني السوداني في اجتذاب اهتمام الخارجية الامريكية كما يورد باحث جامعة فلتشر ، لورينزو فيدينو ، في كتابه ( وصول الاصولية الاسلامية للسودان،2006 ) فحذرت الخارجية وقالت لجنة بالكونغرس ان السودان وايران يخططان لهجمات في اوروبا!

هنا الخرطوم .. معترك أجهزة المخابرات المهنية المحترفة ، والمخبرين "البارتايم" الذين يصنعون من الشمار دولار !

أمتلات بهم فنادقنا ولما ضاقت ، تدفق البصاصون المحترفون للشقق المفروشة والفلل المحروسة ، وذهب المخبرون البارتايم لكراء المنازل بالأحياء الشعبية . تزاحم المخبرون صباحا علي عتبات السفارات يبيعون ماسمعوه ليلا من هلوسات هي من نسج خيالهم ، سمها "شمارات" بالقطعة! بائعو البهار الاستخباراتي الجائلون كانوا قوما كثر، فبلادنا مفتوحة لمن هب ودب وحبا . منهم كان المخبر التونسي علي مصطفي حميد الذي تردد علي السفارة الامريكية بالخرطوم فباعهم في كل زيارة قطعة سيناريو زاهية . حذرهم مرة من مخطط ارهابي دموي داهم، وفي أخري من هجوم وشيك يستهدف حفلاتهم وأسرهم . يخرج ويدخل آخر من ذات شبكة الشمار القطاعي بمعلومات أبدع تطريزا : مخطط لاختطاف دبلوماسي أمريكي !

انتكاسة الانقاذ عادت بالسودان للقرن الخامس قبل الميلاد عبدالعظيم مغترب اربعين عاما

«الحركة الإسلامية» تتجه إلى ترشيح مبكر لطه لخلافة البشير

10-15-2012 03:27 AM

الخرطوم - النور أحمد النور

يتجه تيار في «الحركة الإسلامية» في السودان إلى اختيار زعيمها الحالي علي عثمان طه مرشحاً للرئاسة في الدورة المقبلة عقب نهاية فترة الرئيس عمر البشير بعد أقل من عامين. وأعلن طه أنه لن يترشح لدورة ثالثة في قيادة الإسلاميين في مؤتمر يعقد الشهر المقبل.

وعُلم أن دستور «الحركة الإسلامية» الجديد حوى نصاً بإنشاء «قيادة عليا» للتنسيق بين «الحركة الإسلامية» وحزب «المؤتمر الوطني» الحاكم والحكومة لمنع نشوب نزاع بين القيادات الإسلامية التي تدير الحكم منذ 23 عاماً.

ويُرجح أن يتولى البشير رئاسة القيادة الجديدة خوفاً من تكرار إنشاق الإسلاميين كما حدث بين البشير وزعيم الإسلاميين الروحي حسن الترابي. ويعتقد مراقبون بأن المجلس الجديد سيضعف من منصب الأمين العام للحركة.

ولا يشغل البشير موقعاً قيادياً في «الحركة الإسلامية»، لكنه يتمتع بعضوية مجلس شورى الحركة، ويعتبر قائداً لتحالف المؤسسة العسكرية مع الإسلاميين. وقالت مصادر مطلعة في أوساط الحركة لـ «الحياة» إن قطاعاً مؤثراً في «الحركة الإسلامية» يتبنى اقتراح ترشيح طه الذي يتولى منذ تنحي الترابي منصب نائب الرئيس في الحزب والقصر الرئاسي، إلى جانب قيادته الإسلاميين، في الانتخابات الرئاسية المقبلة واعتماد الترشيح من مؤتمر الإسلاميين الشهر المقبل ثم الحزب الحاكم العام المقبل.

وقطع طه خلال مخاطبته نساء «الحركة الإسلامية» التي أجهزت على السلطة في انقلاب حمل البشير إلى السلطة العام 1989، بأنه لن يترشح لدورة ثالثة عقب انتهاء ولايته الحالية الشهر المقبل. وقال: «نحن عازمون على التجديد لتتولى قيادة الحركة والحزب والدولة قيادات جديدة، وآن الأوان لنجلس على مقعد مجلس الشيوخ لتقديم النصح ولا خوف على الحركة طالما العضو فيها يقدم العطاء». وأضاف: «عازمون على الدفع بأجيال جديدة في الهياكل القيادية للحركة، ولا مجال لاحتكار المناصب في الجهازين السياسي والتنفيذي».

وذكر أن «هناك أناساً يتحدثون عن أن عقد الحركة الإسلامية سينفرط في حال تركها القادة الحاليون... سيتبدد ظنهم ولن ينفرط عقد الحركة»، مطالباً بـ «تجديد الشراكات مع القوى السياسية المتحالفة مع الحكومة ودعمها». وأشار إلى أن انعقاد المؤتمر الثامن للحركة المقرر الشهر المقبل «سيراجع أسباب الضعف الذي اعترى الحركة الإسلامية وهو فرصة لمراجعة الذات والكسب الذي تحقق خلال الأعوام الثلاثة والعشرين الماضية من حكم الحركة».

ويعتقد إسلاميون بأن عدم ترشح طه لقيادة الإسلاميين بعد قضائه دورتين في المنصب من شأنه تخفيف حدة التذمر التي تتصاعد وسط شباب الحركة منذ مطلع العام الحالي، والتي أدت إلى تسليمهم قيادة الحركة والحزب مذكرة شملت انتقادات لأداء القيادات واتساع رقعة الفقر والفساد والمحسوبية وطالبت بإصلاحات جذرية.

ومن ضمن الإصلاحات التي يطالب بها الشباب فك الارتباط بين الحزب والدولة، وضمان عدم احتكار مؤسسات الدولة من قبل منسوبي الحزب الحاكم، وإعادة تعريف العلاقة بين «الحركة الإسلامية» وحزبها، وإطلاق الحريات العامة، وإجراء انتخابات حرة ونزيهة، والتوصل إلى تسوية سلمية مع الحركات المتمردة في دارفور وولايتي النيل الأزرق وجنوب كردفان.

وتوعد البشير في وقت سابق الموقعين على المذكرة بالمحاسبة باعتبار أنهم «تكتلوا خارج القنوات التنظيمية». ووقعت خلافات تاريخية بين بعض قيادات الحركة أبرزها بين زعيمها السابق الترابي والبشير في نهاية التسعينات. وبعد إقصاء الأول سعى النظام الحاكم إلى تحجيم الدور السياسي للحركة. ومنذ ذلك الوقت بقيت من دون ترخيص رسمي يعطيها شرعية العمل سواء باعتبارها حزباً أو جمعية دعوية.

وانحاز طه إلى البشير في خلافه مع الترابي في نهاية العام 1999، وكان وقتها نائباً للترابي في «الحركة الإسلامية». وانتقد إسلاميون في الثمانينات الترابي لاختياره نائباً له متجاوزاً نخبة ممن يكبرونه سناً وخبرة في العمل السياسي من الإسلاميين.


sabato 13 ottobre 2012

FAILED STATES INDEX.......the truth and nothing but the truth.....azim

In the classification list of failed states .. Sudan and South Sudan in the third and fourth

10-13-2012 08:06 AM

Failed States Index classifies 178 countries in the world with the (12) key criterion socially, politically and economically, and include criteria such as the legitimacy of the state, and respect for human rights and the rule of law, and the grievances of groups, and unbalanced development. Each criterion is given varying degrees of (1) to (10), based on the analysis of millions of published documents and information for the specified country. The increase in standard grades to increase pressure on the state and therefore there is a higher risk of instability.

The following is the order of the state among all states of $ (177) according to the degree to which state deserved the index

1 (worst) 114.9 Somalia

3 109.4 Sudan (3)

4 South Sudan

8 Yemen 104.8

9 104.3 Iraq

23 Syria 94.5

31 Egypt 90.4

45 Lebanon 85.8

50 Libya 84.9

Algeria 77 79.8

87 Morocco 79.8

90 Jordan 79.8

94 Tunisia 79.8

100 Saudi Arabia 79.8

125 Bahrain 62.2

128 Kuwait 58.8

137 Oman 51.7

140 Arab Emirates United 48.9

142 Qatar

- News Yemen

في قائمة تصنيف الدول الفاشلة..السودان ودولة جنوب السودان في المرتبة الثالثة والرابعة

10-13-2012 08:06 AM

يصنف مؤشر الدول الفاشلة 178 دولة في العالم مستخدماً (12) معياراً رئيسياً إجتماعياً وسياسياً وإقتصادياً ، وتشمل معايير مثل شرعية الدولة ، وإحترام حقوق الإنسان وسيادة حكم القانون ، ومظالم المجموعات ، والتنمية غير المتوازنة . وكل معيار يعطى درجات تتفاوت من (1) إلى (10) ، بناء على تحليل ملايين الوثائق المنشورة والمعلومات عن البلد المحدد . وتشير زيادة درجات المعيار إلى زيادة الضغوط على الدولة وبالتالي وجود مخاطر أعلى بعدم الإستقرار .

وفيما يلي ترتيب الدولة بين جميع الدول البالغة ( 177 ) دولة وفق الدرجة التي استحقتها على المؤشر

1 (الأسوأ) 114،9 الصومال

3 109،4 السودان(3)

4 جنوب السودان

8 اليمن 104،8 ا

9 104،3 العراق

23 سوريا 94.5

31 مصر 90.4

45 لبنان 85.8

50 ليبيا 84.9

الجزائر 77 79.8

87 المغرب 79.8

90 الأردن 79.8

94 تونس 79.8

100 المملكة العربية السعودية 79.8

125 البحرين 62.2

128 الكويت 58.8

137 عمان 51.7

140 الامارات العربية المتحدة 48.9

142 قطر

- نيوز يمن

Nella graduatoria degli stati falliti .. Sudan e Sud Sudan nel terzo e quarto

2012/10/13 08:06

Failed States Index classifica 178 paesi in tutto il mondo con la (12) criterio fondamentale socialmente, politicamente ed economicamente, e comprendono criteri quali la legittimità dello stato, e il rispetto dei diritti umani e dello Stato di diritto, e le lamentele dei gruppi, e lo sviluppo squilibrato. Ogni criterio è dato diversi gradi di (1) a (10), sulla base dell'analisi di milioni di documenti pubblicati e le informazioni per il paese specificato. L'aumento in gradi standard per aumentare la pressione sullo stato e quindi vi è un elevato rischio di instabilità.

Il seguente è l'ordine dello stato tra tutti gli stati di $ (177) secondo il grado in cui l'indice di stato meritato

1 (peggiore) 114,9 Somalia

3 109,4 Sudan (3)

4 Sud Sudan

8 Yemen 104,8

9 104,3 Iraq

23 Siria 94,5

31 Egitto 90,4

45 Libano 85,8

50 Libia 84,9

Algeria 77 79,8

87 Marocco 79,8

90 Jordan 79,8

94 Tunisia 79,8

100 Arabia Saudita 79,8

125 Bahrain 62,2

128 Kuwait 58,8

137 Oman 51,7

140 Emirati Arabi Uniti 48,9

142 Qatar

- News Yemen

mercoledì 3 ottobre 2012


Juba commends Sudanese authorities raided the home of a southern militia leaders .. Serious and described the move

10-03-2012 03:39 AM

London: Mustafa Sri

And described the Republic of South Sudan, the Sudanese government's expulsion of the southern militia commander James Gai and arrest (5) of his officers and the number (24) soldiers yesterday step Blvd. Juba has denied the return of any Sudanese opposition leaders in the country, and expressed its readiness to provide assistance in resolving the problem between the SPLM in the north with Khartoum.

Said Dr. Barnabas Marial Benjamin, Minister of Information and Broadcasting in Southern Sudan and the government spokesman told «Middle East» The raid Sudanese authorities home militia commander Southern James Gai and try his arrest is considered a serious step on the part of Khartoum in the context of the implementation of the agreement signed by the two heads of Omar al-Bashir and Salva Kiir last week in Addis Ababa, adding that the step Sudanese government confirms what has been blasted Juba before signing agreements with the existence of support and move the militias against southern Sudan until recently, and said «Sudanese Defense Minister Abdel Rahim Mohamed Hussein admitted that his forces had dropped Joey militia David Yao Yao, but said: It's food, and said «all this new trend of Sudan appreciate and support it and we will go together in the implementation of the agreements that we signed with them, and said: The step strengthening of confidence in the implementation of the signed agreements.

He denied Benjamin any presence of SPLA forces of the SPLM in the north of his country, and said: The Convention and put in place mechanisms to monitor whether the border between the two countries or other, although the other party will know if there are no leaders or forces of the opposition in the south of Sudan, and added «there is no The presence of armed opposition does not allow them to take off from our territory and we tried war fifty years we do not want to go back again », referring to the presence of refugees from areas of Blue Nile and Southern Kordofan registered with international organizations including the United Nations and do not have any political activity or military, expressed the readiness Juba to play a role in solving the problem in the two regions, and said «we must solve the problem politically, President Salva Kiir can provide assistance in that we do not enable to help the war in solving problems and war fifty years ended and forever», he added «must live countries Each region in peace », said« We are optimistic to move at conventions to other steps serious especially after solving the problem of Abyei and the demarcation of the border »and said« we must resolve the issue of Abyei and waiting for the decision of the Peace and Security African end of this month ».

The Sudanese security authorities have raided the house of Commander Southern opposition to the government of the south and the northern government-backed James Gai object in the city of Omdurman, and holds the rank of (brigade), after an exchange of fire with the rest of the troops.

According to press reports yesterday escape Gai, who heads the South Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM), the day before yesterday to an unknown destination where followed by some members of his militia, taken away by security forces 5 officers and 70 individuals and seized 5 heavy guns.

The security forces arrested 24 members of the militia after a raid on two adjacent houses in the area cordoned since Sunday afternoon, a large number of vehicles, soldiers and security force put her hand on a cart full of weapons, amid a state of panic swept resident of the area after an exchange of fire.

The South Sudan Liberation Movement has rejected the agreements signed recently between the Government of Sudan and the southern state in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa, in particular the Convention security arrangements, which provides for prevention of movements of armed opposition in both countries, and a security source said the raid attempt by the government to drain the capital of the militias fighting southern government, and added that the security authorities seized (8) cars and dozens of small arms.

Middle East

sabato 18 agosto 2012

Ramadan Feast.

كل عام واتتم بخير اعادة اللة عليكم بالرحمة والبركة٠٠٠عبدالعظيم
Happy Ramadan feast for all friends
Buona festa di Ramdan per tutti l'amici

giovedì 16 agosto 2012

Free prisoners.

Campaign to free prisoners

08-16-2012 09:36 AM

Thanks Alhurra and host of "Eye on Democracy" Mr. Mohammed Yahyai and program staff for their interest in media coverage of Sudan and detained. The program did not allow time to cover all these points separately Sanscherha:

All whose names are mentioned in the meeting were arrested precautionary arrests have been arrested in a demonstration - but from their places of work or home.

I mentioned the names of the other prisoners are just as important as any prison, but received no reports have confirmed that they are subjected to torture, Mohammad Salah - Omar Siraj - Sadiq cycle - Bakri Ajmi - activities Lome

Arrest of activists of the episode:

Mohammed Hassan Mahdi, also known as Muhammad Bean was arrested at his sister's house and security forces raided the apartment and took two computers and one of its jurisdiction and the other sister B_khas - editor in chief of Al-Ahram public Do it today against inflammatory articles Rouge because Mohammed bean is the main engine of events

He had appeared in a video recorded on a Friday lick elbow - Security allowed the mother to visit him only once and avoid a request made by days ago and was taken to Cooper in the "treatment" has not yet been charged.

Nahed Jabr God arrested arrested a precaution, and his health is critical to the recovery period of the process makes it difficult to move - has not been charged with her until now - his colleague Faisal HBO in custody was arrested by his job

Jalila Khamis Coco - from inside his tree house district - Khartoum in March, one of the areas of SPLM in the North - and even the same part Kebedh high in April and was released July 28 - Adam Nematt arrested from his home of Kosti -

Mohammed Hassan al-boushi - from inside his home in Khartoum Bahri and his mother were beaten and is trying to prevent his arrest and clashed with prison guards and tortured on the track and was taken to hospital - against him was not loaded until now

Amira Usman Hamid - arrested June 22 for a day and then she and her sister have been released and re-arrested on June 27 and transferred to Omdurman prison and tortured - not allowed to visit his family has not been charged so far

Marwa al-Tijani - arrested with journalist freed Shaimaa Adel, Yusra Mahdi - Shaimaa Adel released and deported to his country's presidential jet and daughters are still being held in detention camps - there are no statements of this situation Marwa evil and subjected to torture

Radwan Daoud - Khartoum and members of his family. Against him and nine others accused of treason and conspiracy to overthrow the regime - the question was his weak and conflicting witness statements - adult brother Sufian led tortured to admit psychiatric hospital - said in one of the sessions that interrogators threatened physical liquidation and rape - session yesterday Kkant defense and judgment in the process of Santq July 13 - and the letter sent from prison to be proud that he was the first person in the revolution and the contract Manwighth high

Rachida Shamsuddin - arrested twice - in mid-June and again Yum arrested June 24 by Dar Al-Haqq - his family has not been allowed to visit and went on strike for food for a month and his life is in danger

• Political prisoners are held in buildings security services - is transferred to Kober prison for family visits and then bring them back to the locations of new

• Some of the detainees were transferred to the processing department and Cooper has refused requests from families to meet their children

• was detained for prolonged for more than a month without taking them to trial or the charges against them - they have no legal representation or lawyers

• some of them were transferred to the prison in Port Sudan in the pavilion under the management of the hull inform families of their safety (Munzer Abu Excellence - bright Hajj)

• There Taatotaim media events

• Sudanese to defend the rights and freedoms estimated that the number of detainees would be 2000 - but there is a difficulty in determining the number of released detainees and especially of unknown or activists outside Khartoum

• Peak arrest Friday (elbow Pussy), which coincides with the anniversary of 24 to save others - thousands of demonstrators prayer in the mosque Wad Nobawi.

• the largest number of women in prison one day was a Friday "Alkendakh" in the July 1

• arbitrary arrest any person who is in a place of public events or public transport or neighborhoods adjacent to the mosque and Dr. Nobawi without exception

• the release of a large number of detainees and detention of politicians after their skin, or pushed to a fine

• detention due to speak to the media: Omar Kamal head of the Popular Congress Party after the announcement of its participation in the opposite direction - Osama Muhammad Ali - song does not belong to any political party - is held from June 22, the second day of Join Fido Al Jazeera explains the reason for participation in events

• breaking into houses to arrest activists and repeat are called more than once

• the threat of defamation and rape

• Within activists arrested when attending a process Radwan Daoud - held for hours

• the torture of detainees in the prison of Kassala and depriving them of sleep and food, held in solitary confinement

Women in youth movements:

• Saber Rama was arrested July 15 - a student at the University of 'unknown island prison for distributing leaflets and tried the text of Article 63, which criminalizes opposition to the government has paid a fine of one thousand pounds . (Farraj Rama after)

• allow a spark Abdullah arrested July 5 and was released July 28 - did not allow his family visited - pillows Osman, Dad Darwish from Girifna group arrested with a group Radwan Daoud and offered to try and dropped them charges July 27 - within the same business group never threatened his family not to talk to the media or release your application)

Situation in Omdurman prison for women

• There is no good food or clean water or what you have women in the period of the month

• Do not provide the necessary medical care to those who hunger wrought

• the declarations received by former prisoners, try some of the detainees to commit suicide because of psychological and physical torture - not the prison authorities to take any action

• visits sometimes accepted and sometimes rejected - there is no system or table

The effort to free prisoners

• Communicate with international organizations with regard to the detainees and job listings updated their status is released

• work for video interviews with the families of detainees and detention and spread widely

• collect signatures on petitions demanding the release of prisoners and tackle the state (Hadi Mahmoud Kassala brought his release - Mohammed Salah work in progress)

• lawyers submitted a petition to the Presidential Palace for detainees July 17

• organized a protest in front of the security services buildings was attended by families of detainees and detention centers were arrested activists and activists who participated in the vigil

• Order campaigns on social networks - NCIT more than a group that collects information about the detainees

• visit the families of detainees

Halima Hassan Omar - came out the same from Mahgrha after a rubber bullet in the July 10 event at the University of Shambat

Sarah Hassabo - security personnel attacked congratulate released in the process of Radwan Daoud.

venerdì 10 agosto 2012

Veiling of women: Is it an Islamic duty?

Veiling of women: Is it an Islamic duty?

08-10-2012 01:37 AM

Babiker Babiker Faisal

This issue is not new to the arenas of Islamic thought, but new about it is that Al-Azhar awarded a doctorate with distinction in law and law of Sheikh Mustafa Mohammed Rashid for his thesis that dealt with the veil from the perspective of jurisprudence, where the study concluded that the veil is usually not obligatory Islamic.

Sheikh Rashid said in his letter to that (the interpretation of the verses in isolation from the historical circumstances and reasons for descent led to confusion and common misconception about the veiling of women in Islam is intended to cover the head which did not mention the word in the Koran at all).

I consider that (some commentators rejected the realization of the mind and Aguetpsoa religious texts in other location, and that every one of them explained either on the desires away from the significance of the real, or a lack of analytical capacity with the result of the scourge of psychology. Reason for this is due to disabling diligence Although the industrious receive good from God, even if wrong).

This view was the view by many Muslim intellectuals such as Professor Mahmoud Mohamed Taha, and Imam al-Sadiq al-Mahdi and Hassan al-Turabi, and Justice Mohamed Said Ashmawi, and Mr. Jamal Al-Banna.

The term hijab or veil did not exist in the Qur'an and the Sunnah of peremptory same meaning as intended by the advocates of women's obligation to wear hijab, hijab language means curtain or wall, and the verse which states the term veil is verse 53 of Sura parties (O ye who believe, do not enter houses of the Prophet but the authorized you to the food is beholding his self, but if you were called Vadkhaluaama Otaemtem ended, then disperse and Mstansen for an interview that it was hurting the Prophet Fasthi you, and God is not ashamed of the truth and if Saltamohen baggage, ask them from behind a screen, that is purer for your hearts and their hearts and what was you that Tazu Messenger of Allah nor that marry spouses after him, that never was with God. That is great).

This verse is not talking about clothing or uniforms given even talk on the status of cover between women of the Prophet and the companions only, and even the curtain is not required to place it between the companions and possessed the right of the apostle of the "slaves" or even daughters of the Apostle, or believers in general, and only the verse spoke of " women of the believers. "

And we say to such as this went, Dr. Ahmed Al-Ghamdi Director-General of the branches of the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice in Makkah, Saudi Arabia, who said in an interview shortly before Al-Arabiya that the verses of hijab was revealed in the mothers of the believers are not responsible for Muslim women.

The verse 31 of Surat Al-Nur (Say to the believing women to lower their gaze and his sisters vaginally do not reveal their adornment only that which is apparent and stamp their necks on the bosoms and not to show off their adornment except to Bauhin, or their fathers or fathers of their husbands or their sons or the sons of their husbands, brothers or sons, or children of their sisters or their women or those whom their faith or non-affiliated primary Alarbh of men or children who have no sense of women's sins not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment and repent to Allah all, O believers, that ye may prosper).

The cause of the descent of the above verse is that the silks of Muslim women were giving birth "Alokhmrh" on their heads and behind their backs Asdlnha revealing of Sacrifice (upper chest) and neck. Verse has ordered women Bassadol veil to cover the front pockets (opening the chest). And not in the verse is a woman wearing a costume veil his name.

The verse Galabeyas a verse 59 of Sura parties (O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the believing women, ask them from behind a screen so inferior that they know so do not disturb) cause of descent is that women at that time (silks and slaves) were going detectors faces to spend their need in the open because there were not toilets or toilets in the houses, and some men go to the camera's on them while on their need and taught the Prophet that came down verse to order the women (Silks) distinguishing themselves from (slave) Badina Galabeyas on their faces so as not to subject them to these men fools.

There is no agreement or consensus on the meaning of the Robes and Adinah meaning contained in the verse. Al-Nawawi said in Sharh Muslim or gift in an interview in the Eid prayer: one of us does not have a robe .. Etc.. Said: Nadr bin Shamil: jilbab dress shorter and wider than the veil, a convincing cover of her head, and was told the dress and wide without a robe covering its back and chest, and was told he Kalmlah and Almlhfah, and was told is Mizar and said muffler.

Cause if from Adina Galabeyas is the distinction between the free woman and ongoing so as not to hurt the Muslim Free chaste of the camera men by understanding - no men - when they see convincing not dare to look at her when she was making its need while there is no harm in looking at the nation (not free), So the caliph Omar ongoing strike "Tguenat" condemned any jilbab Michbhh women silks.

According to the circumstances of the times in which we live no longer the illness of Adina Galabeyas the absence of my neighborhood, and the servants at the moment where he was the abolition of slavery and became a practice of inhuman're fighting the laws, and thus negated the sentence in accordance with rule jurisprudence "the reason that spin in the offering night and the presence or nothing ', if still the illness home with them offering night ".

Who say to compel women to observe hijab disagree that women should cover the whole body (the veil) or show the face and hands in both cases they are not resorting to the Qur'an, but talk to a number of Sundays.

Most famous of these conversations is the report narrated by Abu Dawood narrated from 'Aa'ishah that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, said of the names (names that you reached menstruation if a woman does not fix them to see anything but this and this, and pointed to his face and hands). As well as the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet said (two kinds of people of Hell have not seen. People with whips like the tails of cattle with which to beat people. And scantily dressed women, Mmellat gait, their heads like divination slash, do not enter Paradise, nor even smell its fragrance. Though its fragrance is to be found from the march such and such).

But there is another newly reported in Sahih Al-Bukhari in the door of ablution 'Abd-Allaah ibn' Umar says: (The men and women in Atodion time of the Prophet peace be upon him all). And in the other report (the men and women in Atodún time of the Prophet peace be upon him in the pot one-all).

There is also narrated by a modern (or boys Aljhenneh) Khawla girl Ansaryeh measured and reported in Saheeh Abi Dawood, that said (Lloyd differed hands of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him in wudoo of one vessel).

The receipt of the word "all" in the hadeeth of 'Abd Allah ibn' Umar meant that women were Atodon with men, and is well known that in wudoo detection of the arm and face and hair. It costs some in a modern interpretation by saying that the men were Atodion separately, and women separately, or that the men were Atodion and go and then come women, but the words "from one pot" and "all" Tdhoudan these two interpretations, because everyone in the language against the junction. As the difference by Khawla Ansaryeh with a hand Apostle affirms that they were Atodion at the same time. And all this is in conflict with the obligation to invite women to observe hijab.

Al-Azhar's decision to grant doctoral degrees par excellence of Sheikh Mustafa bias implies that the major Islamic institution for the view that the hijab in its origin is normally not a religious duty and worship.


lunedì 6 agosto 2012

It is shamefull!!!!!

Gunmen seize large sums of money from the UNAMID mission in Nyala

Authorities are hunting the perpetrators who carried out the attack

08-06-2012 12:03 AM

Revealed the State Government of South Darfur armed groups seize on the amount of (150) thousand pounds of the UNAMID mission, denying the rumors about the bank robbery branch of Nyala, Sudan and the theft of money from him.

Said Mr. Ahmed Al-Tayeb and the Minister of Health, the state told (smc) that the authorities are hunting the perpetrators who carried out the attack on UNAMID on an area away from the Bank of Sudan about (6) meters neighborhood renaissance, noting that the armed group riding motorcycles and the theft after receiving UNAMID amount and exit from the bank directly.

He attributed the robbery to the lack of coordination between UNAMID and the competent security authorities in the state.

martedì 31 luglio 2012

A student lost his life because he is activest!

Martyr (Mamedibrahim) Qureshi Nyala.
08-01-2012 01:52 AMNoreddaúm Abdul Wahab:Killings in Darfur a continuous order the government and its insidious, is the total number of martyrs who fell today in Nyala and blood debt to all Sudanese in all the cities and villages, (12) a martyr in the demonstration is not a war but it PLAGUE in the face of power, so if he wants people to do something must be responds much, high school students in Nyala, re-do what brothers (Qurashi) today Astrha martyr's brothers (17)-year-old Mohammed Ibrahim, a student in secondary school Nyala, losing his friends by the treacherous shot from weapons of Sudanese security, but it would be his name and mobile Bdoakhlna eternity.How to kill a man demanded his right to live in dignity, is because the dignity in this country, Sudan has become a bought humiliation and insult, but the die and die camel, Tzbh You can not moaning killed greetings of good and not her fault but she went out to Taattalib a legitimate right, today cited a Silks In Nyala, a continuation of the actions which we have lost many of the women and children in genocide-government projects, which is the systematic murder of citizens. And especially in Darfur have been displaced by the sons and became homeless in parts of the world.I met one of my friends on Facebook, he said to me that all the bullets swept the city until five o'clock pm, and that one of their neighbor with her daughter suffered a minor injury shot Krryjnob Nyala District, this is not the first in the area governed by the law of emergency.Become a fire there in Nyala something unusual, not to suppress all but the reason for the continuation of indiscriminate killing to be rendered by the government to discourage citizens from demonstrating, and the people that stand for what is happening and starve or move only, but the more drops martyr strengthens promises and determination of young people in Alngaa, Governor with the beginning of the demonstrations escaped to lead the army and leave the library because he was afraid and to the secret da best resign my Sagal, and this is the second demonstration Mndhu he took power the state is desirable.Sudanese do not care about what is happening to their brothers wherever they are, and now citizens are being killed in Nyala, no life for those calls, where Almoisrh that request young people to topple the system why do not correspond to the response, this people has not yet reached all the provocations received by the system so far short of emotion real , Are hearts died or could Akmon Muhammad Qureshi again.I Want know why did not kill the citizens came out in several Sudanese cities demanded to bring down the system, why Nyala is oppression and murder, I think, because this system was addicted to killing children and women who have not turned the powerless, not interested in something only the chair because he made the security budget the highest budget in the parliament this year and previous years.Also will see the Pacific, and Jamal Mohammed Ibrahim, Ibrahim Mohamed Abdel-Kader, Noureddine Gedo and Sana left the world, but they remain rooted in the hearts of freedom fighters and their names carved on the walls of the heart, will never forget.And hope and will continue that everyone got off, because the journey begins with the tendency of young people move and walkers step of the tendency which stop them?? .... Not suppress does not kill the will to will get rid of it Baldoakhl and insides of the flag when the Lord, and change will come no matter how long travel ....

lunedì 30 luglio 2012

Killing 3 revolutionary solder

07-31-2012 08:08 AM
الخرطوم (ا ف ب) - قتل ثلاثة مدنيين في غارات جوية، شنها الجيش السوداني في ولاية النيل الأزرق (جنوب شرق) التي تشهد تمرداً مسلحاً ضد سلطات الخرطوم، وفق ما أفاد متمردون أمس. وقال أرنو نغوتولو لودي المتحدث باسم “الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السودان-قطاع الشمال” إن القصف الجوي استهدف الجمعة والسبت قرى عدة في النيل الأزرق، وأسفر عن مقتل ثلاثة مدنيين، وإصابة عشرين آخرين.

وتعذر الاتصال بالجيش السوداني للتعليق على هذه المعلومة التي يصعب التحقق منها لدى مصدر مستقل. وتأتي هذه الغارات قبل بضعة أيام من انتهاء المهلة التي منحتها الأمم المتحدة للسودان وجنوب السودان لتسوية خلافاتهما. وتتهم الخرطوم جوبا بدعم المتمردين المسلحين في ولايتي النيل الأزرق وجنوب كردفان المحاذيتين لجنوب السودان. ومنذ إعلان استقلال جنوب السودان في يوليو 2011، تسعى الخرطوم إلى تأكيد سيطرتها على النيل الأزرق وجنوب كردفان. ووفق الأمم المتحدة فإن نحو 105 آلاف سوداني من النيل الأزرق، و45 ألفاً من جنوب كردفان، نزحوا إلى جنوب السودان، هرباً من أعمال العنف ونقص المواد الغذائية.

Kill Bill!!!!!!!

Of planning to assassinate al-Bashir or near stranger? Is it a new stage in the series of physical liquidation.!?Of planning to assassinate al-Bashir or near stranger? Is it a new stage in the series of physical liquidation.!?"Omar Hassan Ahmed Bashir"

07-30-2012 03:00 AMKamal Abbas

Of planning to assassinate al-Bashir or near stranger? Is it a new stage in the series of physical liquidations! ?
Are you seeking the leaders of the National Congress to get rid of age Albshiroulmama? Or is it a new play to generate public sympathy and emotions? Of leaking secrets of the ruling party, told the Middle Saudi Arabia? , Hard evidence on the involvement of useful and Ali Osman Maamraat in previous assassinations! , From paying tourists - Caves of history and to Ajhhalahdat? .. I take in my article - today - Analysis - Omahtmlh scenarios for the attempted assassination of Bashir's news: -
: - First scenario of the plot inside the house and rescue the corridors of the ruling party!!
According to the Asharq al-Saudi Arabia on 23 June (was restricting the movement of Presidential Assistant Nafie now and consultation for the dismissal within the reform processes, as are arrangements for internal coup and convince the President to step down and agree with the political forces on the stage of transition after it was named the alternative to the president.) Stated in board of the newspaper story talking (an exchange of fire between members of the Sudanese security apparatus. and led to the deaths of four officers of them and wounding more than twenty were being treated in hospital hope Bbhari)The most serious of this is what came in the same newspaper (Al-Sharq), two days before 07/27/2012): - (A source for the beginning of Sudanese »Middle» About the confirmed information indicating the existence of the assassination plot against President Omar al-Bashir, and the lines indicate the general scheme according to its extension interval tropical between the Ugandan capital Kampala and the capital of South Sudan Juba, involving intelligence Western country extremely hostile to Khartoum.) says indicators scenario qualifying Interior: - that there are points of a window inside a currents of conflicting party-Bashir's ruling - the cooking and the diversion of the news, told the East, and comes portray the plan as a foreign plot to assassinate Bashir Kdhir dust in our eyes and raise the dust thick covering - on the real plan is actually to assassinate al-Bashir and I think that talk about the planned assassination, which came after a month of leaking news to the same newspaper says (arrangements are made for an internal coup and convince the President to step down and the agreement with the political forces on the stage of transition. (23-06-2012) I believe that talking about the planned assassination - and Masbgah of talk about a plan to step down President Oazlh - reveals planning an elaborate and sustained pressure on the nerves of the al-Bashir and the weakening of his position, if it fails try to persuade Bashir to step down, which payment of the leaders of the National Congress waved paper physical liquidation - and the suspension of the incident to peg the plot of State!, it is clear that al-Bashir has become a great burden on the crew rescue, which may require the disposal of the cargo Althagalahibrma at sea so you can composite rescue crumbling from crossing the risks!, crisis economic crisis threatens to explosions of new wars and eat the remaining of the budget of the army and the sword of international sanctions, the next combined with the isolated government and Bashir personally - external - requires providing a scapegoat relieves the state of tension, anger, and opens a new page with the international community .. Perhaps this worsening crisis and the international embargo is why al-Bashir licks his words are pathetic and embarrassed after that bulged declaring (will not negotiate with the insect popular Aahm in Khartoum, O we are in Juba! to negotiate with the sector north! will not pass a drop of oil south through the north returned sends delegations begging for satisfaction Arman and Salva Kiir, which led to a state of frustration and grumbling large central ruling party

Smart Telephone....

Global recognition of the first invention of the Arabs in the field of smart phones

«Smart addition to the world of smart phones»

07-30-2012 06:57 AM

GENEVA - The WHO has published the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the thirteenth invention of the world within 15 invention has a recording of the UAE and her partner Ida Mehairbi Jordanian engineer and descriptive Cdevat, I said Emirati News Agency (WAM) Sunday.

The invention, which came under the heading "Phone-to-three-" the first invention of the Arab world published in the world for smart phones and tablet computers.

Since the major companies currently competing in the development of computers Tablet three parts can be folded manually to turn the smartphone laptop, saw the inventors that these smart devices must also have a way to open and turn smart, so they developed the mechanism of electromechanical works one-click to open or collapse panels device automatically so that the folded side screens above the screen is twice the central area or in another form is equal to either of them in the space.

Was provided with two sets of machine tools run by a small electric motor to rotate the monitor screens lateral Almousolten central electric motor so that the proof in the space between the screen and the screen side of central.

Through a total of gears and conveyor belt for the movement of the electric motor management arms extended in front of screens parties so that the lateral transfer of these arms of rotational movement for the management screens lateral direction of opening or folding.

The present inventions the world based on a prototype develops inventors and make sure before applying by the extent of its ability to work and the absence of any part of the development of any other invention in the world.

The "WAM" that the couple Mehairbi and Cdevat Mokhtraan independent and self-funded, however the two most point of her inventions worldwide published in the UAE, as they are of the best three sides by the invention of a global Arab after the oil company Saudi Arabia and occupy first place as the best team inventions global Arabic in terms of the number of inventions approved by the authorities of the international search and examination of the "WIPO".

sabato 28 luglio 2012

Kaki asked political asylem.

A great loss to Sudan khaki Olympic runner seeking asylum to Britan07-28-2012 12:43 PM
A great loss to Sudan Sudanese runner Abubaker Kaki Olympic request asylum in Britain
Ilya blastoma Cocokuku30@hotmail.com

A great loss to Sudan Sudanese runner Abubaker Kaki Olympic request asylum in Britain
Among the Mission of the Sudan to participate in the 2012 London Olympics, he asked hostility Sudanese political asylum, reported the Daily Mail that he had disappeared from the training camp, and went to a police station in Leeds and is believed to be hostile to the middle-distance, said he was being persecuted in his homeland.The West Yorkshire Police said that the athlete involved in the Olympics entered the police station in Leeds on Tuesday and asked for asylum.
Who is the Abubakar Kaki (CV)************************************ - Born (June 21, 1989) in the folder in the Sudan, a member of the Misseriya .. One of the Arab tribes in Darfur, the Sudanese army management works air force and air defense rank of sergeant.*** - His family moved to the capital Khartoum in the suburb of Mount disease parents practicing athletics since the very early Since 2004 his career seemed khaki short bus and gold, like other heroes seemed to mind 3000 meters and the 400 and the 1500 to the discovery of his talent in the 800 race was directed to it to become one of the best world champions in this race ..Golden journey:-------------1 -* - On Friday 19 / July 2007 Abubakar Kaki of Sudan gave the gold medal in the 800 meters race at the All Africa Games held in the ninth Algeria ..2 -* - In the same month of November 2007, added khaki Zhpeth second in the 1,500 meter race in competitions, which the Arab Games held in Cairo ... A time of 3.47.92 minutes ..3 -*** - In March of 2008, gold was waiting for the boy Alabonssa but this time in the world in the city of Valencia leads the Sudanese Arabs Abubakar Kaki gold medal in the 800 meter race for the world indoor championships with a time of 1:46:23 minutes to become the youngest champion for this race in the world (18 years and 262 days) ..4 -*** - It seemed the previous point khaki legs Alnhilleten conquer the world .. In Norway in June of 2008 the boy conquer the world champions to win the championship gold medal, achieving a time of 1:44:20 as the best global number of young people ..5 -* - On 11 July 2008 conquer the world's youth to win the gold medal at the World Youth Championship in Poland ... Champion and not all the heroes ... A time of 1.45.60 minutes ..6 -*** - Super star khaki achieve the golden round Super Grand Prix in Stockholm, Sweden in the same month, which achieved a golden youth On 23 / July 2008 and in the 1000 meter race won Abubakar Kaki gold in front of 15 thousand spectators a time of 2.13.93 minutes ..7 -* - In Qatar and in the grand prize, which later became the league diamond, won the gold medal hero khaki 800 meters on Friday 8 / May 2009 ..8 -* - In the month of May 2009 any Abubakar Kaki grabbed the gold of 800 meters from the jaws of lion descending Champions Morocco where this famous race won them in their own homes in the Championship, King Mohammed VI .. A time of 1:44:48 minutes ..9 -*** - On June 5, 2009 he landed our hero world traveler in Italy to win the Toronto International Championship gold for the 800 meter race time of 1:44:09 minutes ..10 -* - Did not diminish the resolve of our hero is like us, hungry for championships In February of 2010 scored the golden khaki 800 meters of the indoor World Championship which was held in Germany Achtot Qard City ... Known as the World Championship, Achtongard ... Luca has made a number of 1:46:47 ..11 -* - Sunday 12 / March 2010 was the day of glory for the hero of this world who deserves all the best dreams and hopes Mlaeyen Arabs were outstanding this hero Vbatolh his place in the Arab land the permission of defending the honor of the Arabs when he khaki conquer the world champions in the Qatari capital Doha Good which hosted the World Championship for the thirteen indoor to clinch the gold medal race after 800 meters record 23:46.1 Dqikhmhafeza his title made by the former in 2008 and guides Valnnisya Arabs expensive medallion ..12 -* - In the championship Hengulwatah May 13, 2010 has Alaadaoualsudanaabupkr Kakiantrz Alawloualemadalih Alzhbahfa the 800 meters at Btoulhhengulw Atahalta took place in the Netherlands, and came in a time of 1:45.66 Antrzalawl minutes ..13 -* - In the July 3, 2010 made anti-Sudanese Abubaker Kaki gold medal in the 1,000 m race time of 2.13.62 minutes in the sixth round matches of the league diamond Athletics held in Eugene, Oregon, USA ..14 -*** - On July 16, 2010 made Abu Bakr khaki Thurs champion 800-meter race in the Premier Diamond place in Paris after World record 1:43:50 minutes, offering Arab hostility that has been made in the March / March, the title of world champion in the hall in Doha, on the south African Mpolaana Mulaudoza (1:44:11) and Poland's Marcin Lewandowski (1:44:40) ..*** - Abu Bakr Khamis Kaki (June 21, 1989) and smaller Sudanese runner runner in the world to win the gold medal in the 800 meters at the indoor.* - Did not qualify for the finals in athletics at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing and came in eighth place in the third round before the final, withdrew from the race after stumbling in the semi-finals of the World 2009 in Berlin and did not complete the race.* - The people hero Sudan Abubaker Kaki and Ismail to semi-finals of the 800 meters at the Beijing Olympics today, where he champions the golden khaki in the issued race qualifying and won first place while the solution Ismail finished second in the playoffs as well and this goes on bilateral steadily towards the finals and preparing to make Olympic medals for Sudan ..Has caught the attention of invalidity and are progressing in the race with confidence and professionalism .. And appeared in the first race Abubakar Kaki did not find it difficult to get first place .. In the second race was a hero on a date with Ismail qualify after finishing second ..

Babiker Kaki.....!!!

The news from Sudan that Abubaker Kaki had presented political refugee application to the British Government.

martedì 24 luglio 2012

Darfurians, complicated people!!

DARFURIANS IF THEY ARE TOGETHER THEY WILL FIGHT IF ANY OTHER FRIEND IN THE COMPANY THEY WILL DISCRIMINATE HIM..................................azim Una lotta con i coltelli in Movimento di Liberazione della casa e della giustizia Khartoum «Tigani Sisi» 2012/07/24 12:31 La polizia ha arrestato ieri (4) della leadership del movimento di liberazione e di giustizia in Khartoum a seguito di una rissa tra due gruppi del movimento, un gruppo chiamato la casa di Gaza e l'altro chiamato Khartoum Gaza, a causa del rifiuto, capo dello stato Khartoum, il movimento open house dei dirigenti della casa di Gaza per un incontro a Casablanca. Estelle era uno di loro tranquillità e scuffled con aziende leader del settore poste all'interno del secondo set ed è stato ferito con un coltello che aveva con sé come conseguenza del conflitto, si precipitò alla stazione di polizia ad est di Khartoum e le denunce dei record contro il gruppo che ha avuto una disputa con esso. E arrivati al veicolo della polizia festa in casa con circa (28) funzionari di polizia ha rotto un Almichajeryn, e si fermò (4) di loro e Osman Nujaimi Segretario di informazioni in Khartoum Stato, Mohammed sicurezza Kenana ufficiale e il movimento di intelligence a Khartoum, Ibrahim perdita di segretario per gli affari località del movimento giovanile, ottimo Shaibu Vice Segretario Generale del movimento in stato di Khartoum, e rilasciato l'ultima, mentre la polizia ha arrestato altri tre con l'accusa di aggressione e violazione penale della sicurezza. Download e Mohammed Ahmed Ibrahim, Consigliere Movimento per la Liberazione del Presidente e la giustizia a Khartoum, il Segretario Generale della responsabilità Bahr Movimento Idriss Abu Garda per gli eventi, ha detto che la controversia è una controversia che scoppiò a causa della mancanza di Tnzifa riconoscimento all'interno Abu settore Garda. Focus policy

sabato 21 luglio 2012

Out of context: this scene!!!.

Out of context: this scene!!! 07-21-2012 02:05 Detection system regulate the affairs of Sudanese working abroad, more than 67 thousand Sudanese left during the five months only (January-May of this year) to work in other countries of contracts of employment - public opinion issued yesterday morning - Report of the device expatriates did not elaborate classification of immigrants in terms of professional , but I can say without hesitation that most of them of the finest scientific talent and professionalism of doctors and female doctors, university professors in the scientific disciplines will not be available for Sudan in the near term, in addition to the technical cadres trained, I have narrowed it to these citizens and the citizens at a time, which I took as governments in African countries in provide all the aids stability for scientific cadres, we find that the government of Sudan has put all the obstacles in front of qualified Sudanese to exercise all forms of professional negligence pressure to improve economic conditions, such as university professors and doctors in addition to political oppression, violence, discrimination and exclusion because of the political spectrum. This occurs at a time allow the government cadres foreign and privileges was later the people of Sudan, but the hatred of Sudan and the hostility of his people and the failure in the management regarding the country, all of which are being pushed for Migration and paid to refrain from transferring money to Sudan, has said apparatus of expatriates that Sudan is the state only by their workers remittances abroad from the rest of the countries in the recent period, revealing the decline in remittances from 3 billion in 2008 to (1.4) billion dollars in the year 2011! This happens not because they have become not care the order of their country and their families, but for objective reasons Pointing device expatriates to each, namely: the instability of the exchange rate of the dollar and the absence of policies encouraging when converting foreign currency and the weakness of confidence in the banking sector, which led to the decline in their investments because of the fluctuation of investment policies and complaints of expatriates from the corruption and exploitation! ! However, the whole government is seeking to attract overseas funds and those who take them out of their money invested in Sudan in various fields, it is sad scene in Sudan, which controls the group would have lost the compass in her hand is no longer only a tool of repression and come ..... Time they go completely.

giovedì 19 luglio 2012


Sudan: A question of identity mask for the deficit «Sudanese folk dances» 07-19-2012 01:39 AM Haidar Ibrahim Ali * After the secession of the south, take the Sudanese president and some of the clergy that the "obstacle south," which she was standing in the road may remain. The president said explicitly, that there is no longer the so-called multiculturalism, this is just an excuse to disrupt the law of God! The basic dilemma in Sudan on the fact pluralism and diversity that characterizes the composition of the country, and the failure to manage diversity in a way that helps to build a modern civil state. In this more than the possibility or likelihood of the development of Sudan. When independence in 1956, hopes were high that this is an asset to a strategic role and civilization could be played by Sudan, and appeared the theory of the bridge between cultures, particularly between Arab and African countries, or between Islam and Christianity. This is what makes Arnold Toynbee, in his book "From the Niger to the Nile," promises the role of Nigeria and Sudan in Africa. But here lies the challenge: how can the state's nascent political elite and the newly Tdara that this diversity is an efficient and rational? Concentration of the elite that led the national movement to gain independence and take power in the region, the northern Nile moderation. It is, almost all Arab or Muslim and Mozarabic. Although these groups were historically Her situation is better in every respect, economic, political and cultural, but after independence monopoly of power and wealth away, the other groups. And began to rule the economy and taking the form of what might be called the dominance of Islamic, Arab, and the two one thing in Sudan. This was not just an illusion of domination or state of mind in non-Arab groups - Muslim, but rather manifestations appeared after independence directly at "Sudna jobs" any place of the British establishment of Sudanese and Egyptians. Southerners have got the six posts for 800 only public office. In addition, the monopoly of the North for the posts of Chairman of the Board of sovereignty, the Prime Minister, Speaker of Parliament, and the leaders of the army and the police. The natural reaction was to protest against these injustices, is a tropical band rebellion in August / August 1955, anointed the bloody history of the relationship between the two elements of the Sudan. And began a struggle between a dominant position and margin complain of "abandonment" (ie, causing its retardation), and the weight of cultural superiority. The question is: Is this option was inevitable and lonely? The work of colonization on the employment of cultural diversity negatively to the success of his project for establishment of colonial tribal affiliations to serve the policy of "divide and conquer." From the outset, the government encouraged the colonial system of civil administration, which delegate some powers to the tribal sheikhs and mayors. Although the morphology of the decentralized system, the real goal is to establish administrative barriers are difficult to integrate national security. And reached the limit for passing a law degree in 1922 sealed areas, which prevents the movement of the North to the south. Management system and continued eligibility after the departure of colonialism, because the majority of the leaders of this administration were members of the traditional parties, the nation and the Federal National. The match in the system of geographical constituencies parliamentary circle geographic residence with each tribe. Thus, national governments have kept on factors of division and fragmentation created by colonialism to achieve specific purposes, changed by the Sudanese rulers to purely partisan purposes. Did not try to political elites who ruled after independence, work to build a state and national modern civil, based on citizenship, and to recognize cultural diversity, then you are managing on the basis of a democratic, secular, which means the separation of religion from politics. This was a goal difficult, if not impossible, because these parties - in principle - religious parties and sectarian lines. It was natural to advance religion, and what this means from the repercussions of the other, to occupy the primary position and effective in determining the nature of the state and its work. Crystallized and sustained crisis and Tercpt. I mean here by the crisis, the gap between the possible and the reality. Have been unable to ruling elites for the management of diversity efficiently, and synthesized a reality and I tried to make him a deal. The control of the political elite that ruled most of the post-independence, a victory for the forces of Pena traditional powers in the modern battle, which started in the last century, ie, with the advent of colonialism. This victory means that they imposed their views and perceptions and questions the reality of Sudan. Sudan has seen changes with the advent of colonialism on the developmental levels of social and economic objective was to make the occupation of the country pays off economically and administratively. But these achievements had side effects that have not calculated colonialism, the emergence of the modern elite forces will lead the fight against him. When the British enter the modern education, railways and mechanized agricultural projects, hospitals, did not realize they Oneptua contrast to their presence, and the enemy of the civil departments they have created. Formed bilateral traditional and modernity in all areas of life, not only in politics, thought and culture, but long compared to the modern traditional economy, agriculture, and even medicine. But the other hand, succeeded in forcing the traditional forces everyone to busy to answer the question of identity: Who are we? Are we Arabs or Africans? This question and removed all other strategic issues such as development, national unity, national state-building and management of cultural diversity. These issues and has become a question of identity and conditional. Forces managed to build a traditional ideology on the conviction or belief say that we Arabs and Muslims. And worked to confirm the identity of the Islamic - Arab, although what this entails exclusion and marginalization, and sometimes racist. Did not stop the impact of this option when traditional powers, but tended to him different categories more or less. This option is the ideological identity of the magnitude found in the emotional manipulation of religious faith. Have taken the traditional forces of Arabism and Islam to perpetuate the hegemony of weapons, and the protection of their privileges, and to legitimize its oppression of the different cultural groups of them. The crisis originated in the deep rooted social system based on the structure of a vehicle, characterized by the relations of inequality between its main components, and stands on the top layer dominant and exclusionary. Thus, the required "mechanisms of the" distinction, exclusion and privilege to take the concept of Arabism ethnic and racial dimension in Sudan. Did not show the cultural dimension of Arabism only recently, with the emergence of nationalist movements, and the Baath Kalnasria. North's insistence on the application of Islamic law was one of the driving reasons for separation. It is noticeable that the people of marginalized groups are applied to them the most severe sentences, not because of their faith, but because they are poorer, and steal, and one of them cut off his hand. The Constitution of the Islamic Front, a recently influential pressure group has the support of the system, weakened the possibility of developing a civil constitution that respects cultural diversity. This simply means the continuation of the path beyond Altftiti including South Sudan, because the Constitution of the Islamic proposal - According to previous experiences in Sudan - excludes non-Arab cultures. The number of Sudan's population today to more than 38 million people, but the census 1955/1956 is the basis adopted, with the use of projections and expectations of increases in rates (2.8 per year), so that population statistics can not be renewed periodically. It consists of ethnic descent as follows: Arab 39%, 30% of Southerners, including 1% of the Dinka, 9% of West Darfur, the Beja - Eastern Sudan 6%, immigrants from West Africa 6%, 6% of the Nuba, Fung 1.7%. This compares with ethnic or racial diversity, diversity in the last multilingualism. Language Arabic is the official language and spoken by 52%, while lists of sources and there are 115 languages, 26 of them living language spoken by all of them more than a hundred thousand people. It uses a number of southerners hybrid language termed "Juba Arabic". In addition to the religious diversity of Islam and Christianity, religions House (or what he called, out of respect, the Constitution of 1973 after the peace agreement, "Karim beliefs"). Historically, the northern Sudanese, use "family trees" to prove the connection with the Prophet or Balaatarh Balabas and Hussein, giving them the status of others can not match them Sudanese. And by the second, and despite the prohibition of the slave trade in the bilateral Convention of Government in 1899, but the resulting effect of racism did not stop. He northerners, Muslims and Arabs, they are affected by the decision to "Christians" that did not deal with it seriously. Also, many Muslim jurists did not say the sanctity of the slave and were satisfied with the possibility of emancipation and good treatment. But strict laws enacted by the British to turn over to the slave workers, farmers, prostitutes and a local wine makers, ie work for money. Destruction of slavery as an institution was a social, but remained at the heart of Northern culture. It did not cease to be a "slave" and "slaves" of the Dictionary of classification and dealing with the southern rebels and Alnubaoyen and Inqasna and even Muslims from the spot and Albrko and Fallata, Zaghawa and other black skin. The high degree of insolence with some northerners, while Tjadelhm they are also black skin compared to other Arabs, and the response is "Let's see a wrinkled nose and hair." In addition, the North's claim of belonging to a ring of religion, and were also "the best nation raised up for the people." * Professor of Political Science at the University of Khartoum Ambassador