Rasha in traditional Sudanese Toub

sabato 25 febbraio 2012

I donot know Dr. Jibril!!!????

Israele è il Movimento per la giustizia e l'uguaglianza di essere il più forte nella regione

A seguito di un incontro tra il capo dei servizi segreti israeliani, Jibril Ibrahim
2012/02/24 22:32
Ha indotto il Movimento Giustizia e Uguaglianza serie di richieste al governo dell'entità sionista (Israele) ha detto che il movimento apre le porte disponibili per sostenere il suo nuovo regime libico dopo il crollo del primo.
Campo Fonti JEM anonimato preferito (smc) di un incontro ha descritto come significativa collezione di recente capo dei servizi segreti israeliani e Jibril Ibrahim capitale Alaungah Kampala gli ha chiesto l'ultimo ordine importante per un incontro urgente con il suo primo ministro israeliano durante la sua prossima visita in Africa orientale nel corso del mese di marzo successivo.
Il direttore dell'intelligence israeliana come fonte di impegno del suo governo per sostenere il Movimento per la Giustizia e l'Uguaglianza logistico durante il prossimo periodo, ha detto il Direttore dei Servizi Segreti: Come sosteniamo è stimato Abdul Wahed al-Nur e la sua fazione, noi vi daremo il Justice and Equality Movement, indicando la sua intenzione a visitare Juba nei prossimi giorni a seguire ciò che è stato concordato tra il governo Stato del Sud e la visita del Presidente di Tel Aviv di recente.
Si consiglia il capo intelligence israeliana, Jibril Ibrahim, l'importanza di costruire buone relazioni con i paesi dell'Africa orientale come il Kenya, Camerun e Aunga e disse: (Noi cercheremo di organizzare per il successo del vostro incontro con il Primo Ministro, perché si può presto diventare il movimento più potente nella regione).


Israel is the Justice and Equality Movement to be the strongest in the region

Following a meeting between the Israeli intelligence chief, Jibril Ibrahim
02-24-2012 10:32 PM
Prompted the Justice and Equality Movement set of demands to the government of the Zionist entity (Israel) said that the movement opens the ports available to support her new Libyan regime after the collapse of the former.
Sources field JEM preferred anonymity to (smc) about a meeting she described as significant collection recently head of Israeli intelligence and Jibril Ibrahim capital Alaungah Kampala asked him the last important order for an urgent meeting with his Israeli Prime Minister during his upcoming visit to East Africa during the month of March next.
The director of the Israeli intelligence as the source his government's commitment to support the Movement for Justice and Equality logistically during the coming period, said Director of Intelligence: As we support is estimated to Abdul Wahed al-Nur and his faction, we we will give you in the Justice and Equality Movement, indicating that he intended to visit Juba in the coming days to follow up what has been agreed upon between the government State of the South and the President's visit to Tel Aviv recently.
He advised the Israeli intelligence chief, Jibril Ibrahim, the importance of building good relations with the countries of East Africa such as Kenya, Cameroon and Aunga and said: (We will endeavor to arrange for the success of your meeting with the Prime Minister, because you may soon you become the most powerful movement in the region).

giovedì 9 febbraio 2012

South and North Sudan.

Juba: London: Ammar Awad

Revealed the Government of the Republic of South Sudan on the progress of a U.S. company based in Texas to establish a pipeline of the new oil from southern Sudan to the port of Lamu Kenya,
Said government spokesman Barnaba Marial Benjamin told a news conference premises of the Ministry of Finance and the economy (the U.S. company made a presentation to complete the pipeline in 6 months - which has been signed between the Government of Kenya and the Government of South Sudan - while the company said Toyota Japanese _ had previously bid for the construction of the pipeline in the past - it is still a feasibility study) and the announcement comes the southern government that after the expiration of the meetings of the Political Bureau of the People's Movement for the Liberation of Sudan, which held its the first since the independence of South Sudan to consider the issues facing South Sudan, where the Committee decided to political support for the decisions the Council of Ministers and the Parliament on locking the oil wells, said the secretary-general of the SPLM Pagan Amum senior negotiator in the State of the South at a news conference Affairs of the People's Movement "meeting endorsed the decision of the Council Minister to stop oil production Baattabrh a resolution aimed at establishing the rule of South Sudan and the protection of natural resources for the people of the South) said the Secretary General Pagan Amum said the meeting recommended to proceed in the search for options and plans optimal for building a new pipeline along with the adoption and implementation of measures of austerity in the general budget of the state and work to ensure use the right of the limited resources available to the State and to exercise the utmost fiscal discipline in spending on projects with prioritization and efficient delivery of services to the people of South Sudan.

In context, the spokesman said the government's official Barnabas Benjamin at the conference which was held at the Ministry of Finance, all ministries can expect a reduction in its budget, said after Aatzer the absence of the Minister of Finance to answer to journalists about the details of the government's plan of Finance (was supposed to explain to you the Minister of Finance details of the government's plan But that will not be before presenting the plan to the Cabinet at a meeting this weekend, but to all ministries can expect a reduction in its budget) and the detection of Barnabas the signing of the Government of the South to another MOU with Ethiopia to build an oil pipeline a pass through Djibouti to facilitate the transfer of the oil major, which is full of by South Sudan

The Barnabas Benjamin that they discovered the 300 wells during the process of shutting down oil wells (Khartoum over the past years that the number of oil wells is 300 wells was a big lie where we are during the process of shutting down wells and found the 600 wells) and was President of the Republic team in advance Kiir threatened the Sudanese government and companies Petroleum persecuting the competent international courts on this issue.

Sources from within the government of the south and connected to a close the file of oil in southern Sudan, said the company reports over the past years used to say that the number of wells in the state of the unit's 230 well, but now we found that the number of wells Alaibar is the real 273 well a product in the field Flug the reports and accounts submitted on the number of wells in the field, 301 wells, and now we found the number 613 wells, the source added (it was said that the field Flug produces 280 to 300 thousand barrels per day and the fact that it produces between 480 to 500 thousand barrels per day has been the face of the Chinese company of these facts when Ato to pressure the government in Juba in order to abandon its decision to stop and confront them after telling them the facts and the recent structure of the southern government to resort to the courts of South Sudan asked to wait and solve the problem Baltfod and reparation)

The source pointed out a high level that the Government of Southern Sudan has been able to limit the companies that was (looting) of the Southern Oil subcontractor over the past years and found it's firms owned Msalin in the government and relatives of President Omar al-Bashir of the first class and said (we know that the wrath of al-Bashir of the closure of oil wells due to the the threat of reconciliation and personal financial interests of his family and some of those around him share his officials in the companies that were looted oil south for five years).

Rivelato il governo della Repubblica del Sud Sudan per il progresso di una società statunitense con sede in Texas per stabilire una pipeline del nuovo olio dal sud del Sudan al porto di Lamu Kenya.
Ha detto il portavoce del governo Barnaba Marial Benjamin ha detto un locale della conferenza stampa del Ministero delle finanze e dell'economia (la società statunitense ha tenuto una presentazione per completare la pipeline in 6 mesi - che è stato firmato tra il governo del Kenya e il governo del Sud Sudan - mentre la società ha detto Toyota giapponese _ aveva già un'offerta per la costruzione del gasdotto in passato - è ancora uno studio di fattibilità) e l'annuncio arriva dal governo del sud che dopo la scadenza delle riunioni dell'Ufficio Politico del Movimento Popolare per la Liberazione del Sudan, che ha tenuto la sua il primo dopo l'indipendenza del Sud Sudan a considerare i problemi che devono affrontare Sudan meridionale, dove il Comitato ha deciso di sostegno politico per le decisioni del Consiglio dei ministri e al Parlamento sul blocco pozzi di petrolio, ha detto il segretario generale del negoziatore SPLM Pagan Amum alto nello Stato del Sud ad Affari una conferenza stampa del Movimento "meeting del Popolo ha approvato la decisione del Consiglio Ministro di fermare la produzione Baattabrh di olio una risoluzione intesa a stabilire la regola del Sud Sudan e la protezione delle risorse naturali per la gente del Sud) ha detto che il segretario generale Pagan Amum detto che l'incontro raccomanda di procedere nella ricerca di opzioni e piani ottimali per la costruzione di un nuovo gasdotto con l'adozione e l'attuazione di misure di austerità nel bilancio generale dello Stato e lavorare per garantire un uso il diritto delle limitate risorse disponibili per lo Stato e di esercitare la massima disciplina fiscale delle spese per progetti con priorità e prestazioni di servizi efficienti alla popolazione del Sud Sudan.

Nel contesto, ha detto il portavoce del governo ufficiale di Barnaba Benjamin alla conferenza che si è tenuta presso il Ministero delle Finanze, tutti i ministeri possono aspettarsi una riduzione del suo bilancio, ha detto dopo Aatzer l'assenza del ministro delle Finanze a rispondere ai giornalisti circa i dettagli del piano del governo delle finanze (avrebbe dovuto spiegare a voi il ministro dei dettagli finanziari del piano del governo Ma non sarà prima di presentare il piano al Consiglio dei Ministri in una riunione questo fine settimana, ma a tutti i ministeri possono aspettarsi una riduzione del budget) e la rilevazione di Barnaba la firma del governo del Sud ad un altro protocollo d'intesa con l'Etiopia per costruire un oleodotto un passaggio attraverso il Gibuti per facilitare il trasferimento di olio maggiore, che è piena di dal Sud Sudan

The Benjamin Barnaba che hanno scoperto i 300 pozzi durante il processo di spegnimento dei pozzi petroliferi (Khartoum nel corso degli ultimi anni che il numero di pozzi di petrolio si trova a 300 pozzi era una grande bugia dove siamo durante il processo di spegnimento pozzi ed ha trovato le 600 pozzi) ed è stato presidente della squadra di Repubblica in anticipo Kiir ha minacciato il governo sudanese e le aziende Petroleum perseguitare i tribunali internazionali competenti su questo tema.

Fonti all'interno del governo del sud e collegato ad un chiudere il file di petrolio nel sud del Sudan, ha detto che la società i rapporti negli ultimi anni dicevano che il numero di pozzi nello stato di di unità il 230 bene, ma ora abbiamo scoperto che il numero di pozzetti Alaibar è il vero 273 e un prodotto nel Flug campo delle relazioni e dei conti presentati sul numero di pozzi in campo, 301 pozzi, e ora abbiamo trovato il numero di 613 pozzi, ha aggiunto la fonte (si diceva che il Flug campo produce 280 a 300 mila barili al giorno e il fatto che essa produce tra 480 e 500 mila barili al giorno è stato il volto della società cinese di questi fatti, quando Ato fare pressione sul governo a Juba, al fine di abbandonare la sua decisione di fermarsi e confrontarsi con loro dopo aver detto loro i fatti e la struttura recenti del governo meridionale di ricorrere ai tribunali del Sud Sudan ha chiesto di aspettare e risolvere il problema e Baltfod riparazione)

La fonte ha sottolineato un alto livello che il Governo del Sud Sudan è stato in grado di limitare le aziende che è stato (saccheggio) del subappaltatore Southern Oil negli ultimi anni ed ha trovato le sue imprese di proprietà Msalin nel governo e parenti del presidente Omar al-Bashir di prima classe e disse (sappiamo che l'ira di al-Bashir di chiusura di pozzi petroliferi a causa del la minaccia di riconciliazione e di personali interessi finanziari della sua famiglia e alcuni di quelli intorno a lui condividere i suoi funzionari nelle aziende che sono stati saccheggiati a sud di olio per cinque anni).

venerdì 3 febbraio 2012

News of Sudan.

The UN said its mission in southern Sudan is investigating reports of about 80 people killed in the massacre committed by men in uniform.

On the other hand, demanded the United Nations of the largest of its officials in the Sudanese region of Darfur, Ibrahim Gambari, to avoid interviews President Omar al-Bashir wanted by the International Criminal Court. Protested, Human Rights Watch-American Commission on Human Rights, based in New York last week in a letter to the Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon on the meeting, which showed a picture of Ibrahim Gambari, in which he talks with al-Bashir during a wedding his Chadian counterpart Idriss Deby in Khartoum. He said UN spokesman Martin Nesirky told reporters yesterday I happened to draw the attention of the UN envoy Gambari to Darfur to the message and the need to avoid such interviews in the future.

Le Nazioni Unite hanno detto che la sua missione nel sud del Sudan è esaminare le notizie di circa 80 persone uccise nel massacro commesso da uomini in uniforme.

D'altra parte, ha chiesto alle Nazioni Unite del più grande dei suoi funzionari nella regione sudanese del Darfur, Ibrahim Gambari, al fine di evitare interviste il presidente Omar al-Bashir ricercato dalla Corte penale internazionale. Protestò, Human Rights Watch-American Commissione sui Diritti Umani, con sede a New York la scorsa settimana in una lettera al Segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite Ban Ki-moon sulla riunione, che ha mostrato una foto di Ibrahim Gambari, in cui parla con al-Bashir durante un matrimonio il suo omologo ciadiano Idriss Deby a Khartoum. Ha detto il portavoce delle Nazioni Unite Martin Nesirky ha detto ai giornalisti ieri mi è capitato di richiamare l'attenzione dell'inviato Onu Gambari nel Darfur per il messaggio e la necessità di evitare tali interviste in futuro.

mercoledì 1 febbraio 2012

News of Sudan.

Sudan news.

The Daily Telegraph newspaper said that the World Food Program warns that Sudan will face a humanitarian crisis unless the government allows the entry of aid.

It is estimated that the World Food Program of the United Nations that about half a million people have been forced to flee from Sudan if the government insisted on not allowing humanitarian aid entering the country.

Said Ramiro Lopes da Silva, Deputy Director of the World Food Program, said he entered into negotiations with Khartoum to allow aid workers to enter the area of the Blue Nile and South Kordofan, which lies on the border with South Sudan. He escaped an estimated 80 thousand people due to armed rebellion and hunger between North and South Sudan

War zone
On January 30, 2012 held by the Chairman of the SPLM Property Owner and the Secretary-General Yasir Arman and chief financial officer of Ramadan Hassan held a meeting with Chinese Ambassador C. Xin,

who was commissioned by the Chinese government to follow up the issue 29 of the workers and technocracy Chinese who are present with the SPLA in South Kordofan, due to a the strength of the Army to destroy the ambush forces at the site of the National Congress the Chinese company which carried out a road in war zones, the National Congress intends to use for military purposes in the Abbasid - Rashad. The Chinese envoy said China's interest in the safety of its citizens and ensure their arrival and that China is not a party to the conflict in Sudan and its workers who had come to contribute to the development of Sudan.
It should be noted that before the beginning of the meeting, contact was made Commander Abdul Aziz Adam Sweet, Vice President of the People's Movement, which stressed that the Chinese workers of the 29 people in a good condition, was brought to his troops secured the safety and return to the outside of war zones and warned Nkunda's National Congress of targeting Chinese workers by air or by land and it will bear full responsibility if doing so private and official spokesman later said that they have paid for reinforcements to attack the SPLA in Southern Kordofan!!.
It is known that the spokesman, Ahmad Harun had walked deliberately inaccurate statements lying in Mi_khas Chinese workers and the SPLM would like to emphasize the following:
1 - will operate the popular movement to ensure the safety of Chinese workers are being arranged in cooperation with the Chinese government and humanitarian organizations working in this field, which met today, 31 January as head of the movement and its Secretary-General to ensure their safety and moved to China in particular, those days of experiencing Christmas Chinese New Year and the SPLM put top priority to assure their safety and their families and the people and the Chinese government.
2 - requested by the Popular Movement of the dimensions of its nationals from China who are in war zones in southern Kordofan and Blue Nile, with a welcome development after the end of the wars in the Sudan.
3 - were given the background of the conflict's current Ambassador to China and members of his delegation that the war ahead is the aggression of the National Congress, which prohibited the work of the SPLM in Sudan, killing and wounding hundreds of civilians over the aggression by air, land and forced thousands of civilians displaced and asylum, and the popular movement calls for the Republic of China to contribute to the operations humanity and the opening of safe corridors, which rejects the leadership of the National Congress approved and also invites them to warn the Sudanese government from any ground attack or air sites Chinese workers and ensure their safety as well as that China supports the demand of the movement in the open international investigation into war crimes and the lack of impunity and contribute to a comprehensive perspective to resolve the issue of Sudan.
4 - formed the Popular Movement for the tripartite committee comprising of: Nero Philip as president, and Hashim, a battalion of the humanitarian wing of the SPLM, and Arnaud Onqthelo official spokesman of the follow-up insurance and the arrival of Chinese workers to Zoém It is worth mentioning that the Popular Movement have already released 61 of the workers and technicians Indians and 13 of the Greeks in the Blue Nile in the months of September and October and two of their interest in the popular movement known human rights issues, mainly the issues of prisoners of war and contacts are now with the Red Cross to release the prisoners in the Blue Nile.
5 -. While the Government retains the National Congress by more than 200 detainees from the leaders of the SPLM and friends, led by Dr. Moon Hussein and Abdel Moneim mercy, and who was a large number of them to torture as well as the disappearance of more than 400 members of the movement in the campaigns of ethnic cleansing by the National Conference and the trial 19 of its members to death, however, the SPLM will not lose the right direction in a bias to the issues of human rights, and in the original movement to gain human rights, political, cultural, economic and social - civil and natural resources.
6 - The Chinese Ambassador and members of his delegation estimate the government and the Communist Party of China to the position of the SPLM and the need to continue and strengthen the relations between the parties and, in their arrangements with the Chinese government. It is expected the arrival of Chinese workers in the next couple of days to Zoém through joint action by the committee from the leadership of the SPLM in this regard.

Yasser Arman
Secretary-General of the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Sudan
January 31, 2012 letter