Rasha in traditional Sudanese Toub

mercoledì 9 giugno 2010

Social and vip Sudanese realty.

لخبطة: زيدان إبراهيم يكشف حقيقة تهديد جواهر بالقتل
قال الفنان زيدان إبراهيم إنه إحتضن المطربة جواهر فنياً في السابق عندما كانت في بداياتها الفنية قبل إقامتها الحالية بمصر ونفى زيدان الشائعات التي اطلقت كذباً عن محاولة إغتيالها بيد أهلها إذا لم تترك الغناء وهروبها من بورتسودان الى العاصمة وأوضح أن العلاقة الطيبة لازالت مستمرة مع المطربة جواهر التي تستحق كل خير ونجاح.
Messier: Zidane Abramo rivela la verità circa la minaccia di morte Gioielli "Ha detto l'artista Zidane Ibrahim, che ha abbracciato l'arte cantante Jawahir in passato quando era nella sua arte infanzia prima del suo soggiorno in Egitto e Zidane negato le voci che ha attivato una bugia cercando di ucciderli, però, la sua famiglia se lascia il canto e il volo da Port Sudan sul capitale e ha sottolineato che il buon rapporto è ancora in corso con i gioielli d
ella cantante da meritano tutto il meglio e il successo.


Messier: Zidane Abraham reveals the truth about the threat of death Jawahir
"Said the artist Zidane Ibrahim that he embraced the singer Jawahir art in the past when it was in its infancy art before her stay in Egypt and Zidane denied rumors that fired a lie trying to kill them, however, her family if it leaves singing and flight from Port Sudan to the capital and pointed out that the good relationship is still ongoing with the singer Jawahir by deserve all the best and success.

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