Rasha in traditional Sudanese Toub

giovedì 10 luglio 2014

No body believe him.

Salva Kiir’s lost credibility in South Sudan

By Charles Kisanga

March 23, 2009 — On the 20th February 2009, I published an article titled “Salary Crisis Looms in South Sudan”, whereby I detailed the issues of lack of money being suffered by Kiir’s government which had been brought about as result of falling oil revues plus mismanagement and corruption whereby billions of funds for South Sudan has disappeared in thin air after being diverted and eaten by the corrupt elements of Kiir’s corrupt rule.

Many people might have not taken my analysis seriously enough until now, but events in the last month have proved otherwise. Salary delays and lack of salary payments have seen threats of strike action everywhere in South Sudan and as a result Salva Kiir tried to cool temperatures by giving some money (or call it stipends) to the more threatening cases in South Sudan. By March 2009, the Governors’ forum was even threatening to let it be their people to decided rather then them; the reply on the issue of lack of salary payments in their states and then it would be GoSS President Kiir then to reply directly to the people’ s grievances in the states. Fearing more troubling unrest in all the South Sudan states Salva Kiir let some money be dispatched to pay workers in the states at least for the month of January 2009, but not everybody was getting paid fully and there is a lot of anger still brewing in the states.

The SPLA units, because many of them are far from headquarters in Juba, have been neglected in many payments until now. I’m informed that many soldiers are just given stipends where people have to queue to get it and it is sometimes less then the salary they are supposed to get. A lot of the SPLA money is being eaten by so called lost boys officers from Kiir tribe many of whom came back from the USA and Australia to take up senior military jobs at the SPLA headquarter in Juba. Together with well known corrupt leaders of the SPLA they are the bosses who run SPLA now and eat money as they wish. The rest of the SPLA soldiers and those who fought and suffered in the liberation war but never got exposed to the Western world are forgotten and left to manage with meagre payments. One senior officer told me many of the SPLA soldiers from other tribes are all underdogs in SPLA Army and their positions are in-effective. Any junior officer from Kiir tribal clique gets more power over those with big titles from other tribes because they have direct access straight to the commander in chief and they can tell others that they are in charge of this and that without dispute since no one else have that tribal link. Since January SPLA soldiers who are around Juba and other important areas had been paid at least one month wages while those who are far away in far flung areas and unimportant areas had been forgotten or sometimes their Senior commanders many of whom are all from Kiir’s tribe come to Juba and take the money and head to Kampala or Kenya with it to despot it in their private accounts leaving the soldiers at the mercy of nature. As such the disabled SPLA soldiers arrears build up to seven months now for the disabled ones even at a time when SPLA had a budget of $1bllion last year. The disabled soldiers and others are the marginalised one as much as it was during the liberation struggle. So it is no surprise that after suffering and going through all these the disabled soldiers had to resort to mutiny in order to be heard. Hence they staged a mutiny in Yei and Nimule and blocking road transport from Uganda to Juba from Wednesday 18th March to Friday 20th March 2009.

The areas of Equatoria from around Tambura through Yambio to Yei, Nimule and most of Eastern Equatoria formed the corridor of SPLA power base and headquarters during the last decade of the SPLM/A Liberation struggle and it is here that the bulk of the disabled soldiers had stayed since the end of the war and return of the peace since 2005. Hence it is not surprising to see them rise up to face the injustice imposed on them by the corrupt SPLA elements connected with the regime in Juba. These soldiers are from all the areas and should not be seen in the context of Equatoria. They are already joined by all of their colleagues from all the tribes of South Sudan and they like nothing short of their salaries.

Besides the case of disabled SPLA soldiers other fighting were taking place all over South Sudan. In Jonglei up to a thousand South Sudanese have died in the past month in interactional fighting between Lou-Nuer and Murle. The number of the dead overwhelms any human reasoning and puts scorn on Kiir’s claim that his appointment of Major Gen. Kuol Mayanga was going to solve the problem of inter-factional and tribal fighting in Jonglei. It is inconceivable that 1000 South Sudanese can die in ethnic fighting in a month and Kiir is not bothered at all and the man is jus busy helping his tribal and corrupt SPLM elements to continue to loot whatever remains of the coffers of South Sudan. Yes he went to Yei because the soldiers can easily drive to Juba and cause mayhem in a matter of days rather then weeks, but what about the 1000 dead in Pibor county just a few days ago?.

Also on the 24th and 25th February 2009, respectively fighting in Malakal resulted in around 60 deaths and more than 100 people wounded. Malakal was then looted to the skeleton and even Upper Nile University was not spared. In Lakes state and other states of former Bahr el Ghazal daily ethnic fighting and cattle rustling means dozens or sometimes hundreds are killed each month. The same things are happening in most of Equatoria and in West Equatoria we have problem of LRA atrocities which only the local defence forces are now able to respond to after organising defence groups to defend their villages. SPLA soldiers in WES mostly say they cannot fight Kiir proxy war as they are hardly paid their salaries. Hence people are going backwards in South Sudan and not forwards.

Hence every where in the South Sudan the same things are happening daily and depicting the signs of one of the failed governments in the Africa reaching the proportion of Zimbabwe. What difference do we have any way with Zimbabwe since we can’t even count those who continue to die from related ill-health ( hospitals are so poor that admission there means death) and via insecurity? Well if over a thousand died of cholera in Zimbabwe but we have the case in South Sudan where over a 1000 people are killed through inter-factional fighting instead of by cholera and yet the Government of Kiir cannot address the underlying issue because GoSS thrives on tribalism and corruption and they like it when people fight tribal wars. We have government which is bankrupt beyond words and cannot get any money from other sources except wait on Khartoum to give whatever they can afford. On the other hand we have all neighbouring countries such a Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia a and even far away flung Eritrea coming into South Sudan to cash on the corrupt regime’s poor administration. Foreign Businesses rakes in millions of dollars within a few weeks without ever getting to pay really taxes due to the corrupt nature of the Government in Juba and the businessmen can easily do by paying bogus taxes and bribery fees to few officials and then are able to get away with anything such as siphoning away millions of dollars to their home countries. So every months Khartoum sends up to $100 million a month which soon find its way to Uganda and other countries through foreign business and corrupt GoSS officials, leaving South Sudan deprived of currency and its banks dry. The Kiir’s system of Self Service government and inefficiency can also be seen via GoSS officials lavish lifestyles with all food items and expensive goods imported from Kenya and Uganda without introducing any self-reliance to get their population to produce even basic food items such as vegetables and preferring instead for everything to come from Uganda while Uganda takes back all the huge profits unchallenged because in GoSS everybody is for himself/herself to make money. The culture of excessive greedy introduced by Kiir to South Sudan may be going to hurt the area for generations to come. The talk in South Sudan nowadays among some common people is that: “ who is going to cultivate for others while everybody in GoSS is eating oil money”, and hence the oil money given by Khartoum in fulfilment of the CPA has also introduced the culture of dependency on money from North and goods from other African countries which is very destructive for an emerging country whereby people should have been working hard to develop their natural and agricultural resources as well as investing in our human labour and talents to induce rapid growth..

The failure of Kiir GoSS administration and the bad governance accompanying it is now being depicted by the previous enumerated catalogue of problems being suffered by the people of South Sudan from ethnic fighting, to inter-factional fighting, to foreign LRA rebel atrocities to hunger where officials and SPLA are not receiving any pay dues, then to cattle rustling: in fact the catalogue of failures are endless. In a democratic country where voters and people have a right to have a say in the government of the day running the country and affecting their lives, Kiir should have been forced out of office long time ago. But this is South Sudan with a lot of tribal vested interests and the people have yet to learn that those who run the government are answerable to them but people are beginning to catch-up as can be seen by the mutiny action of disabled SPLA soldiers who were also joined by many others form the regular SPLA

On Thursday 19th March 2009 GoSS President Salva Kiir paid brief visit to Yei to speak to the leaders of striking soldiers and persuade them to end their action and promising them immediate salary payments of at least tow months. The next day Lt Gen Kiir was also trying to assemble together other SPLA units from Juba to go and quell the rebellion by disabled soldiers should they not call off their action and accept his offer of two salary payments plus some dry ratios.. The plan of Kiir was first to try convince the disabled soldiers that if they receive some dry ratios now plus two months pay then the rest of four months will follow soon and they can stop their protest But suppose they were not to stop their action and continue to block road and demand all arrears then Kiir was trying to put together other units ready to send to Yei and the boarder towns in order to quell the mutiny by force because the dispute meant Juba was already under siege with soldiers blocking all supply routes from Uganda there was no more fresh food supply and prices were already shooting up beyond the reach of many. The forces which was supposed to be assembled in Juba ran into problems quickly because many soldiers refused to go and face their colleagues in showdown and others complained they themselves had not been paid for four months and how will they go to quell a rebellion by others who had not been paid for seven months? Luckily for Kiir he can survive another day as the mutiny soldiers have disappeared to hand their families some of their cash for shopping and the bags of grain received to their families to allow them to afford some food for the coming days. Hence Kiir can survive another day before another serious action comes along to finish off his tribal and corrupt regime in South Sudan not to mention that many other soldiers remain unpaid still and he can rest assured that more mutiny will be coming since its is easy to get your salary paid when you take up a gun. A government forced into such as humiliating position like Kiir got from mutiny soldiers should have resigned already but we can excuse Salva Kiir as he has no clue about the right procedures of a government accountable to the people.

Events in South Sudan in the past few weeks can easily mark the beginning of the end game for Kiir’s corrupt administration in Juba and I call upon all peace loving South Sudanese to work for change and take the failures of Kiir administration very seriously .There is no government any where in the world where 1000 people get killed in a spate of two weeks and the President does nothing and he is allowed to continue with impunity and then the next thing again comes along where munity soldiers take over the roads because they have not been paid for months and still the government is not forced to resign. Any one of the catalogue of failures and morale decadence faced by Lt Salva Kiir corrupt government is enough to bring down any democratic government and even a dictatorship cannot last that long because the next time the problems comes back they will have more severity and more and more people will continue to die and suffer. The situation in South Sudan today cannot be called peace when many live with insecurity, mutinies for salary, tribal clash clashes and so on. We need a change where all these misrule features will be replaced by a government accountable to the people and based on equality, justice, freedom and inclusiveness for all. It is up to the South Sudanese people to exercise their democratic rights and express their need for change. SPLM Patriot is ready to lead change so that an SPLM patriotic government is formed whereby we shall do away with tribalism and corruption and a return to rule of law where every citizen will have respect for one another and peace dividend can come to all.

Eng. Kisanga is former SPLM NLC member and leader of SPLM Patriotic organisation which is fighting for change in SPLM/A direction. He can be reached on cbkisanga@yahoo.co.uk, Tel: +44-770899 8373

martedì 8 luglio 2014

Who is the ENEMY OF SUDAN??

من هم أعداء الوطن؟

07-08-2014 03:42 AM

سليمان حامد الحاج

حزب المؤتمر الوطني هو آخر من يتحدث عن العداء للوطن

كثر الحديث عن أن المرحلة المقبلة تحتاج إلى وفاق وإجماع وطني حقيقيين يشارك فيهما الجميع دون استثناء لأي جهة بما في ذلك كل الأحزاب السياسية والحركات المسلحة لتفويت الفرصة على أعداء الوطن!!

قبل الدخول في مناقشة مثل هذه التصريحات من المهم استجلاء بكل الدقة والوضوح- من هم أعداء الوطن،حتى لا تصبح هذه العبارة أداة (لخم) الشعب وتبريراً للدخول في الحوار ودمغاً لمن لم يشاركوا فيه بأنهم أعداء الوطن.

مهم أيضاً أن نجدد معايير العداء للوطن.لأن الوطن ليس شيئاً هلامياً أو غيبياً نستحيل تحديد معايير الولاء أو العداء له.تلك المعايير تتمثل في الآتي:

أولاً:الوطن هو الأرض المعلومة بحدودها المتعارف عليها داخلياً وعالمياً شرقاً وغرباً،شمالاً وجنوباً،بكل ما تزخر به هذه الأرض في سطحها من ثروات وما هو مخزون في باطنها من ثروات ولم يستخرج بعد.

ثانياً:الوطن أيضاً هو الشعب الذي ولد وترعرع فوق هذه الأرض وكل من أمتلك الجنسية السودانية بالطرق الرسمية المعروفة والمحددة في الدستور وبرضاء الشعب،وليس برضاء أي سلطة تسنمت الحكم وبدأت توزع الجنسية السودانية لكل من هب ودب من الأجانب لأغراضها الخاصة،مثل تكبير عدد أصواتها في الإنتخابات أو لحماية نظامها،لغيرها من الأسباب.

ثالثاً:من يفشي أسرار الوطن لأعدائه

ولهذا فإن من يعتدي على الأرض وما تزخر به من ثروات ويعتدي على الشعب وحقوقه المنصوص عليها في القوانين العالمية والمواثيق الدولية ودستور البلاد ومن يفشي أسراره للعدو،يعتبر عدواً للوطن.

بهذه المعايير يمكننا أن نحدد من هم أعداء الوطن.كل من فرط في شبر من أرض الوطن،ناهيك عن فصل الجنوب،والصمت عن الأراضي التي أغتصبت في الفشقة على الحدود الأثيوبية وحلايب وشلاتين بكل ما تزخر به هذه الأراضي من ثروات فوق سطحها أو في جوفها هو عدو للوطن وتنطبق عليه الخيانة العظمى.

أليس المؤتمر الوطني الحاكم يتحمل المسؤولية التامة عن الصمت المريب تجاه حلايب وشلاتين والسكوت على إثارتها،رغم أن الحكومات التي تعاقبت قبله على الحكم تتحمل وزراً كبيراً في ذلك.ولا نستثنى أية حكومة من هذا التفريط.

من الذي فتح باب السودان على مصراعيه للاستخبارات الامريكية بعد نسف مركز التجارة الدولي في منهاتن بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية في 11 سبتمبر 2001 بواسطة الإرهابيين الإسلاميين في تنظيم القاعدة ومنحهم التسهيلات ووضع أمامهم كل الوثائق التي تشير إلى استثمارات الإرهابيين في السودان من جماعة بن لادن وغيره وتوضح إلى أين ذهبوا الخ…

من الذي آوى بن لادن وكارلوس الإرهابيين الدوليين وجعل من السودان قاعدة لكل شذاذ الآفاق من الإرهابيين المتأسلمين باسم التنظيم العربي الإسلامي،وأصبح السودان نقطة ارتكاز يتدربون فيها ويتسلحون ويحتالون ومن ثم الانطلاق إلى أوطانهم لتدبيرها.

من الذي وضع الاقتصاد السوداني على حافة الانهيار بانحنائه امام صندوق النقد والبنك الدوليين اللذين تديرهما الرأسمالية العالمية وعلى رأسها امريكا لخدمة مصالحها لتدمير المؤسسات المنتجة لبلدان العالم الثالث ودوله المتخلفة صناعياً،وخضع لأوامر تطبيق سياسة التحرير الاقتصادي والسوق الحر وحرية السوق،وتنفيذ خصخصة المؤسسات الصناعية والزراعية والخدمية.

لقد هدفت السياسة الرأسمالية العالمية بقيادة الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية إلى تدمير مشروع الجزيرة والمناقل قبل عدة سنوات حتى لا يصبح نموذجاً يحتذى لأفضل مشروع في أفريقيا والعالم العربي،ووفق أي محاولات لتطويره بربطه بالصناعة القائمة على منتجاته الزراعية لأن ذلك يعني وقف استيراد المنتجات الأجنبية من ملابس من أجود أنواع القطن والمأكولات المعلبة والخيش وحتى السماد.وقاموا هذا بشراسة،وعادوا الحزب الشيوعي السوداني بقوة،لأنه طرح في برنامجه أهمية التصنيع في مشروع الجزيرة بهدف الاكتفاء الذاتي لشعب السودان وتصدير الفائض من المنتجات المعلبة وغيرها للبلدان الأخرى لجلب العملة الصعبة.لأن هذا اذا نفذ أيضا في المشاريع الأخرى يعني اغلاق سوق كبير يعتمد في كل ما يأكل ويشرب ويلبس على الاستيراد من المؤسسات والشركات الرأسمالية العالمية.هذا مثال واحد من مئات الأمثلة التي يمكن إيرادها في هذا المقام.

من غير المؤتمر الوطني أوصل شعب السودان إلى هذه الحالة المآساوية التي عجز فيها المواطن السوداني عن توفير أبسط احتياجات قوته اليومي ومواجهة نفقات تعليم ابنائه وعلاج اسرته. أليست سياسات المؤتمر الوطني الاقتصادية هي السبب في كل تلك المواجع.

الغريب حقاً،أن يتناسى المشاركون في الحوار،أن المؤتمر الوطني صرح مراراً وتكراراً أنه لا يريد منافساً له في الحكم لا عبر حكومة قومية ولا انتقالية.ومن لا يقبل صعوده إلى الحكم عبر الحوار فإنه سيصله قسراً وتزويراً عبر صناديق الاقتراع (المخجوجة) والمعدة سلفاً.

تسبب المؤتمر الوطني في كل المآسي التي حدثت لشعب السودان،الحرب في دارفور وجنوب كردفان وجنوب النيل الأزرق وحدث ما حدث فيها من ممارسات غير بشرية تعرضنا لها في الحلقات الثلاثة من مقالاتنا في الأسبوع الماضي.وهو الذي أجج الصراعات القبلية بإنحيازه لبعض القبائل الموالية له وتمليكها السلاح.وهو الذي قتل المتظاهرين في كجبار وبورتسودان الذين خرجوا في مظاهرات سلمية دفاعاً عن حقوقهم ومطالبهم المشروعة.ويندر أن تجد أسرة واحدة في طول البلاد وعرضها لم تمسسها يد الطغيان الرأسمالي الطفيلي المتأسلم سواء في مالها أو ممتلكاتها أو عرضها أو اعتقال ابنائها وبناتها والتمثيل بهم،و تشريد افرادها عن العمل أو التلكؤ في دفع معاش من طردوا من الخدمة أو بلغوا سن المعاش اختياراً أو قهراً.

حتى الحوار الذي تبناه حزب المؤتمر الوطني يعتبر صناعة أجنبية فاسدة،وصفها الأمريكان عندما بادر المبعوث الأمريكي السابق برلستون ليمان بطرحه عندما تحدث عن ضرورة تأجيل الإنتخابات لعامين وأن تقوم الحكومة بعدة اصلاحات تبعث الثقة في كل القوى المعارضة.وأعقب ذلك زيارة جيمي كارتر للسودان وهي تحمل ذات المؤشرات التي طرحها ليمان والتقى مع الرئيس البشير والشيخ حسن الترابي،والتي صرح بعدها الترابي بأهمية تأجيل الانتخابات حتى العام 2017م.

الصراعات في داخل المؤتمر الوطني والتي بلغت حد المهاترات في داخل المجلس الوطني نفسه هى التى حسمت كيفية الاستمرار في السلطة بين الخيارين (الحوار أو الانتخابات).وصارت الانتخابات هي الضمان الأفضل الذي يوصل عبر التزوير المقنن سلفاً إلى السلطة مرة أخرى.

ولهذا نكرر مرة أخرى أن المؤتمر الوطني الحاكم هو -بسياساته وانصياعه للمخططات والأوامر الأجنبية- آخر من ينسب العداء للوطن لغيره وآخر من يتحدث عن المنحنى الخطير الذي يمر به الوطن نتيجة تربص الأعداء به.هو الذي يمثل العدو الأول للوطن والشعب من داخل أرضه.وكان شعب السودان ثاقب الرؤية عندما قال في مظاهراته المختلفة،أن خلاص الوطن يكمن في إسقاط حكم المؤتمر الوطني.


lunedì 7 luglio 2014

25 years of the dirty Muslim Brothers government in Sudan.

;تهنئة الرئيس السوداني بمناسبة ربع قرن على تربعه على عرش آل «كافوري»

07-07-2014 04:29 AM

تزامن احتفال هذا العام بكشف الشعب السوداني المحصلة النهائية لحكم الإسلامويين القائم على ثالوث الفساد والتعذيب والكذب الموثق، عبر العديد من الأدلة والمستندات والوثائق،

محجوب حسين

■ «أيها المواطنون الكرام»، هي العبارة التي يفتتح بها رئيس قوم «الأبالسة»- وهو الوصف الشائع في الشارع السوداني خلال هذه الأيام، ويشير إلى المحاكمة الشعبية للرئيس السوداني وسنوات حكمه – خطابه الذي يوجهه إلى الشعب في الثلاثين من يونيو/ حزيران كل عام.

آخر خطاب قدمه بحلول المناسبة كان في العام الماضي ويحمل الرقم 24 منذ تربعه على عرش أل»كافوري» الميامين دون أدني شرعية ومشروعية تؤهله لهذا التربع إلا شرعية السطو المسلح، في هذا التاريخ، أي مقفلة الشهر الماضي كان الرئيس السوداني قد أكمل عامه الخامس والعشرين على هذا العرش، ولكن من دون أي خطاب ولا احتفال ولا صيغة «يا أيها المواطنون».

هذا اليوم، وعلى غير العادة مر مرور الكرام من دون أثر، لا ذكرى ولا ذاكرة، فيما يقال همسا أن أمرا خطيرا يجري في الخرطوم، كما أشرنا في مقال سابق، وفيه احتمال ان الرئيس- وفق شائعات الشارع – وقع حقيقة رهن الإقامة الجبرية، من دون تأكيد أو نفي، في ظل سياق أحداث سلطة تعيش صراعا عنيفا حول بديل مرتقب، ودور للرئيس فيه غائب أو مغيب، ويُفرض عليه القيام بمهام محددة من دون معرفة الجهة التي تقوم بذلك، كما تشير ذات مصادر المجالس والدوائر المراقبة.

الملاحظ بعد مضي أكثر من أسبوع لم تبرر سلطة الحزب الحاكم السوداني ورئيس الحزب والدولة معا عدم احتفائهم بهذا اليوم وتقديم خطاب العرش، في هذه الزاوية المسوغات عديدة وتجري وفق ادوات تحليل كل فريق، ليست بالضرورة أن تتوافق مع تبريرات السلطة المسكوت عنها أو الاجتهادات الأخرى التي عزته إلى مرض الرئيس وعجزه عن قراءة خطاب العرش. ولكن تبقى المساءلة ما بين هذا وذاك ماذا هم قائلون فيه، إن قدموه او لم يفعلوا؟ الإجابة ببساطة لا شيء، لأن الرئيس وآله الكافوريين حالهم كحال «حمار الشيخ الذي وقف في العقبة»، ويأتي هذا بعدما تزامن احتفال هذا العام بكشف الشعب السوداني المحصلة النهائية لحكم الإسلامويين القائم على ثالوث الفساد والتعذيب والكذب الموثق، عبر العديد من الأدلة والمستندات والوثائق، والأدهى في ما بينهم وبين أجنحتهم في مشروع الفضيحة السوداني الذي ليس لديهم فيه ما يقولونه أو يقدمونه للشعب السوداني، وفي هذا فان الرئيس السوداني باعتباره المسؤول عن مشروع الحكم السوداني قد اكمل كُتابه كل الإنشاءات السياسية في الكذب وإعادة إنتاجه كما أكملوا تسويق الفشل وإعادته، بل توقف عقلهم عن إبداعاته وإنتاجاته التي وصلت لدرجة الملهاة، بعــــدما تبـــين لكل الـــناس أن المشروع الإصلاحي النهضوي الإسلاموي تحت حكم عسكر الإنقاذ الملتحين في الخرطوم، كان مشروعا لنهضة وإصلاح الجيوب، عبر بنية لنظام يؤمن ويرتكز على التعذيب وصناعة الفساد، فيـــه لم يعـــرف الشعب السوداني طوال خمسة وعشرين عاما أن مسؤولا إسلامويا سودانيا تمت محاكمته بالفساد، رغم ثبوت كل الحالات، بل يتم تمجيده ودعمه واحترامه في خارطة ســـياسية لا تعرف غير الفساد منهجا، ولكنه بالمقابل عرف أبريــاءً كثُرا تمت قطـــع أيديـــهم وإعدامهم أو تعذيبــهم، ولا ندري في هذه الثقـــافة السياسية كيف يوقع الرئيس بنفسه أحكام الإعدام لعدد من السودانيين، وما هي شرعيته القانونية لذلك، ولماذا يخضـــع الشعب السوداني للقانون الذي تسنه وتنفذه دولة البشير.

هناك شيء واحد كان يمكن لدولة البشير أن تتقدم به في خطابها هذه السنة، ضمن هذه «الذاكرة» السيئة، وليست الذكرى رغم ضعف القائمين على الـــــدولة في مواجهة الشعب السوداني بسبب عدم الثقة في النفس جراء جريمة القرن التي تم ارتكابها في السودان وبموجـــبها كان التهرب بســبب الخوف لضعف موقفهم السياسي والأخلاقي والإنساني.

الاقتراح في هذا الإطار يكمن في ضرورة تقديم خطاب الإنقاذ لهذا العام، ولو أن يأتي بأثر رجعي، لأن هناك حاجة مجتمعية وجماهيرية له، هذه الحاجة تنبع من حاجة الشعب الى مقارنة ما يراد قوله وأوراق إدانته المسبقة للإنقاذ، بعدما تم كشف جميع اوراق الإنقاذ في المزاد العلني.

أما أهم بنود الخطاب فبالضرورة أن يتقدم الرئيس السوداني باسمه واسم تنظيم الجبهة الإسلإموية التي دفعت به للحكم، والتي تم حلها لصالح تنظيم «المؤتمر الوطني» الحاكم، وباسم التيارات التي انشقت عنه من شعبي والإصلاح الآن والسائحون والدبابين وكل الملل الاخرى التي لا يمكن إحصاؤها، بسبب شهوات المال والصراع حول السلطة المنتجة لهذا المال، مع تسجيل حقيقة ثابتة تقول ان ليست هناك حركة إسلامية بالسودان الآن، وأن هناك عصابات ومافيات للحكم، وباسمهم جميعا «أيها المواطنون… نتقدم باعــــتذارنا للشـــعب الســـوداني، لسبب بسيط ومن دون تفصيل أننا عديمي الأخــــلاق، فــــيه قسمنا الوطن وسرقنا الشعب وما رسنا أسوأ عملية تعـــذيب في ما بيننا، وتجاه الشعب، كما ارتكبنا جرائم الإبادة ضــد الإنســـانية وجـــرائم الحرب، وعهدنا كان بالجملة عبـــارة عن خدعة كبري وتفضلوا باستلام دولتكم ونحن جاهزون لحكم الشعب….»، أما التهنئة للرئيس في إطار الواجب طبعا، «التهاني له بمناسبة كشفه للشعب كذبة حكم إسلامويي السودان وتيار الإسلام السياسي الذي سقط في السودان، وبهذا نجزم قطعا أن خلافة داعش وكل الأشكال الإسلاموية قد لا تطال الأرض السودانية في المستقبل وتلك هي نعمة من نعم الله» .

٭ كاتب سوداني مقيم في لندن

محجوب حسين

القدس اعربي

sabato 19 aprile 2014


Dialogo o soffietti ? !

2014/04/18 10:15

Fathi Daw

Io quasi non conosco le persone in materia di diritti umani, storia Astgvl come ha fatto in campionato quelli con bassi Sudan e la sua gente . Sì, ci sono molti popoli in questa grande regola mondo dittatori ferro e fuoco , ma Dlona il capo di una delle stessa specie dicono pubblicamente «Noi alimentiamo de Jbnaha fucile e Aisaha Legge Chilha fucile » poi la stessa bocca che pronuncia incredulità dire dopo che le colture decimate , bestiame « Parliamo per il Sudan promettente » ? Dlona il capo della stessa vena ammesso ( Bedma ) della lingua e l' insabbiamento di uccidere diecimila persone di suoi connazionali , e poi lo ha colpito tamburelli e sovrappone una piattaforma per ballare per la gioia sui loro corpi ? Mi ha parlato il capo della stessa tribù si sedette a gambe incrociate sul timone di potere per quasi un quarto di secolo , e chiamato per le vittime della strage di nuovo e fresco con il bastone sulla loro volti e disse loro : « Venite , il mio gruppo , ci sono i bambini di oggi » .. e crede alcune persone e loro lo sanno .. Se vi è una menzogna , e se parla , affidato Khan ?

Cosa più regolamenti pertinenti nel mondo , mentre preparate , ma mi ha parlato del sistema dichiarata jihad al suo popolo e costretto il giovane molto minore di impegnarsi in suo olocausto , e quindi aprire Sdnth il Corano non ha visto da versi solo « e preparate ciò che si può di potere , tra cui cavalli terrorizzare il nemico di Allah e il vostro nemico . . » Avendo bare soffiato , è venuto Ihdthonhm per l'unità attraente , poi aprì e non vedere lo stesso Corano versi solo « Aggrappati a Dio e non essere divisi tra di voi .. » ? Mi hanno ricordato il presidente della separazione di decine di migliaia di servizio civile e in uniforme , con il pretesto di ( interesse pubblico ) , e dopo aver scontato un terzo di loro sono morti e lo spostamento di un terzo il secondo, e prima dell'ultimo terzo lecca la povertà e la miseria , e l'amarezza di umiliazione e vergogna nella sua patria e nella diaspora , egli disse loro : « secondo è a favore dell 'anno , e per consentire , e nelle case dei fantasmi e dei bambini Guts uova » ? Sistema Kbrune che uccide quasi sazietà Jhabzth si parla di austerity ? Dlona sistema dedicato a urlare tribale , regionale ed etnica , chiedendo scartato ?

Qual è il popolo più corrotti nel terreno mentre Thsém , ma mi parlavano in merito la giunta ha negato la corruzione di oculisti, una religione che Itbthelon in posto adatto mattina, sera , e dopo le mani stanche dell'Ufficio del verificatore generale per l'ancoraggio , chiamato Vraunha a « rivedere la legge illecito arricchimento e sospettoso , in modo da consentire le disposizioni di affrontare tutte le forme di la corruzione » Dlona campionato violato la legittimità e monopolizzato il potere e uccisi e torturati e sfollati e rovinato , e dopo che hanno esaurito i loro effetti personali , rubato le labbra di Dio - passeggiata riempito - e , parlano ciò che non ha detto : « dimenticare il passato » mi ha parlato alla gente che è stata governata da un partito unico con tutti i mezzi di giochi di prestigio , che allora si chiamava ! circa un centinaio di smalto è venuto fuori dalle loro tane e lanciò quello che stanno mentendo Vtlagaf quello Aovkon come lui ? Mi ha parlato di un paese sotto alcuni Sahafier scrittura con gli occhi sbarrati e puzzava per vedere effettivamente tutta l'amarezza e il dolore che non sono evidenti per gli spettatori , e improvvisamente la gente usciva brandendo penne parlano di libertà e sentieri , la trasparenza e la democrazia e Zumha e necessità ?

Cosa c'è di più , ricordando loro i perdenti , ma vi chiedo se Nafie Ali Nafie assegnato in questo universo lo guarì della sua lingua , ed entrambi gli abusi del suo popolo come il numero di pori della sua pelle ? C'è un rinculo doppia Suath è venuto ad annunciare persone violente che non possono essere un sostituto per il dialogo , e che il potere di monopolio non è un sostituto per le elezioni e le ansie ? Dlona le piogge ministro della difesa hanno rappresentato oltre il 70 % del bilancio , tuttavia , sta parlando ( la teoria della difesa data ), senza battere ciglio ? Oalmona reincarnazione uomo di spirito di Rasputin e marzo , il numero di baffi mento opportunistiche più che ha fatto il dottor Hassan al- Turabi .. usurpato l'autorità e divenne Arabha , poi le sue origini ed è diventato il nemico , e poi tornò ad esso e divenne il suo alleato ? Di parlare con me di una persona in questo mondo ha una festa speciale come il signor Mohammed Osman Mirghani , e gestito dalla abbinamento tra politica e santità non poteva indicare i califfi omayyadi abbaside non lo fanno? Dlona politico trascorso più di metà della sua vita in politica e affari , tuttavia Pflmat fegato spinge verso il sistema ghigliottina si dice contrario e vuole rovesciare lui e noi testimonial ?

Sono riuscito a ingannarci nel campionato della sentenza per l'ennesima volta , riuscii a farci inconsciamente eco la parola del dialogo come uno scopritore di nuovo sudanese , è riuscito a Adkhalna in coma fino a quando uno di noi non ricorda i suoi peccati , è riuscito a farci pronunciamo tutto tranne l' obbligatoria mancante dal suo contabile. Vogliono ri - produrre da soli riproducono la crisi , come se non fossero uccisi o torturati e non hanno la rovina non separano il paese era unito . Certifico che se Samuel Beckett teatro dell'assurdo è stato un pioniere tra noi per indugiare per un momento di riconoscere il suo genio e il talento Ptqasr Tqazem . Sembra essere sempre in mezzo a alcun ragionevole in cui viviamo che il popolo sudanese (accreditato ), come un condannato a morte per un crimine che non ha commesso , e quando ha ripreso , l'arbitro prima che i giudici giustificato e hanno ridurre penalty Akoah alla regola della condanna a vita , e improvvisamente esclamò leader ( oppositori ) trance dicendo Justice live !

Ehi signori , quello che un più ampio e più stretto parole prova, noi, il popolo sono rimasti oppressivo Trodah potere come domare Circo allenatore nero Isosha e Astanasseha . Ndmn ci ha fatto sorpreso anche noi dormiamo e ci svegliamo a Dbebha in faccia , se Djana pazienza , e se la nostra sete può lamentare . Lega DBGT la nostra pelle con ogni sorta di vizi e designati Aptlaouat per correre al tappeto da preghiera e respirare Dio le nostre lamentele non devono affrontare. Autorità violato la nostra libertà Voskhana sentite Onascidna ( nazionale) Nnevs da Krepettna . Lega Guetltna stava bivio Bmuarah nostri cadaveri e restituito chiacchiere come sono impegnati in essa . Autorità macellati colli di vena per vena , Vdgna un uccello macellato dolore . I signori che non sono soggetti alla logica, e voleva Amntgah scioccamente che si riserva il primo ospedale in Majaveb . Si può cambiare la sua pelle per vivere , ma mentre qualcuno di voi dal vivo cambiato la sua pelle divenne una colomba della pace !

Questo sistema Kalsamera che ha fatto il suo muggito polpaccio e ha chiamato falsamente dialogo !

Ultime parole : essere la democrazia e la responsabilità , anche se il lungo viaggio !


martedì 15 aprile 2014

Up to his neck.......!!!

Sudan in politics

Crime and punishment in respect of Sudan : Bashir bracelet choice between Dahab and the fate of Nimeiri

04-15-2014 02:13 AM

D . Abdulwahab Mandarin

In the dialogue session held between the Sudanese parties on the sixth of this month , was among the participants d . Fatima Abdamahmoud , representative of the Social Democratic Union Party , the party of being the remnants of the former regime of President Jaafar Nimeiri . Not only has Dr. participate like any other legal party , it has entered into an argument with the leader of the Umma Party Sadiq al-Mahdi because of his criticism of the system Nimeiri , and defended its record in the field of peace and the defense of the unity of Sudan .

On the face of it , the scene is in furtherance of the principles of dialogue , we are witnessing here to defend and pluralistic attitudes , especially in light of Dr. Abdamahmoud claim to respect this difference in attitudes and not to offend the party involved . But in fact, this incident embody the core of the dilemma in the dialogue . It is true that most of the political forces , including the Mahdi Party , participated in the Nimeiri regime in varying degrees. But this is not the issue, because the Mahdi , for example, participated in the system on the basis of a reconciliation agreement was assume that the system is moving towards a democratic transition has not been fulfilled . There are others , led by leftist groups led by the Communist Party , on the basis of ideological participated in the ' May Revolution ' , and their problem is that they are present , as is the case with Sheikh al-Turabi faction of the Islamic Movement , are still in denial about that role .

But there is a difference between those who participated in a dictatorial regime and then decline , even in a state of denial or recognition , and those who still defends the system maximum of each of his opponents and remained in that state until he collapsed . But there is disagreement between those who stayed with the system until the end and then repented or pretended to repent after that, between pretending not just pretending to repent for the exclusion of all other political forces . How are entitled to such a group to sit around a table to discuss participation, which is not accepted by a power , and did not apologize or back down from this position ?

This applies to the case more closely on the current situation, with the important difference is that the current system before participating partially since 1998 , and more broadly after the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in 2005. , But gimmick and continues to this acceptance , as demonstrated in his administration for the 2010 elections , which excluded practically everyone . The back of exclusion as well as in the actual non-compliance with the current constitution , which allows freedom of expression and association , and does not give any powers of the security services to arrest or detention , not to mention the confiscation of newspapers and even control what and even published in the The edit, and manage and operate.

The government has taken partial steps towards addressing the issue through the pledge by providing greater freedoms to create an atmosphere for dialogue . But this is not the end of it , because the purpose of the dialogue is not to be , however, the freedom granted by any party or even prevent it , but it is available to everyone all the time , and without mode. This means that there will be free and fair elections produce an elected government reflect the popular choice free . But this in turn raises the question of what Stffersh free elections in a position such as Sudan suffers from fragmentation and fragmentation , and there is no guarantee that a stable alliance highlights across the country avoid further disruption , respect and settling accounts . That needs to be a lot of effort and a few creative thinking in order to achieve the desired transformation .

In the ongoing debate currently there is confusion between the challenges of realism required to address them , most notably to secure agreement on a peaceful way out of the current crisis , and demands exemplary achievement of full justice , and punish the perpetrators of the abuses , and the installation of an elected government backed by the majority of the people , and completely free of all perpetrators of crimes . But without so many difficulties , the first being that there is no class today in Sudan had not been contaminated their hands with the blood of the Sudanese and the looting of their rights. I had commented in earlier intervention during the transition period that the Sudanese Council of Ministers formed at the time of the NCP and the SPLM and their allies is the largest gathering of war criminals in the world.

There are long waits for a statement of account most of the components of the Sudanese political class , because of his hands did not hand delivered his tongue . The crimes of government information has gone out stirrups , but opponents of the armed groups have not received their hands of the blood of the innocent , and aggression , assassinations and looting , and the livelihood and the imprisonment of relief for Almlhov and trapped , and other than knowing God Almighty . It did not participate directly participated by proxy , in favor of the tongue , or a member of a group or grouping or alliance supported the perpetrators of sins . Has not been announced , but few of repentance that sin , as well as the conviction of the perpetrators of sins . Many of the categories , such as some of the Darfur factions , earned two honors : Vartkpt a major in the right of innocent people , then coincided with the government Vetoatot with them in bad deeds , then returned some of them to commit sins for the authenticity of the same , and so on in a vicious circle .

It may be a solution that shows the Mahdi , will separate the wicked from the good , and eliminates the criminals can be good , but this issue is not in our hands and not the hands of dialogue conferences . And without it the criminals to announce their repentance and surrender to the competent authorities even eliminate them say his rule. If you place the system administrators today , from their boss what without him, to quickly deliver myself to the nearest judge repent to God , because it is much easier than to stand one day of resurrection before God Almighty opponent to thousands of innocent children, women and elderly people who died were killed or starved including earned our hands .

Much has been said , for example, for the crimes committed in Darfur , but one incident struck me about the narrator confidence , that the militias backed by the army attacked the village came out of the mosque a group of boys were busy to save the Quran before the attack , and their hands panels that copying where it memorized , not Inghm that of their lethality . Ya see , it is pleased to stand before God on his question those killed any guilt ? Is not it better for the responsible for such a crime to kill a thousand times in this life than to stand this situation?

Whatever the case , this is not in our hands as well , repentance from Allah . The weakest of faith is to recognize all of Garv sin in people's right to his guilt publicly , and ask for forgiveness from the victims , and that the focus of the committees of the frankness and reconciliation. It is not useful to reconcile people to denial and suppression of facts or by turning a blind eye , because the weakest of faith is the denial of evil , and the compact will not be repeated crimes.

This brings us back to the core issue , which is the form of the transition is required , and the weakest of faith should not be a continuation of the situation of exclusion , with the continuation of exclusion built on denial and justification as under some followers of Nimeiri doing. It must also safeguards against the use of a democratic state apparatus again , especially the judiciary and the regular forces and public money as political tools in the hands of political parties and forces to settle scores , and that these institutions are barricaded against any interference outside the scope of the law and the principles of neutrality .

Included in this should not be a political deals for the sharing of positions and jobs , and to be elected to political office , and administrative positions capacity and efficiency.

But this all depends on a political decision from the leadership of the current system . Faced with two options for President Bashir , to follow the curriculum team Abdulrahman bracelet Dahab , who handed over power to an elected government after one year of receiving her first two FXP Hamad and others, or continue on the approach of his predecessor, Nimeiri , who did not deliver , but reluctant . Of course, there are important differences , because the bracelet Dahab , D God in his day , did not commit in the custody of a major , did not use coercion to stay in power , on the contrary, rejected proposals to extend the transitional period for another two years as demanded so many political forces . But this does not deny that if al-Bashir has taken a strategic choice to transfer power and laying the foundations for the rule of law , the position in the history of Sudan has changed dramatically.

Asking permission is ' ideal - and realistic ' , the purpose of nearby peaceful transition towards a stable system , deviate from the institutions of the state between the political forces in conflict , and be than cleansing the state of the elements of the crime and the adoption of the principles of justice away from the tendencies of revenge , and also tendencies ' Alttehrah ' which we learned the earliest date they excuses to commit the most heinous crimes under the guise of ideological , as was the case with the current system and the system in May Hakpth leftist revolutionary . There is no need for the country to return to the dark tunnel under any pretext , even if the justice.

Therefore, we are in need of starting to the courageous decision of the regime to accept the response comes to people , but there is a need to further the strategic thinking to ensure that lead the transition to the fragmentation and disintegration of the political result in ' SOMALISATION peaceful ' threaten stability as we have seen in periods of democratic precedent ( and even semi- democratic , as was the case in Darfur, in the early eighties and the south at the end of the seventies and early eighties , as well as offline ) . This means that there is a need , above dialogue , to think deeply and creatively , and contributions by intellectuals , academics and experts to ask formulas and drawing lessons from past experiences .

' Sudanese writer and researcher based in London

Jerusalem Arab

sabato 12 aprile 2014

Civilzation ..may be new moda...!!!

Donna che trascina un uomo come un cane con una serie per le strade di Londra

2014/04/12 08:20

In uno strano incidente, passanti visto questa mattina un uomo che trascina una serie donna 'come un cane per le strade della capitale britannica, e siti di social networking vedere un dibattito sulle cause e le motivazioni. Passanti sorpresi diventano oggi, mentre si stavano dirigendo a lavorare nel cuore della capitale britannica, Londra, nel fatto stesso di l'emozione e la stranezza, dove hanno visto un uomo trascinare una donna strisciando sulle mani e piedi, come un cane che cammina dietro di lei. L'autostop scena un gran numero di passanti, dopo di che hanno visto stupiti, e ha avviato, filmato l'incidente, e poi si è diffuso su Internet, per spegnersi dopo un'ondata di commenti e spiegazioni di quello che è successo. L'uomo è apparso nel video di rotolamento dell'incidente mentre stava camminando sulle mani e piedi e con indosso una tuta pantaloni, camicia e stivali neri, e striscia docilmente dietro la signora per le strade di Farringdon nel centro di Londra. Attraverso astanti credevano che l'incidente è una campagna di propaganda per c'è qualcosa di sconosciuto, ma la donna che sembrava abbigliamento elegante e l'altro sta portando in mano una tazza di caffè, non ha evidenziato nulla.


mercoledì 26 marzo 2014

Musa Hilal!!!!

قيادي مع موسى هلال : نعمل على توحيد الحركات في الجبهة الثورية لإسقاط نظام البشير

حركة تحرير السودان فصيل مناوي ومجموعة موسى هلال يؤكدان على وجود اتصالات بينهما

03-26-2014 06:23 AM

نيروبي: مصطفى سري

أعلنت حركة تحرير السودان فصيل مني أركو مناوي ومجموعة الزعيم القبلي موسى هلال أنهما تجريان اتصالات على مستوى قيادي للتنسيق للمرحلة المقبلة، وأكدتا على أن الحوار يشمل كل الحركات المسلحة للبحث في كيفية التنسيق مستقبلا بما فيه انضمام مجموعة هلال إلى الجبهة الثورية إن اقتنعت بذلك، في وقت نفت حركة مناوي ما أعلنته القوات المسلحة السودانية وقادة الميليشيات التابعة لها والتي يطلق عليها اسم «الجنويد» من قتل جنود تابعين للحركة في منطقة بعاشيم في شمال دارفور، ووصفت ما تردده الخرطوم بأنها محاولة لرفع المعنويات بعد الهزائم المتتالية التي لحقت بهم.

وقال عبد الله مرسال المتحدث الرسمي باسم حركة تحرير السودان فصيل مني أركو مناوي لـ«الشرق الأوسط» إن «الزعيم القبلي موسى هلال بادر بالاتصال بفصائل الحركات المسلحة المختلفة والتي تقاتل الحكومة السودانية في إقليم دارفور»، وأضاف أن «القضايا التي طرحها هلال مع كل قادة الحركات كانت جادة وواضحة ويمكن تقود تلك الاتصالات إلى تنسيق الجهود مع قواته التي أصبحت تقاتل القوات الحكومية في دارفور»، مشيرا إلى أن هلال أكد خلال الاتصالات المستمرة معه أنه يقف مع الحل الشامل للقضية السودانية، وتابع «إذا صدقت النيات وترك هلال قدم في الحكومة وأخرى في المعارضة فإننا سنتجه نحو التنسيق الكامل بما فيه ضمه إلى الجبهة الثورية في حال اقتناعه بها»، وقال «القضايا واضحة بالنسبة لموسى هلال ويمكن أن نخطو خطوات كبيرة في المرحلة القادمة».

من جهته قال قيادي مقرب من موسى هلال فضل عدم تعريف اسمه لـ«الشرق الأوسط» إن «هدف مجموعته توحيد كل الحركات المسلحة المنضوية تحت الجبهة الثورية والعمل معا لإسقاط نظام الرئيس السوداني عمر البشير»، مؤكدا أن هلال أجرى اتصالات مع كل من رئيسي حركتي تحرير السودان مني أركو مناوي وعبد الواحد محمد النور ورئيس حركة العدل والمساواة جبريل إبراهيم والأمين العام للحركة الشعبية ياسر عرمان، وقال «نحن أصبحنا نواجه عدوا واحدا هو نظام البشير وسنعمل معا على إسقاطه واتصالاتنا أيضا تتركز حول برنامج سياسي نتفق عليه جميعا»، وأضاف أن «البشير يستفيد من التناقضات بين القوى السياسية وتشتتها وعدم وحدتها لذلك فإنه يستمر في الحكم»، واصفا مبادرة البشير التي أطلقها للحوار مع القوى السياسية واحدة من كذبات النظام وأنه حوار غير جاد.

وقال القيادي في جماعة هلال إن «الحكومة حاولت جاهدة اغتيال موسى هلال لأنها تتخوف من نفوذه في إقليم دارفور»، وأضاف أن «مجموعته ستواصل اتصالاتها مع قيادات الجبهة الثورية حتى التوصل إلى اتفاق تام وبرنامج عملي للفترة المقبلة»، وقال «ليس لدينا قطيعة سياسية مع الجبهة الثورية وكل فصائلها رغم أن حركات دارفور وقعت في فخ حزب البشير بتصوير أن القضية في السودان قبلية»، مشيرا إلى أن هلال يقود مصالحات بين القبائل المختلفة في دارفور لترك النزاعات القبلية.

وكان هلال وهو زعيم قبيلة (المحاميد) ذات الأصول العربية والتي تقيم في دارفور يحارب إلى جانب الحكومة ضد الحركات المسلحة في دارفور عند بداية الحرب حتى أطلق عليه اسم زعيم (الجنجويد) التي تتشكل من القبائل العربية، وتردد أن اسمه أرسل إلى المحكمة الجنائية الدولية التي تطالب بالقبض على البشير ووزير دفاعه عبد الرحيم محمد حسين ووالي شمال كردفان أحمد هارون والزعيم الجنجويدي المفترض محمد كوشيب، غير أن هلال دخل في خلافات مع والي شمال دارفور محمد يوسف كبر، بيد أنه قام بالهجوم المسلح على عدد من المناطق في الولاية وسيطر عليها ورفض الحوار مع الحكومة قبل إقالة الوالي.

ونفت جماعة موسى هلال تلقيها دعوة من الحكومة التشادية لحضور مؤتمر «أم جرس الثاني» الذي بدأ أمس، وقالت إن «المؤتمر محاولة من الرئيس التشادي إدريس ديبي لجمع قيادات قبيلة الزغاوة لكي يتمكنوا من إقناع أبنائهم التي تقود الحرب في الإقليم لوقفها»، وأضاف «لكن مؤتمر أم جرس لن ينجح لأن القضية لا تخص قبيلة الزغاوة وكذلك لن تنجح القبيلة في أن تتجه لحل القضية على هذا الأساس»، وقال إن «مطالب المجموعة تتمثل في وقف إطلاق نار شامل وحوار يضم كل القوى السياسية والحركات ولا يستثني أحدا وتفكيك نظام الحزب الواحد الذي يقوده المؤتمر الوطني».

إلى ذلك نفى عبد الله مرسال المتحدث باسم حركة مناوي بيان القوات المسلحة وتصريحات أحد قائد قوات التدخل السريع والتي تعد إحدى ميليشيات الجنجويد بقيادة محمد حمدان الملقب بـ«حمدتي»، وقال إن «قوات حركته دخلت في معارك مع الميليشيات التابعة للحكومة في منطقة (باعشيم) في شمال دارفور وإن قواته استطاعت تدمير (30) سيارة ذات الدفع الرباعي والاستيلاء على (7) أخريات وإن بقية قوات الميليشيات فرت في اتجاهات مختلفة»، وأضاف «الحكومة تريد أن ترفع من الروح المعنوية لقواتها بعد الهزائم التي لحقت بها في الأسابيع الأخيرة في شمال وجنوب دارفور»، وتابع «الدليل على محاولة رفع المعنويات التناقض بين أرقام قتلى حركتنا حيث المتحدث باسم الجيش الحكومي الصوارمي خالد سعد بأن عدد القتلى نحو (75) قتيلا» فيما قال قائد الجنجويد عباس عبد العزيز إنهم «أكثر من 150 قتيلا»، وأضاف «مثل هذا العدد من القتلى لم يحدث للحركة منذ تأسيسها ولن يحدث مستقبلا»، وقال إن «الميليشيات تقوم بحرق وقتل المواطنين وسرقة ممتلكاتهم بشكل ممنهج وهو أسوأ من عامي (2003 - 2004) التي بدأ فيها الحرب بين الحركات المسلحة والقوات الحكومية والميليشيات التابعة لها».

الشرق الاوسط

venerdì 28 febbraio 2014


Seven Foods That Fight Inflammation and Belly Fat

1. Fruits and vegetables

All fruits and vegetables, due to their rich nutrient and fiber content, help to combat chronic inflammation, so make sure to include adequate amounts of these foods daily. Some types of fresh produce, however, are even more potent than others.

Some terrific anti-inflammatory fruits and vegetables to include in your meal plan include apples, berries, broccoli, mushrooms, papaya, pineapple, and spinach.

2 - Green tea

This mild beverage is great for helping shrink your waistline as well as for decreasing inflammation. The flavonoids in this tea have natural anti-inflammatory properties. And the compound EGCG in green tea has been shown to help reduce body fat.

3 - Monounsaturated fats

These heart-healthy fats help raise your healthy HDL cholesterol levels and reduce overall inflammation. Great sources include olive oil, almonds, and avocado.

4 - Omega-3 fatty acids

Research has shown that a diet with a high percentage of omega-3 fatty acids and a low percentage of omega-6 fatty acids has been linked with decreased inflammation. Food sources of omega-3s include walnuts, flaxseed, and fish, such as wild Alaskan salmon.

5- Spices

Certain spices, including garlic, turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, and chili peppers, have potent inflammation-reducing capabilities, so try adding them to meals as often as possible.

6. Water

Staying hydrated is essential to flushing inflammation-causing toxins out of your body. Aim for 64 ounces of water per day. Remember: Add an additional 8 ounces of water for every 30 minutes of exercise as well.

7- Whole grains

Rich in fiber, whole grains help control the insulin response in your body. The high B vitamin content of whole grains also helps reduce the inflammatory hormone homocystine in the body.

By Agencies, 1 day 15 hours ago

giovedì 27 febbraio 2014

No anyother state have confedance in Sudan.

US cautiously optimistic about Sudanese president’s call for political dialogue

February 26, 2014 (WASHINGTON) – The United States said the world will be "watching Sudan carefully" to see what emerges from president Omer Hassan al-Bashir’s call last month for comprehensive political dialogue that would bring together all political forces as well as rebel groups.

"The world will be watching Sudan carefully to gauge the seriousness of this initiative, which if truly holistic, inclusive and comprehensive offers an opportunity to address the underlying causes of Sudan’s tragic history of war between its center and its periphery," US special envoy to Sudans Donald Booth told lawmakers at the House of Representatives in a hearing held on Wednesday.

But Booth warned that the Sudanese government should not think the US will be sold on any political process that does not lead to real reform.

"Sudan’s conflicts are indicative of a widespread failure to govern equitably and inclusively, and the international community must not allow Khartoum to continue obscuring national issues by painting them as isolated regional conflicts, nor can we allow them to pass off as credible any superficial national process that does not include and empower representation and participation from all levels and regions of Sudanese society," he said.

"As part of this engagement, it is critical that we unite the international community to show Khartoum that change is both necessary and beneficial," Booth added.

Bashir addressed the nation announcing a 4-point plan for reform "to stop the war and bring peace, free political society, fight against poverty and revitalize national identity", calling for political forces to engage in dialogue to agree on the implementation items though he did not specify practical steps to do so.

His speech drew widespread criticism for failing to rise to the level of major surprise as described by Sudanese officials prior to it.

The Sudanese leader said that rebel groups will be accepted into the dialogue only if they lay down arms. But the rebel umbrella known as the Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF) has brushed aside Bashir’s offer.

The opposition National Umma Party (NUP) and the Popular Congress Party (PCP) are the only opposition parties who so far announced their acceptance to Bashir’s call for national dialogue.

The US official said that Washington is working with other parties such as China, United Kingdom, Norway, African Union (AU), Ethiopia, Egypt and Qatar to pressure Sudan into embracing genuine reforms.

He also cautioned that any improvement in US -Sudanese relations "is predicated on genuine and sustained improvements in how Sudan treats its citizens and adheres to its international obligations".

Sudan has refused to issue Booth a visa to make a second visit since his appointment last year unless he comes with a specific agenda for normalizing ties through lifting sanctions and removing the country from the list of states that sponsor terrorism.

Khartoum also mentioned reciprocity in light of Washington’s refusal to issue Bashir a visa to travel to New York for the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) meetings last September.


On South Sudan conflict, Booth accused both government and rebel forces of violating the cessation of hostilities agreement brokered by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD).

"Both parties have continued to violate this agreement and commit abuses against civilians, most recently with the anti-government forces’ assault on Malakal, and before that pro-government forces’ attacks on Leer and Godiang" he said.

"A true cessation of hostilities is our most pressing priority, and the United States Government is providing significant financial support to the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)-led Monitoring and Verification Mechanism which will monitor and identify violators of the cessation of hostilities agreement," the US official added.

Booth also said that the US is "deeply concerned by reports of serious human rights abuses and violations that have been committed throughout South Sudan by both parties to the conflict, including those reported in the UN’s first report on abuses committed since the conflict began".

He criticized Juba for "progressively" restricting political competition in the country including within the ruling Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) and also curbing free press and civil society groups.

Violence erupted in South Sudan last December in Juba following clashes between rival tribe members within the presidential guards, with president Salva Kiir accusing former vice-president Riek Machar of masterminding an alleged coup attempt to overthrow the government.

Government forces loyal to Kiir, at times assisted by Ugandan troops, battled pro-Machar forces for control of strategic areas.

The UN estimates some 900,000 people have been internally displaced since the conflict broke out.

The envoy stressed that South Sudan government must not be allowed "to return to business as usual with a quick fix and political accommodations for the main protagonists, for the simple reason that this will not bring about a sustainable peace".

"A number of other senior U.S. officials and I have made clear that we, too, are not engaged in business as usual; as one sign of this, I would note that our security assistance to South Sudan is not going forward at this time, and that some of it is being re-programmed to support the regional verification mechanism," he added.




السعودية ودول غربية توقف التعامل المصرفي مع السودان

02-26-2014 09:43 PM

الخرطوم- نازك شمام

كشفت مصادر عن أن المصارف السودانية تلقت إخطاراً رسمياً من نظيرتها السعودية، وبعض المصارف الغربية بإيقاف التعامل المصرفي معها، ابتداءً من الثامن والعشرين من الشهر الجاري، وأكدت مصادر أن بنك السودان المركزي تلقى إخطاراً رسمياً بإيقاف كافة التحويلات والمقاصات من وإلى المصارف السعودية، وعزت الأمر لتعرض المصارف السعودية إلى ضغوط من جهات غربية بإيقاف التعامل المصرفي مع السودان في إطار العقوبات اﻻقتصادية المفروضة عليه، منذ تسعينيات القرن الماضي.

اليوم التالي

martedì 25 febbraio 2014

Restore 53 Nubian Pyramids.

The Qatari Mission to Restore 53 Nubian Pyramids at Al Bejrawiya N. Sudan

Qatari Mission, headed by Sheikh Hassan bin Mohamed bin Ali al Thani, Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees – Qatar Museums Authority, is currently engaged in the restoration and preservation of 53 Nubian pyramids at al Begrawiya area, Nahar al Nil State, north of the National Capital Khartoum, ahead of the coming tourism season which starts in September.

These pyramids are major sites of the Kingdom of Meroe which flourished between the 8th century BC to the 4th century AD and included in UNESCO’s World Heritage List.

The the process will be conducted within the Qatar-Sudan Archeological Project (QSAP) which was initiated by former Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al Thani and Sudan President Omer Bashir and then translated into an agreement signed by the two countries in September 2012.

The project is an umbrella that supports at first 28 archeological missions – working in the Shamalia and Nahar al Nil States – in different ways especially in the logistics required to accomplish their task in a fast track. About 40 archeological missions will start by the next tourism season, according to Mr. Abdulla Al Najjar, the Project’s Chief Executive Officer.

He said the restoration of Begrawiya pyramids is being conducted as a pilot project that can be rolled out at any area of Meroe civilization where there are Pyramids.

“We work in coordination with international organizations such as the German Institute of Archeology, the University College of London, Egypt Museum in Munich and many other institutions which have had extensive experience in restoration and preservation of pyramids.” he said.

He argued that they have chosen German Institute because it is very unique in this field, also because the German archeologist Prof. Hinkel has been working in Sudan during 1962-2004 and left behind extraordinary information of those pyramids and general archeological sites in Sudan.

“Prof. Henkel donated his archives to the German institute and our intention is to seek their help in the restoration and to give those donations to the Sudanese authorities to allow students, scholars and those specialized in archeology to benefit of them” Al Najjar added.

Another progress in the project, Al Najjar says, is that the two states will be provided with two camps to house the archeologists, technicians and all those linked to the project at about 5 kilometers away from Jabal al Barkel and about 2 kilometers from the pyramids of al Begrawiya.

“ we hope the two camps will be ready before the start the new season to provide logistical support to those missions”. he added.

The third step forward in the 5-year project was the workshop which was organized last month under the name” Towards Sustainable Tourism in Meroe”. Al Najjar said .

“I think it was a very unique opportunity and it had attracted scholars, scientists and experienced archeologists who have been working in Sudan especially in al Begrawiya area for long time, we invited them and gather them in one room to discuss and set a site management plan that will be implemented to cater for the visitors who will visit those important sites and also to bring it to standard that is accepted and endorsed by the UNISCO World Heritage Council because al Begrawiya has been one of the sites inscribed by it and our mission will not be implemented on the ground unless they met those international standards.

He related that those scholars spend 2 days discussing those plans and items and their recommendations will be implemented, this workshop has focused in Begrawiya only but everything we start and then can be rolled out to other sites until those archeological sites reach recognized standards that can be seen by different assessment agencies.

Furthermore, Al Najjar paid a field tour to 10 archeological sites at the Northern State last week accompanied by Dr. Salah Mohamed Ahmed, QSAP General Coordinator and Dr. Oukasha Aldali, QSAP projects Director. The visit coincided with the visit of Minister of Tourism Eng. Mohamed Abdul Karim Al Hud and the Governor of the Northern State Dr. Ibrahim Alkhidir to the area.

The Minister appreciated the Qatari government and people role in supporting Sudan, stressing that the project would create a tremendous shift in the antiquities sector. Dr. Salah expressed satisfaction over the visit noting that it was the first time he saw such high enthusiasm among the Sudanese and foreign archeologists.

Asked by Sudanow whether the project is implemented within the tourism economy, Al Najjar affirmed that the main objective behind Qatar government support was to create a legacy that could be left behind and establish a solid platform that could be used to promote tourism in the Sudan in general, and cultural tourism in particular.

“We believe the Sudanese civilization and history have lot in store to reveal for those interested tourists who take the pain to travel to those areas to see something that they have weren’t expected to see, and then they would enjoy best experiences they have had in visiting similar archeological sites in the world”. he said

He observed that economics tourism is the responsibility of the concerned government entities such as ministry of tourism, antiquities corporation and wild life, pinpointing that the two camps the project is stablishing would be left as legacy that could be used in the future to promote such industry.

“This is a very unique project. We hope the project will be able to achieve its strategic objective which is to help Sudan and Sudanese people promote their tourism industry in the best possible way that can help and sustain such sector in the future”.He stressed.

By Sudanow.info, 14 hours 26 minutes ago

sabato 22 febbraio 2014


Despite Unprecedented Investment in Malaria Control, most Africans at High Risk of Contracting Deadly Malaria

Despite unprecedented investment in malaria control in Africa over the past decade, about 57% of the population still live in areas where risk of infection remains moderate to high, according to new research published in The Lancet.

However, the findings also show that substantial reductions in malaria transmission have been achieved across most of the malaria-endemic countries of Africa between 2000 and 2010, with more than a quarter of the population (around 218 million people) now living in areas with a much lower risk of infection.

In this study, researchers from the Kenya Medical Research Institute, University of Oxford, and WHO Regional Office for Africa complied data from the largest ever collection of 26 746 community-based surveys of parasite prevalence covering 3 575 418 person observations from 44 malaria-endemic countries and territories in Africa since 1980. Using model-based geostatistics they estimated the proportion of the population aged 2-10 years old infected with different levels of the parasite Plasmodium falciparumacross Africa soon after the launch of the Roll Back Malaria initiative in 2000 and a decade later.

They found reductions in the prevalence of malaria infection in children in 40 of 44 countries in Africa between 2000 and 2010.

Over the decade, they estimated that the number of people living in high-transmission areas fell from 218•6 million to 183•5 million (a 16% drop), but the population living in areas where risk of infection is considered moderate to high increased from 178•6 million to 280•1 million (a 57% increase).

Conversely, the population living in areas where risk is regarded as very low increased from 78•2 million to 128•2 million (a 64% increase), and four countries (Cape Verde, Eritrea, South Africa, and Ethiopia) joined Swaziland, Djibouti, and Mayotte at levels of transmission that make elimination a realistic goal.

Nevertheless, says Professor Robert Snow from the Kenya Medical Research Institute-Wellcome Trust Research Programmer, 57% of people in Africa still live in areas of moderate-to-high transmission intensity. "Almost all (87%) of those in the two highest endemicity classes are living in just 10 countries. Of these, three (Guinea, Mali, and Togo) are not part of the 10 countries that are the focus of the WHO Malaria Situation Room."*

The authors point out that high population growth rates have reduced some of the proportional gains in transmission reduction, with 200 million extra people now living in malaria-endemic regions compared with in 2000.

"The international community has invested heavily in malaria control with finance increasing from around $100 million in 2000 to nearly $2 billion in 2013," explains Dr Abdisalan Mohamed Noor from the Kenya Medical Research Institute-Welcomed Trust Research Programmer and University of Oxford.

"Previous attempts at measuring the effects of efforts to control malaria have used changes in deaths from malaria or clinical episodes of infection that rely on imprecise and unreliable methods such as verbal autopsy and limited passive case detection. A more robust alternative is to measure changes in malaria parasite infection rates detected by microscopy or a rapid diagnostic test sampled through random community surveys. In the next decade these surveys should continue to be implemented. At the same time concerted efforts should be invested in rapidly expanding the diagnosis and reporting of clinical cases in Africa."

According to Professor Snow, "In a period of global economic recession, these results emphasise the need for continued support for malaria control, not only to sustain the gains that have been made, but also to accelerate the reduction in transmission intensity where it still remains high. If investments in malaria are not sustained, hundreds of millions of Africans run the risk of rebound transmission, with catastrophic consequences."

Writing in a linked Comment, Professor Sir Brian Greenwood from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Dr Kwadwo Koram from the Noguchi Memorial Institute of Medical Research in Ghana say, "Noor and colleagues have shown that, during the past decade, the reductions in malaria transmission that have been achieved in much of sub- Saharan Africa, although encouraging, have been only modest. Also, these gains are threatened by emerging resistance to the pyrethroid group of insecticides and by the potential appearance of artemisinin-resistant malaria parasites in Africa."

They conclude, "More could be done to improve malaria control in high-risk countries by increasing coverage with proven interventions such as insecticide-treated nets and chemoprevention. However, a focus on elimination must not result in a reduction in support for development of new methods (drugs, insecticides, vaccines, and new approaches to vector control), and improved delivery methods, which will be needed in large areas of sub-Saharan Africa before malaria transmission can be reduced to the level at which elimination becomes a credible prospect.

By Science Daily, 17 hours 41 minutes

venerdì 21 febbraio 2014

SLM and the American mission for South and north Sudan.

تصريح صحفى حول تفاصيل لقاء حركة جيش تحرير السودان بالمبعوث الأمريكى

02-21-2014 07:10 AM

تصريح صحفى حول لقاء حركةجيش تحرير السودان بالمبعوث الأمريكى

فى إطار تواصل حركة/جيش تحرير السودان والجبهة الثورية السودانية بالمجتمع الإقليمى والدولى وطرح رؤاها, إلتقى رئيس الحركة الأستاذ/ عبد الواحد محمد أحمد النور ونائبه محمد زكريا وقيادات الحركات المسلحة المكونة للجبهة الثورية السودانية مساء اليوم الخميس 20 فبراير 2014م بالمبعوث الأمريكى للسودان وجنوب السودان , السيد/ دونالد بوث , ورحبت الحركة والجبهة الثورية بالمبعوث الأمريكى وثمنت الدور الذى يقوم به من أجل إيجاد حل عادل وشامل لقضايا الدولة السودانية , وقد طرحت حركة/جيش تحرير السودان عدد من القضايا والمحاور المتعلقة برؤيتها فى حل إشكالات الدولة السودانية والخطوات العملية والضرورية التى يجب تحققها كى يكون هنالك سلام عادل وشامل يفضى إلى الإستقرار فى السودان , وتمثلت هذه المحاور في النقاط التالية:

1/ ركزت الحركة على ضرورة الحل الشامل لقضايا الدولة السودانية بمشاركة كافة القوى السياسية والجبهة الثورية السودانية و لابد أن يكون هنالك أمن على الأرض أولاً , ووقف القصف الجوى , وإيصال المساعدات الإنسانية للاجئين والنازحين وإعادتهم إلى حواكيرهم وقراهم الأصلية.

2/ تطرقت الحركة للمجازر والإبادة المستمرة للشعب السودانى فى دارفور وشمال كردفان وجبال النوبة والنيل الأزرق وأخرها كانت مجزرة معسكر الحميدية بمدينة زالنجى فى اليومين الماضيين و التى راح ضحيتها العشرات من الجرحى والمصابين.

3/ أكدت الحركة على رفضها لأى سلام جزئى مع النظام , وذكرت بأن هنالك 42 وثيقة سلام تم توقيعها مع نظام الخرطوم ولم يلتزم بها وتنصل عن تنفيذها , فكيف يلتزم بتنفيذ الوثيقة رقم 44؟!!, وأن لا مناص عن الحل الشامل الذى يفضى لإزالة النظام وتكوين بديل ديمقراطى بمشاركة كافة القوى السياسية السودانية الفاعلة.

4/ تطرقت الحركة للوضع الإنسانى المتدهور فى معكسرات النازحين بدارفور وجبال النوبة والنيل الأزرق ومعسكرات اللاجئين فى تشاد وافريقيا الوسطى وجنوب السودان, وذكرت أن هنالك بوادر مجاعة فى معسكرات النازحين بشمال دارفور , وشددت على إلتزام المجتمع الدولى بدوره تجاه المواطنين الذين يهددهم الجوع والمرض , وضرورة إرجاع المنظمات الإنسانية العاملة فى السودان و التى طردتها حكومة الخرطوم حتى تقوم بدورها الإنسانى تجاه النازحين واللاجئين.

5/ طالبت الحركة من المجتمع الدولى والولايات المتحدة الأمريكية بالتدخل الفورى والعاجل لوقف الإحتراب بين القبائل العربية المتناحرة فى دارفور والذى تغذيه حكومة الخرطوم بسياسة فرق تسد لضرب النسيج الإجتماعى والقبائل بعضها ببعض فى حروب عبثية المستفيد منها الأول والأخير نظام البشير الذى إفتعل كل تلك الصراعات لتغذية مركزه فى السلطة.

6/ شرحت الحركة للمبعوث الأمريكى لقاءها بالمبعوث محمد بن شمباس والقضايا التى ناقشتها معه والتى تتعلق بكيفية صنع السلام فى السودان والدور الذي يمكن أن يلعبه تجاه هذه القضية المهمة والحساسة , ورؤيتها للحل الشامل وضرورة ذهاب نظام البشير , وهو مهدد لوحدة السودان وأمن دول الجوار الإقليمى والدولى.

7/ وأشارت الحركة بأنها أوفدت ممثل عنها والجبهة الثورية السودانية لمفاوضات أديس أبابا الأخيرة كخبير فى التفاوض للدفع بقضية الحل الشامل للأزمة السودانية ومساعدة حليفتها الحركة الشعبية – شمال وإنتشالها من دائرة الحلول الجزئية التى يريدها النظام فى الخرطوم.

8/ وأكدت الحركة إلتزامها بالعهود والمواثيق التى وقعتها الجبهة الثورية السودانية ونظرتها لحل القضية السودانية فى إطارها الشامل وإسقاط النظام فى الخرطوم بالقوة العسكرية والمدنية أوأى طرق أخرى كفيلة بهذا الغرض.

9/ أكدت الحركة بأن ليس هنالك قوة فى الأرض تلزمها بالسلام الجزئى مع النظام أو الذهاب للتفاوض مع النظام ما لم تتحقق الشروط التى طرحتها الحركة أولاً.

10/ إتفق المبعوث الأمريكى مع رؤية الحركة فى الحل الشامل للقضايا السودانية ومخاطبة جزور الأزمة وتحقق الأمن على الأرض أولاً.

11/ طلبت الحركة من المجتمع الدولى والولايات المتحدة الأمريكية ترك ملف الحرب والسلام فى السودان أذا كانوا لا يستطيعون الضغط على نظام المؤتمر الوطنى لقبول خيار الغالبية العظمى من الشعب السودانى فى السلام الشامل وإعادة هيكلة الدولة السودانية وفق أسس جديدة.

12/ تطرقت الحركة لموضوع الحريات فى السودان وتكميم الأفواه ومصادرة الصحف ومطاردة الناشطين السياسيين من الشباب والطلاب والزج بهم فى السجون والمعتقلات دون المثول لمحاكمات أو حتى معرفة أماكن إعتقالهم ومصيرهم , ويمنعون عن مقابلة أسرهم وزويهم , وتكليف محامين للدفاع عنهم أو وصول المنظمات المتعلقة بحقوق الإنسان إليهم ومعرفة ظروفهم الصحية والغذائية.

13/ تطرقت الحركة لملف الأسرى والمعتقلين وسوء أحوال المعتقلات والتعذيب الذى يتعرضون له والممارسات الغير إنسانية التى تصل حالات الإغتصاب داخل السجون والمعتقلات للنساء والرجال على حدِ سواء.

14/ أكدت الحركة فى نهاية إجتماعها على رؤيتها فى الحل الشامل والإجراءات التى يجب توفرها والتى تمثلت فى:

أولا: إيقاف الإبادة والإغتصاب والتشريد وقصف الطيران ونزع سلاح المليشيات الحكومية , و إعادة النازحين واللاجئين الى مناطقهم وحواكيرهم الأصلية وتوفير الأمن والطعام والصحة والتعليم لهم , وطرد المستوطنين الجدد , و تعويض المتضررين فردياً وجماعياً وجبر الضرر , و ضمان عدم الإفلات من العقاب ومحاكمة قادة النظام وأجهزته الأمنية لدى المحكمة الجنائية الدولية.

ثانياً: مخاطبة جزور الأزمة السودانية المتمثلة فى المواطنة المتساوية وبسط الحريات والسلام الشامل الذي يفضى إلى إزالة النظام.

ثالثاً: بناء السلام والحوار السوداني السودانى ومناقشة قضايا التنمية المتوازنة والقضايا الأخرى مع مراعاة الأقاليم المتأثرة بالحرب.

ودامت نضالات الشعب السودانى

محمد عبد الرحمن الناير

الناطق الرسمى باسم مكتب رئيس الحركة

20 فبراير 2014م

giovedì 20 febbraio 2014

At Last some good work they can do!!

Cultural Center in the Name of Al-Tayeb Salih to be Established

Khartoum - Minister of Culture, Al-Tayeb Hassan Badawi announced a government initiative to establish a cultural center in the name of the late Al-Tayeb Salih in his village Kermakol to be a beacon of culture and encourages creators, and a tribute to his efforts in the Sudanese culture, which exceeded the local to the global.

During the final events of Al-Tayeb Salih world award of creativity in writing, the fourth session, which was held at the Friendship Hall, and sponsored by Zain Company, the minister said that the award has become a cultural season, stressing the state stands with all cultural programs and creators.

The minister called for the creators to take advantage of the cultural and ethnic diversity of the country to build stability and peaceful co-existence.

Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the award said that the award has been making more successes each year.

He said that there are 24 countries participated in the award from around the world, and that the number of participants from Sudan amounted to 181 participants.

Managing Director of Zain Company affirmed the company's commitment in the care of cultural events in the country, as it is the basis of development and stability, noting that the fourth session of the award has seen a significant expansion in the number of participants from all over the world, where the number of participants reached 586 ones.

He explained that the company has printed all the winning works over the past years and distributed them to university students.

By Ibrahim Al-Jack, 19 hours 41 minutes ago

lunedì 17 febbraio 2014

Government have to be blamed!!!

UN report points finger at Sudan over UNAMID attacks

February 16, 2014 (WASHINGTON) – A United Nations committee that is tasked with monitoring compliance with Sudan-related sanctions has pointed fingers at Khartoum for attacks that took place on African Union-United Nations peacekeepers in Darfur (UNAMID) in the towns of Muhajiriya and Khor Abeche last year.

"Janjaweed groups almost certainly played a leading role in the most prominent attacks against UNAMID (in Khor Abeche on 13 July 2013 and in Muhajeria on 18/19 April 2013); the attackers fit the profile of some well-known Janjaweed elements. These groups have also been behind violent crimes against internally displaced persons, tribes and even, in some instances, the Government itself," reads the report prepared by the UN Panel of Experts on the Sudan established pursuant to resolution 1591 and transmitted to UN Security Council this week.

The report obtained by Sudan Tribune which has not yet been made public, analyzed the April 2013 incident in Muhajiriya following its recapture from the rebel group of Sudan Liberation Army of Minni Minnawi (SLA/MM).

"At approximately 8.30 p.m. on 18 April 2013, between three and five 80 armed men in army uniforms forced entry into the UNAMID team site by firing at the gate lock. Once inside, they fired at United Nations civilian police personnel, who escaped unhurt. The bullets hit some of the installations, however. The attackers loudly asked why UNAMID had not stopped the killing of government soldiers during the SLA/MM attack on Muhajeria. Although this accusation had no merit, because it is not the role of UNAMID to protect the national armed forces, it does suggest a perceived motive of “retaliation” on the part of local government forces for this particular short attack of 10 minutes. The assailants escaped unharmed," the panel wrote.

"At approximately 1.10 a.m. on 19 April 2013, a more determined attack lasted two hours. A group of armed persons attacked the team site with assault rifles and vehicle-mounted machine guns. While NIBATT34 repelled the attack, one soldier was killed and two more injured. The attackers suffered one confirmed fatality. At about 8 a.m., a group of vehicles with mounted machine guns surrounded the team site; the occupants were shooting unaimed shots into the air. The assailants, accompanied by some allegedly government soldiers, entered the UNAMID team site and demanded to talk to the commander. Some witnesses stated that the leader of the group was extremely aggressive towards the commander and asked him whether he was the commander who had killed his men. He demanded compensation of 250,000 Sudanese pounds ($56,800) or he would launch a new attack and destroy the team site. UNAMID reinforcements arrived during the discussions and the situation was defused. The aggressors left the team site".

Shortly afterwards, the then East Darfur state governor Abdel-Hamid Musa Kasha visited UNAMID to assure them that there was no need to pay the blood money demanded and that the incident would not be repeated.

The report says that the panel got hold of evidence showing that the attack was carried out by a group known as "Savana" that is led by a man known as Mohamed Adam.

"The group has previously received arms and training from the Government and participated directly in the recovery of Labado and Muhajeria. There is further evidence to suggest that the Government has assigned the group responsibility for controlling 11 areas in Southern and Eastern Darfur, including Donkey Dresa, Um Kasola, Ngunya, Graida, Labado, Shearia, Muhajeria and Assalaya. The Panel is almost certain that this attack was carried out by Savana members, with the knowledge, acquiescence and/or support of the national armed forces".

The committee asserted that the involvement of the government in the attack is "highly probable" because

1. The Government was in tactical control of the local Muhajeria area at the moment of the attacks;

2. Government soldiers visited the UNAMID team site just hours before and after the attacks;

3. The Government was aware that the UNAMID team site was under strength because the Government had delayed the planned troop rotation before, and reinforcements during, the attacks;

4. It is highly probable that the government soldier who sought refuge within the UNAMID team site provided intelligence as to the operational environment there;

5. The strength and duration of the attacks could not have gone unnoticed by government security forces in the immediate area of the UNAMID team site;

6. The issue of blood money was raised by a national armed forces officer;

7. The attacks were implicitly accepted by the local government representative (Wali), who gave instructions that no blood money was actually required;

8. Neither the Special Prosecutor for crimes committed in Darfur, nor any other appropriate government investigative agency, has yet initiated any formal investigation;

9. The Government has to date failed to share any information on this case, the formal and informal requests made to it notwithstanding.

The second attack which took the form of an ambush in July 2013 occurred when a UNAMID patrol was attacked about 22 km from the team site at Khor Abeche. Eight UNAMID officers were killed and sixteen were wounded of which "at least two peacekeepers were killed in cold blood".

"Although the Panel has strong information on possible or alleged names of the perpetrators, it has still to obtain independent confirmatory evidence. It is, however, highly probable that the assailants were members of a Janjaweed group".

The panel however, acknowledged that some Janjaweed groups may have been acting on their own in some instances but nonetheless blamed the government "because it is highly probable that it continues to arm, support, use or tolerate many of the Janjaweed factions".

"It is the responsibility of the Government to investigate and prosecute each of the crimes in which these armed groups are alleged to be involved. The Panel is unaware of any tangible result, other than some public statements, about the fulfillment of the Government’s obligations in this regard".

The panel also said it had no evidence linking rebel groups to the attacks on UNAMID during the reporting period.

Ali Kushayb, a Janjaweed leader charged by the International Criminal Court for alleged war crimes in Darfur, is being investigated by the panel for his recent activity in the restive region.

"He [Kushayb] reportedly gave an incendiary speech at a market in Southern Darfur late in January 2013, during which he reportedly stated that he was not just a Central Reserve Police commander but also a Janjaweed commander able to defend its Ta’aisha land and called upon Ta’aisha fighters to protect their land. Other witnesses stated that he was observed taking part in attacks in April 2013 on villages around Abu Jeradil, Central Darfur" the panel said citing Human Rights Watch (HRW) report released last summer.

The Sudanese government has previously detained the militia leader to try him on unspecified charges in 2007 & 2008 but released him for lack of evidence.


The report also shed new light on the killing of the leaders of a breakaway faction of the Darfur Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) last May including its chief Mohamed Bashar and his deputy, Suleiman Arko.

Bashar, who led a splinter JEM faction, was returning to Darfur from the Chadian capital before heading to Khartoum to start the implementation of a peace deal he signed with the government in Doha on April 6th.

At the time, the mainstream group led by Gibril Ibrahim said they were attacked by Bashar group inside the Sudanese territory, and stressed that the two leading commanders were killed during the clashes. The holdout rebels also pointed out that people captured after the fighting, are "defectors" from the movement and they will be tried before its courts.

The UN panel said that Bashar received a telephone call from Sudan’s National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) "informing him that someone within his entourage was providing information to JEM and that an attack was imminent. The JEM informant, a Chadian, had provided logistical support (vehicles) to JEM when JEM was still a single entity".

But before Bashar could confront the informant, his group was attacked "by overwhelming firepower and so were unable to defend themselves effectively".

The witnesses who were interviewed by the panel agreed that Bashar and Arko were gravely wounded during the initial attack but were later executed along with four others. They also claimed that JEM captured between 28 and 32 members of JEM-Bashar and were told they will be tried as traitors.

The report pointed that they may be kept by JEM in areas of South Sudan and South Kordofan but that there is no confirmation that they are still alive.

The JEM attackers were identified by the witnesses to be Mohamed Yusuf Ibrahim (also known as Sultan), Mahdi Ismail (also known as Djabal Moune/Jebel Moon) and Fidiel Mohamed Rohema, who was the ground commander and was subsequently killed in action in November 2013.

The report said that during meetings with the Panel, the representatives of JEM were clear that the incident should be regarded as an internal JEM struggle in which the group applied its own “honour code” to an act of treason, rather than as an impediment to the peace process.


venerdì 14 febbraio 2014

Bashir have to accord peace.

خطاب الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السودان (شمال) في الجلسة الافتتاحية لمفاوضات أديس أبابا، 13 فبراير 2014

02-14-2014 12:23 AM

خطاب الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السودان)شمال(

فى الجلسة الافتتاحية لمفاوضات أديس أبابا، ١٣ فبراير ٢٠١٤

سعادة الرئيس ثابو أمبيكى، رئيس الآلية التنفيذية الرفيعة للإتحاد الإفريقى

سعادة الرئيس عبد السلام أبوبكر والسيد مبعوث الامين الام للامم المتحدة

السيد هايلى منكريوس، ممثل الايقاد سعادة ممثل الحكومة الاثيوبية


رئيس وفد الحكومة السودانية إبراهيم غندور

أعضاء الوفدين

السادة و السيدات من الصحافة والاعلام

السيد الرئيس أمبيكى أسمح لى مرة أخرى لتقديم تعازي الحركة الشعبية العميقة على رحيل آخر أنبياء السلام والتصالح والعدالة الاجتماعية والديمقراطية فى إفريقيا، ورمز نضال إفريقيا والإنسانية الرئيس الأسبق للمؤتمر الوطنى الإفريقى الرئيس نيلسون مانديلا. إن شجاعته وإيمانه ببناء مجتمع يقوم على المواطنة المتساوية، بعيداً عن التفرقة التى تستند على العرق والدين هما أكثر ما يحتاجه سودان اليوم. ومن رؤيته وشجاعته وإصراره يستطيع السودانيين أن يستخلصوا دروساً مهمة، مع الأخذ فى الإعتبار خصوصية ظروفهم وتأريخ السودان العظيم، الذى كان جزءً من حضارة وادى النيل، أحد أقدم وأعظم الحضارات المعروفة التى اضافت مساهمة كبيرة لتقدم الحضارة الانسانية.

إن السودان يمر بوضع فريد للغاية، ونحن نأتى الى محادثات السلام مرة أخرى متفهمين أن المطلوب هو رؤية جديدة وموقف جديد من أجل العبور ببلادنا الى عهد جديد، الى السلام العادل والديمقراطية والعدالة الإجتماعية، ويسمح بإنبثاق إجماع وطنى يقودنا الى مشروع متفق عليه للبناء الوطنى.

أود أن أؤكد فى إفتتاح هذه المفاوضات أن الحركة الشعبية (ش) تؤمن بالتسوية السلمية وليس العسكرية. كما أننا نعتقد أن الإجماع القومى هو السبيل الأفضل لتحقيق التسوية السلمية الدائمة. لقد حان الوقت ليبتعد السودان من تعريف نفسه بالمحددات الإثنية والدينية وأن يدخل فى طرح سياسي وإجتماعي جديد قائماً على الوحدة فى التنوع مبنياً على السمات المشتركة للشعب. إن التنوع فى السودان يمثل سمة إيجابية لمواطنيه، ولن تتحقق وحدة السودان إلا بإحترام التنوع.

لقد شجعتنا الإشارات الإيجابية من إخواننا وأخواتنا فى الجانب الآخر من هذه المفاوضات، على إعتبار أن هذه اللحظة لحظة للتغيير، إنها لحظة لإتباع منهج كلي، إنها لحظة لتحول ديمقراطي وللعدالة الإجتماعية، لحظة لإحترام حقوق الإنسان والحق فى المواطنة المتساوية. لذلك نعتقد أن الطرفين يمكنهما تحويل هذه السانحة الى حقيقة من خلال مخاطبة المآساة الإنسانية فى المنطقتين، على أن يكون هذا نموذجاً يمكن تطبيقه فى دارفور وشمال كردفان. فمن دون وضع حد للمعاناة الإنسانية نتيجة منع وصول المعونات للسكان الذين فى أشد الحاجه لها، ومن دون وضع حد للقصف الجوي والأرضي للأبرياء، ومن دون إطلاق سراح أسرى الحرب والمعتقلين السياسيين، ستصبح جديّة هذه المفاوضات وجدواها محل تسآؤل من السودانيين خاصة فى مناطق الحرب. لذلك يجب أن لا تخضع قضية المعونات الإنسانية لشروط سياسية، كما أننا مستعدون دوماً وبنفس القدر لحل القضايا السياسية.

إن حل القضايا الإنسانية سيخلق جواً مناسباً لحل القضايا السياسية والأمنية، وكما أعلنت الحركة الشعبية (ش) مراراً، لقد حان الوقت لتطبيق إتفاق أديس أبابا الإطاري بتاريخ 28 يونيو 2011، الذى من شأنه أن يقود لعملية دستورية قومية وحكومة إنتقالية تحظى بدعم أغلبية كبيرة من القوى السياسية والمجتمع المدنى المعارض والمؤيد.، وهذا ما يتطلبه قرار الإتحاد الإفريقي وقرار مجلس الأمن رقم 2046.

إن وقف الحرب فى النيل الأزرق، جبال النوبة، شمال كردفان ودارفور، الى جانب مخاطبة جذور أسبابها فى مؤتمر قومي دستوري هما بمثابة الحل لأزمات السودان السياسية والإقتصادية. إننا إذ نتحدث هنا اليوم، فإن الحكومة تستخدم 70% من الميزانية القومية لشن الحرب على مواطنيها، الأمر الذى قاد الى تداعيات خطيرة وجرائم حرب. ولن يتمكن السودان من إعادة بناء علاقات قومية أو إقليمية أو دولية صحيّة إلا بإيقاف هذه الحروب والقبول بتحول ديمقراطى كامل.

إننا نؤمن بأن إستمرار الحروب فى مناطق السودان المهمشة سيضر بمستقبل الوحدة فى السودان كما حدث من قبل فى قضية جنوب السودان. لكل ذلك فإننا ندعو حكومة السودان للقبول بمنبر واحد لإنهاء الحرب مع الجبهة الثورية السودانية. كما أننا نعتقد أن الرئيس تامبو أمبيكى، رئيس الهيئة الإفريقية رفيعة المستوى ومحمد بن شامباس الممثل الخاص المشترك للأمم المتحدة والإتحاد الإفريقي لدارفور ورئيس بعثة يوناميد والوسيط المشترك، يمكنهم العمل سوياً لتسهيل تكوين المنبر الجديد مع دعم المجتمع الإفريقي والدولى.

لقد حضرت الحركة الشعبية (ش) الى أديس أبابا بقلب وعقل مفتوحين وبالإرادة السياسية الضرورية للوصول مع إخواننا وأخواتنا فى حكومة السودان لحل ودى ونهائي للقضايا الخطيرة التى أقعدت دولتنا من أن تكون، مرة أخرى، أمة عظيمة.

ياسر عرمان

نيابة عن الوفد المفاوض

للحركة الشعبية لتحرير السودان (ش)

مفاوضات أديس أبابا

13 فبراير 2014